The survival of living organisms including humans depends on sustainable communities
Species are groups of organisms that can potentially interbreed to produce offspring
Members of a species may be reproductively isolated in separate populations
A community is formed by populations of different species living and interacting with each other
A community forms an ecosystem by its interactions with the abiotic environment
Species are either autotrophs or heterotrophs
Autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients from the abiotic environment (or make their food)
Consumers are heterotrophs that feed on living organisms by ingestion
Detritivores are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from detritus (waste or debris of any kind) by internal digestion
Saprotrophs are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion
The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained by nutrient cycling
Ecosystems have the potential to be sustainable over long periods
A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile, viable offspring
Members of a single are unable to produce fertile, viable offspring with members from a different species
When two different species do produce offspring by cross-breeding, these hybrids are reproductively sterile (or they cannot reproduce) (e.g. liger, mule)
A population is a group of organisms of the same species that are living in the same area at the same time
Organisms that live in different regions (i.e. different populations) are reproductively isolated and unlikely to interbreed, however are classified as the same species if interbreeding is functionally possible
A group of populations living together and interacting with each other within a given area
The environment in which a species normally lives, or the location of a living organism
A community and its abiotic environment (i.e. habitat)
The study of the relationship between living organisms, or between living organisms and their environment
Synthesizes its organic molecules from simple inorganic substances (e.g. CO2)
Energy for this process is derived from sunlight (photosynthesis) or the oxidation of inorganic molecules (chemosynthesis)
Because autotrophs synthesize their organic molecules they are commonly referred to as producers
Most autotrophs derive the energy for this process from sunlight (via photosynthesis)
Some may derive the needed energy from the oxidation of inorganic chemicals (chemosynthesis)
Obtains organic molecules from other organisms (either living / recently killed or their nonliving remains and detritus)
Because heterotrophs cannot produce their organic molecules and obtain it from other sources, they are called consumers
Certain unicellular organisms may on occasion use both forms of nutrition, depending on resource availability
Species can be classified according to their mode of nutrition
Autotrophs produce their organic molecules using either light energy or energy derived from the oxidation of chemicals
Heterotrophs obtain organic molecules from other organisms via one of three methods:
Consumers ingest organic molecules from living or recently killed organisms
Detritivores ingest organic molecules found in the non-living remnants of organisms (e.g. detritus, humus)
Saprotrophs release digestive enzymes and then absorb the external products of digestion (decomposers)
Consumers are heterotrophs that feed on living organisms by ingestion
Herbivores are consumers that feed principally on plant matter (e.g. cows, sheep, rabbits)
Carnivores are consumers that feed principally on animal matter (e.g. crocodiles, wolves, tigers)
Omnivores are consumers that have a principal diet composed of both plant and animal matter (e.g. pandas, humans)
Scavengers are a type of consumer that principally feed on dead and decaying carcasses rather than hunting live prey
Examples of scavengers include hyenas, vultures and carrion birds (such as crows)
Detritivores are a type of heterotroph that obtains nutrients from non-living organic sources, such as residue and humus
Detritus is dead, particulate organic matter – such as decaying organic material and faecal matter
Humus is the term given specifically to the decaying leaf litter intermixed within the topsoil
Detritivores include dung beetles, earthworms, woodlice, snails and crabs
Saprotrophs live on (or in) non-living organic matter, secrete digestive enzymes into it and absorb the products of digestion
Unlike other types of heterotrophs, saprotrophs do not ingest food
Are commonly referred to as decomposers
Examples of saprotrophs include bacteria and fungi
Nutrients refer to the material required by an organism and include elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
The supply of inorganic nutrients on Earth is finite – new elements cannot be created and so are in limited supply
Chemical elements are constantly recycled after they are used:
Autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients from the air, water and soil and convert them into organic compounds
Heterotrophs ingest these organic compounds and use them for growth and respiration, releasing inorganic byproducts
When organisms die, saprotrophs decompose the remains and free inorganic materials into the soil
The return of inorganic nutrients to the soil ensures the continual supply of raw materials for the autotrophs
The water cycle shows the continuous movement of water within the Earth and atmosphere.
It is a complex system that includes many different processes.
Liquid water evaporates into water vapour, condenses to form clouds, and precipitates back to earth in the form of rain and snow.
