Understand basic lab safety, clean up and use of personal protection equipment (PPE)
General basic lab safety
No eating, drinking or anything of the such
Do not touch your face
Personal items are put away and not by your lab bench
Carefully follow all oral and written instructions, never performing unauthorized experiments
Always in dress code
Things that are touched with gloves should not be touched without gloves
Clean up
Disinfect bench after putting on PPE and before taking it off
Handle spills by notifying your instructor and disinfecting that area
Thoroughly wash hands before and after wearing gloves
Personal Protection Equipment and dress code
Closed toe shoes
Fairly form fitting clothes (no excessive baggy)
No long necklaces or lanyards
Long hair pulled back
Put on gloves first before any other PPE such as lab coat and goggles
Taking off PPE, gloves are taken off last
Outline the safe practices when handling and disposing of biohazardous waste
Anything sharp such as needles, blades or broken glass they should be disposed in a sharps container
Contaminated items
Petri Plates, slides
Paper towels or anything else that have came in contact with a microorganisms
Used gloves
Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method
Develop general theories
Make observations
Thinking of interesting questions
Formulate hypotheses
Develop testable predictions
Gather Data to test predictions
Refine, alter, expand or reject
Make a new hypotheses
Differentiate among independent variables, dependant variables and controls in a scientific experiment
Independent variables are those that cause something
Dependent variables is what is being measured
Experimental groups are exposed to independent variables
Control group are exposed to the same as the experimental with the exception of an independent variable