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Ch. 24: Reproduction in Flowering Plants


  • stamen: male part of a flower

  • anthers: structures where pollen grains

  • carpels: produces and shelters the female gametophyte & seeds

  • stigma: sticky or feathery portion at the top of the style

  • pistil: single carpel or multiple carpels fused together

  • embryo sac: eight nuclei and their surrounding membrane

  • double fertilization: two distinct fertilizations that occur inside the embryonic sac

  • sexual reproduction

    • 2 fertilizations

      • first fertilization: makes embryo

      • second fertilization: makes food


Ch. 24: Reproduction in Flowering Plants


  • stamen: male part of a flower

  • anthers: structures where pollen grains

  • carpels: produces and shelters the female gametophyte & seeds

  • stigma: sticky or feathery portion at the top of the style

  • pistil: single carpel or multiple carpels fused together

  • embryo sac: eight nuclei and their surrounding membrane

  • double fertilization: two distinct fertilizations that occur inside the embryonic sac

  • sexual reproduction

    • 2 fertilizations

      • first fertilization: makes embryo

      • second fertilization: makes food