Phosphorus is a primary component of DNA and energy-storing molecules (ATP), and is present in membranes (phospholipids)
Phosphorus-based compounds are usually solid and hence phosphorus is not found as a gas in the atmosphere
Phosphorus (as phosphates) is incorporated and fixed to soil particles but may be released by the weathering of rocks
Phosphates may enter the waterways via erosion and leaching
Sulphur is an essential component of living organisms, being apart of many proteins and enzyme cofactors
Sulfur in the air and soil may be oxidized to form sulfates (SO42–)
Plants and bacteria reduce sulfates and hence sulfur becomes incorporated into organic molecules
Sulfur within the soil can also be mineralised into inorganic forms and incorporated with metals
Burning of fossil fuels releases sulfur as sulfur dioxide (SO2), which is an enabling component of acid rain
The majority of the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of nitrogen gas however it is chemically inert in this form
Atmospheric nitrogen must be chemically processed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria to be used by plant
Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil as nitrate ions, nitrate ions or ammonium, while animals consume these products from plants
When organisms die, nitrogen is in an organic form (proteins) and must be converted back into an inorganic form (ammonification)
Nitrogen in the soil is converted back into inert nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria
Ecosystems describe the interaction between biotic components (i.e. communities) and abiotic components (i.e. habitat)
They are largely self-contained and can be self-sustaining over long periods
There are three main components required for sustainability in an ecosystem:
Energy availability – light from the sun provides the initial energy source for almost all communities
Nutrient availability – saprotrophic decomposers ensure the constant recycling of inorganic nutrients
Recycling of wastes – certain bacteria can detoxify harmful waste byproducts
The presence of two species within a given environment will be dependent upon potential interactions between them
If two species are typically found within the same habitat, they show a positive association
Species that show a positive association include those that exhibit predator-prey or symbiotic relationships
If two species tend not to occur within the same habitat, they show a negative association
Species will typically show a negative association if there is competition for the same resources
One species may utilize the resources more efficiently, precluding the survival of the other species (competitive exclusion)
Both species may alter their use of the environment to avoid direct competition (resource partitioning)
If two species do not interact, there will be no association between them and their distribution will be independent of one another
The presence of two species within a given environment can be determined using quadrat sampling
A quadrat is a rectangular frame of known dimensions that can be used to establish population densities
Quadrats are placed inside a defined area in either a random arrangement or according to a design (e.g. belted transect)
The number of individuals of a given species is either counted or estimated via percentage coverage
The sampling process is repeated many times to gain a representative data set
Quadrat sampling is not an effective method for counting motile organisms
No species is there total isolation, all organisms interact with both the abiotic environment and other organisms
If two species interact directly within a shared environment, they share a positive association (they co-exist)
If interactions within an environment are mutually detrimental, they share a negative association (do not co-exist)
Positive Associations
Predator-Prey Relationships
Predation is a biological interaction whereby one organism (predator) hunts and feeds on another organism (prey)
Because the predator relies on the prey as a food source, their population levels are intertwined
If the prey population drops (e.g. due to overfeeding), predator numbers will dwindle as competition increases
If the prey population rises, predator numbers will increase as a result of the overabundance of a food source
Symbiotic Relationships
Symbiosis describes the close and persistent (long-term) interaction between two species
Symbiotic relationships can be obligate (required for survival) or facultative (advantageous without being strictly necessary)
Symbiotic relationships can be beneficial to either one or both organisms in the partnership:
Mutualism – Both species benefit from the interaction (anemone protects clownfish, clownfish provides fecal matter for food)
Commensalism – One species benefits, the other is unaffected (barnacles are transported to plankton-rich waters by whales)
Parasitism – One species benefits to the detriment of the other species (ticks and fleas feed on the blood of their canine host)
Negative Associations
Competition describes the interaction between two organisms whereby the fitness of one is lowered by the presence of the other
Competition can be intraspecific (between members of same species) or interspecific (between members of different species)
Limited supplies of resources (e.g. food, water, territory) usually triggers one of two types of responses:
Competitive exclusion – One species uses the resources more efficiently, driving the other species to local extinction
Resource partitioning – Both species alter their use of the environment to divide the resources between them
An ecological niche describes the functional position and role of an organism within its environment
An ecological niche will be comprised of various components, including:
The habitat in which the organism lives
The activity patterns of the organism (e.g. periods during which it is active)
The resources it obtains from the environment
The interactions that occur with other species in the region
