Innocuous (adj) - Harmless (like a fly or the common cold)(doesn’t describe people but things)
Misconstrue (v) - to misunderstand or twist someone's meaning (most of the time unintentional)
Schlep (n) or (v) - to carry like a burden (yiddish)
Feign (v) - to fake (a sickness, interest, etc.)
Gratuitous (adj) - superfluous but bad
Hubris (n) - excessive pride (one of the great Greek tragic flaws) (you have…)
Draconian (adj) - excessively harsh (deals with law) (comes from Draco who had a set of laws named after him that were harsh)
Remiss (adj) - neglectful, wrong (I would be remiss not to…)
Quintessential (adj) - representing the best example of something
Kowtow (v) - to bow down; blindly obey because your afraid (too) (comes from Chinese and means to physically bow)