FPKG112: MEDISYNE LOGISTIEK / MEDICINE LOGISTICS LG 4.1 – LG 4.2.2 / SS 4.1 – SS 4.2.2Date: 2025/03/04
Upon completion of this module, students should demonstrate:
Knowledge and informed understanding of key terms, concepts, principles, and criteria related to medicine management.
Professional and ethical collection of patient information, data analysis, patient evaluation according to pharmaceutical care standards, and communication using appropriate media.
Ability to select, order, procure, store, distribute, pre-pack, and dispose of medicines as per the medicine management cycle.
Understanding and application of the National Drug Policy and Good Pharmacy Practice, adhering to acceptable professional conduct as a Pharmacist.
Capability to function as part of a group and contribute appropriately to observation reporting based on evidence-based medicine use.
Correct Use of Medicines
Identifying aspects of correct medicine usage.
Describing phases of the prescription process.
Discussing responsibilities of registered professionals within the prescription process.
Identifying information to provide to patients during prescription dispensing.
Identifying parts of a prescription and understanding medical abbreviations.
Discussing legal aspects concerning prescriptions and prescription books.
Understanding conditions for accepting oral prescriptions.
Three Phases:
Phase 1: Interpretation & Evaluation
Receipt of prescription and confirmation of integrity.
Assessment for optimal medicine usage.
Pharmacists’ interventions as necessary.
Information sources utilized by pharmacists.
Phase 2: Preparation & Labelling
Selecting or preparing the prescribed medicine.
Proper labelling and maintaining records of dispensed medicines.
Phase 3: Providing Information & Monitoring Outcomes
Providing patients with necessary information on the correct and effective use of medicines.
Monitoring patient outcomes for compliance and effectiveness.
Definition of Prescription (Rx)
An order form for medicines from authorized personnel.
Includes names, quantities of medicine, directions to the pharmacist for dispensing, and patient instructions.
Header: Patient’s initials, surname, address.
Superscription: Instructions to the pharmacist for using indicated ingredients.
Inscription: List of medicines prescribed.
Subscription: Instructions for compounding or dosing.
Transcription: Instructions for patient usage.
Must include:
Date of issue, name, and quantity of the medicine, patient and prescriber details.
Must be signed and legally compliant.
List of common medical abbreviations used in prescriptions:
a.c. - Before meals
p.c. - After meals
gtt. - Drops
p.o. - By mouth
pr. - Rectal
m.d.u. - As directed
Pharmacist Responsibilities
Supervising dispensing and sales processes.
Ensuring legal and professional accountability in every prescription dispensed.
Delegation of tasks when necessary to maintain efficiency in pharmacy operations.