Types of Niches
Some species may not be able to occupy their entire niche due to the presence or absence of other species
Niche differentiation describes the way by which competing species use the environment differently to exist
Ecosystems require a continuous supply of energy to fuel life processes and to replace energy lost as heat
Most ecosystems rely on a supply of energy from sunlight
Light energy is converted to chemical energy in carbon compounds by photosynthesis
Chemical energy in carbon compounds flows through food chains using feeding
The energy released from carbon compounds by respiration is used in living organisms and converted to heat
Living organisms cannot convert heat to other forms of energy
Heat is lost from ecosystems
Energy losses between trophic levels restrict the length of food chains and the biomass of higher trophic levels
All green plants, and some bacteria, are photoautotrophic – they use sunlight as a source of energy
This makes light the initial source of energy for almost all communities
In a few ecosystems, the producers are chemoautotrophic bacteria, which use energy derived from chemical processes
Light energy is absorbed by photoautotrophs and is converted into chemical energy via photosynthesis
This light energy is used to make organic compounds (e.g. sugars) from inorganic sources (e.g. CO2)
Heterotrophs ingest these organic compounds to derive their chemical energy (ATP)
When organic compounds are broken down via cell respiration, ATP is produced to fuel metabolic processes
Energy enters most ecosystems as sunlight, where it is converted into chemical energy by producers (via photosynthesis)
This chemical energy is stored in carbon compounds (organic molecules) and is transferred to heterotrophs via feeding
The position an organism occupies within a feeding sequence is known as a trophic level
Producers always occupy the first trophic level in a feeding sequence
Primary consumers feed on producers and hence occupy the second trophic level
Further consumers (e.g. secondary, tertiary, etc.) may occupy subsequent trophic levels
A food chain shows the linear feeding relationships between species in a community
Arrows represent the transfer of energy and matter as one organism is eaten by another (arrows point in the direction of energy flow)
The first organism in a food chain is always a producer, followed by consumers (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.)
Energy stored in organic molecules (e.g. sugars and lipids) can be released by cell respiration to produce ATP
This ATP is then used to fuel metabolic reactions required for growth and homeostasis
A by-product of these chemical reactions is heat (thermal energy), which is released from the organism
Not all energy stored in organic molecules is transferred via heterotrophic feeding – some of the chemical energy is lost by:
Being excreted as part of the organism’s feces
Remaining unconsumed as the uneaten portions of the food
The chemical energy produced by an organism can be converted into a number of forms, including:
Kinetic energy (e.g. during muscular contractions)
Electrical energy (e.g. during the transmission of nerve impulses)
Light energy (e.g. producing bioluminescence)
All of these reactions are exothermic and release thermal energy (heat) as a by-product
Living organisms cannot turn this heat into other forms of usable energy
This heat energy is released from the organism and is lost from the ecosystem (unlike nutrients, which are recycled)
Hence ecosystems require a continuous influx of energy from an external source (such as the sun)
When energy transformations take place in living organisms the process is never 100% efficient
Most of the energy is lost to the organism – either used in respiration, released as heat, excreted in faeces or unconsumed
Typically energy transformations are ~10% efficient, with about 90% of available energy lost between trophic levels
The amount of energy transferred depends on how efficiently organisms can capture and use energy (usually between 5 – 20%)
As energy is lost between trophic levels, higher trophic levels store less energy as carbon compounds and so have less biomass
Biomass is the total mass of a group of organisms – consisting of the carbon compounds contained in the cells and tissues
Biomass diminishes along food chains with the loss of carbon dioxide, water and waste products (e.g. urea) to the environment
Because energy and biomass are lost between each level of a food chain, the number of potential trophic levels is limited
Higher trophic levels receive less energy/biomass from feeding and so need to eat larger quantities to obtain sufficient amounts
Because higher trophic levels need to eat more, they expend more energy hunting for food
If the energy required to hunt food exceeds the energy available from the food eaten, the trophic level becomes unviable
A pyramid of energy is a graphical representation of the amount of energy at each trophic level of a food chain
They are expressed in units of energy per area per time (e.g. kJ m–2 year–1)
Pyramids of energy will never appear inverted as some of the energy stored in one source is always lost upon transfer
Each level should be roughly one-tenth of the size of the preceding level (as energy transformations are ~10% efficient)
The bottom level will always represent the producers, with subsequent levels representing consumers
Ecological Productivity
In ecology, production (or productivity) refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem
It is usually expressed in units of mass per area per time (e.g. kg m–2 day–1)
Primary Production
Primary production describes the production of chemical energy in organic compounds by producers
The main source of energy for primary production is sunlight, but a fraction may be driven by chemosynthesis by lithotrophs
Primary production may be categorized as one of two types:
Gross primary production (GPP) is the amount of chemical energy as biomass that a producer creates in a given length of time
