Crime Scene Search
12 Stages: Preparation, Approach Scene, Secure Scene, Preliminary Survey, Evaluate Evidence, Narrative Description, Photographs, Sketch/Diagram/Drawing, Search, Record/Collect Evidence, Final Survey, Release Scene
Preparation: be mostly prepped ahead of time/always, assign tasks/determine specialists needed
Advanced preparation includes: equipment, vehicles, packaging and collection materials, personal protective equipment, liaison with specialists
Approach Scene: avoid destroying evidence, take control of scene, establish perimeter, make entrance/exit (away from evidence)
Transient Evidence: evidence that will go away quickly for a variety of reasons (blow away, melt, etc)
Secure and Protect Scene: keep out unauthorized personnel, start record of everyone who enters/exits, obtain information about the scene and everything that has been done to it so far
Initiate Preliminary Search: initial walkthrough (cautious), make notes, consider methods to process scene
Evaluate Physical Evidence: most to least transient, begins as soon as you get to the scene
Narrative Description: running narrative, note every detail, can be audio, written, or video
Depict Crime Scene Photographically: best way to show a scene to the jury, use photo log, overall, medium, and close-up
Sketch, Diagram, or Drawing: hand-made on scene, approximation, clarifies the position of evidence
Conduct Detailed Search: base search method on scene, avoid contamination
Search methods: circle/spiral, strip, line, grid, zone
Record and Collect Physical Evidence: package properly, keep chain of custody, keep log of all of the evidence collected
Paper packaging: biological materials, can destroy latent prints
Plastic packaging: paper documents, can deteriorate biological materials
KPACK Heat seal bags: good for most evidence, specifically biohazard materials
Paint cans: bomb/arson evidence
When evidence is evaluated, make new cut and tape that part and initial it
Evidence log: description, location, name, evidence item number
Chain of Custody: must have absolutely no gaps to be admissible in court
Conduct Final Survey: review all aspects of search, take exit pictures, ensure all evidence accounted for
Release scene: back to whoever the property belongs to/the public, you cannot go back to the scene, no second chances