accure - to accumulate over time (dads shop tool) annotation - Explanatory notes added to a text to explain, cite sources, or give bibliographical data. bedlam - a scene of uproar and confusion covert - hidden; undercover debonair - a well-liked person dun - to demand payment of a debt; DARK, DULL, DRAB efficacious - effective equanimity - calmness, composure (ms.clark) fortuitous - accidental, occurring by a happy chance, lucky gist - the main point, plot gratuitous - freely given (tip$) imperious - seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling invective - abusive language motley - showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors; a jester munificent - very generous (money) procrastinate - debate;delay provocative - annoying; irritating recondite - difficult to understand; profound reprobate - wicked; corrupt sedentary - lazy; motionless