Net primary production (NPP) is the amount of chemical energy that is not consumed by respiration (NPP = GPP – respiration)
Secondary Production
Secondary production describes the generation of biomass by heterotrophic organisms (consumers)
This biomass generation is driven by the transfer of organic compounds between trophic levels via feeding
Secondary production may also be categorized according to gross (total) and net (usable) amounts of biomass
Food Webs
A food web is a diagram that shows how food chains are linked together into more complex feeding relationships
A food web is more representative of actual feeding pathways within an ecosystem because:
Organisms can have more than one food source
Organisms can have more than one predator
This means that, unlike a food chain, organisms in a food web can occupy more than one trophic level
When constructing food webs, position organisms at their highest trophic level (keep all arrows pointing in the same direction)
Ecological pyramids show the relative amounts of a specific component at the different trophic levels of an ecosystem
The three main types of ecological pyramids measure species numbers, biomass and energy:
Pyramid of Numbers
A pyramid of numbers shows the relative number of organisms at each stage of a food chain
These are usually shaped like pyramids, as higher trophic levels cannot be sustained if there are more predators than pre
However, the shape may be distorted if a food source is disproportionately large/biomass compared to the feeder
For example, a large number of caterpillars may feed on a single oak tree and many fleas may feed off a single dog host
Pyramid of Biomass
A pyramid of biomass shows the total mass of organisms at each stage of a food chain
These pyramids are almost always upright in shape, as biomass diminishes along food chains as CO2 and waste is released
An exception to this rule is found in marine ecosystems, where zooplankton have a larger total biomass than phytoplankton
This is because phytoplankton replace their biomass at such a rapid rate and so can support a larger biomass of zooplankton
Because energy transformations are only ~10% efficient, higher trophic levels must consume more prey to meet energy needs
If a pollutant is ingested by living organisms, it will become concentrated at higher trophic levels as they eat more exposed prey
The increase of a substance (such as a pollutant) in a particular organism is called bioaccumulation
The increase in the concentration of a substance at a particular trophic level is called biomagnification
Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants enter a food chain, whereas biomagnification refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one trophic level to the next
Because pollutants become concentrated by biomagnification, higher trophic levels are more susceptible to their toxic effects
The pesticide DDT cause egg-shell thinning and population declines in species of birds that fed on exposed insects
Heavy metals (like mercury) released into waterways via industrial processes may become concentrated in fish
The ocean is the largest active carbon sink on Earth
Some CO2 may remain as dissolved gas within the water, however the majority will combine with water to form carbonic acid
The solubility of CO2 in seawater is inversely proportional to oceanic temperature (i.e. more soluble in cooler temperatures)
It is therefore a concern that global warming could limit carbon storage in oceans, exacerbating climate change
As a result of deforestation and the increased burning of fossil fuels, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have increased
With more CO2 being absorbed by the oceans, there is an associated increase in the production of H+ ions
These H+ ions lower the pH of the ocean, causing acidification
The H+ ions will also combine with carbonate ions, reducing the amounts available to marine organisms
This will result in the formation of thinner, deformed shells and reduce the population numbers of reef-building corals
The reduction in pH will also dissolve calcium carbonate structures, enhancing the damage to shells and corals
Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds
In aquatic ecosystems, carbon is present as dissolved carbon dioxide and hydrogen carbonate ions
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere or water into autotrophs
Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration and diffuses out of organisms into water or the atmosphere
Methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by methanogenic archaeans and some diffuses into the atmosphere or accumulates in the ground
Methane is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere
Peat forms when organic matter is not fully decomposed because of acidic and/or anaerobic conditions in waterlogged soils
Partially decomposed organic matter from past geological eras was converted into either coal or into oil and gas that accumulates in porous rocks
Carbon dioxide is produced by the combustion of biomass and fossilized organic matter
Animals such as reef-building corals and Mollusca have hard parts that are composed of calcium carbonate and can become fossilized in limestone
The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical cycle whereby carbon is exchanged between the different spheres of the Earth
The four spheres are the atmosphere (air), lithosphere (ground), hydrosphere (water/oceans) and biosphere (living things)
Carbon is exchanged in a variety of forms, including:
Atmospheric gasses – mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), but also methane (CH4)
Oceanic carbonates – including bicarbonates dissolved in the water and calcium carbonate in corals and shells
As organic materials – including the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins found in all living things
As non-living remains – such as detritus and fossil fuels
Different processes facilitate the cycling of carbon between the different forms (e.g. feeding, combustion, etc.)
