Unit One: Lab Exam Review

Module 01

  • Understand basic lab safety, clean up and use of personal protection equipment (PPE)

    • General basic lab safety

      • No eating, drinking or anything of the such

      • Do not touch your face

      • Personal items are put away and not by your lab bench

      • Carefully follow all oral and written instructions, never performing unauthorized experiments

      • Always in dress code

      • Things that are touched with gloves should not be touched without gloves

    • Clean up

      • Disinfect bench after putting on PPE and before taking it off

      • Handle spills by notifying your instructor and disinfecting that area

      • Thoroughly wash hands before and after wearing gloves

    • Personal Protection Equipment and dress code

      • Closed toe shoes

      • Fairly form fitting clothes (no excessive baggy)

      • No long necklaces or lanyards

      • Long hair pulled back

      • Put on gloves first before any other PPE such as lab coat and goggles

      • Taking off PPE, gloves are taken off last

  • Outline the safe practices when handling and disposing of biohazardous waste

    • Anything sharp such as needles, blades or broken glass they should be disposed in a sharps container

    • Contaminated items

      • Petri Plates, slides

      • Paper towels or anything else that have came in contact with a microorganisms

      • Used gloves

  • Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method

    • Develop general theories

    • Make observations

    • Thinking of interesting questions

    • Formulate hypotheses

    • Develop testable predictions

    • Gather Data to test predictions

      • Refine, alter, expand or reject

      • Make a new hypotheses

  • Differentiate among independent variables, dependant variables and controls in a scientific experiment

    • Independent variables are those that cause something

    • Dependent variables is what is being measured

    • Experimental groups are exposed to independent variables

    • Control group are exposed to the same as the experimental with the exception of an independent variable

Module 02

Module 03

Module 04

Module 05

Module 06