When organic compounds rich in hydrocarbons are heated in the presence of oxygen, they undergo a combustion reaction
This reaction is exergonic (produces energy) and releases carbon dioxide and water as by-products
The carbon dioxide is typically released into the atmosphere, increasing the concentration of the gas in the air
Carbon dioxide and water vapor are the most significant greenhouse gases
Other gasses including methane and nitrogen oxides have less impact
The impact of a gas depends on its ability to absorb long-wave radiation as well as on its concentration in the atmosphere
The warmed Earth emits longer wavelength radiation (heat)
Longer wave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gasses that retain the heat in the atmosphere
Global temperatures and climate patterns are influenced by concentrations of greenhouse gases
There is a correlation between rising atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide since the start of the industrial revolution 200 years ago and average global temperatures
Recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are largely due to increases in the combustion of fossilised organic matter
Greenhouse gasses absorb and emit long-wave (infrared) radiation, thereby trapping and holding heat within the atmosphere
Greenhouse gasses collectively make up less than 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere
The greenhouse gasses which have the largest warming effect within the atmosphere are water vapour (clouds) and carbon dioxide
Water vapour is created via evaporation of water bodies (e.g. oceans) and transpiration – it is removed via precipitation (rain)
Carbon dioxide is made by cell respiration and burning fossil fuels – it is removed via photosynthesis and absorption by oceans
Other greenhouse gasses include methane and nitrogen oxides – these have less impact on the overall warming effect
Methane is emitted from waterlogged habitats (like marshes) and landfills – it is also a gaseous waste produced by ruminants
Nitrogen oxides are released naturally by certain bacteria and also is emitted in the exhaust by certain vehicles
Water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, but is not produced as a product of the human activity
Conservation involves the protection and maintenance of natural resources – such as trees, water and wildlife
Conservation can be either in situ (on-site) or ex situ (off-site)
In situ conservation is the preservation of plant and animal species within their natural habitat
This typically involves the designation of protected areas of land as either nature reserves or national parks
These areas may require active management to ensure that an appropriate and sustainable ecological balance is maintained
Ecological monitoring of species may be required to ensure viable population levels are maintained
Interventions may be required to prevent habitat degradation or competition from invasive species
Legislation may be necessary to ensure adequate funding for policing and education
In situ conservation offers several advantages when protecting endangered species from extinction:
It allows species to live in the environment to which they are adapted and to occupy their natural position in the food chain
It maintains the animal's normal behaviour (offspring usually acquire skills from parents and peers around them)
Retaining the natural habitat prevents its eventual loss and ensures it remains available for other endangered species
Such areas provide a place to return animals from breeding programs as they provide realistic conditions for reintegration
Reserves in different areas can share information and provide a place for scientific study and developing public awareness
Ex situ conservation involves the preservation of plant and animal species outside their natural habitats
Ex situ conservation may typically be required for critically endangered species when urgent intervention is required
There are several advantages associated with ex-situ conservation:
It allows for greater control of essential conditions
It can improve the chances of successful breeding by utilizing artificial methods
Ex-situ conservation is also associated with several disadvantages:
Such conservation methods do not prevent the potential destruction of their natural habitats
Species raised in captivity are less likely to be successfully reintroduced into the wild (loss of autonomous survival)
Ex-situ conservation increases inbreeding by restricting the gene pool and restricts the evolution of the species
There are many ex-situ conservation measures employed around the world, including:
Captive breeding – animals are raised and bred in containment (e.g. zoos) to ensure survival prospects
Botanical gardens – areas devoted to the collection, cultivation and display of a wide variety of plant species
Seed banks – secure sites that store and catalogue seeds, to preserve plant genetic diversity