Mass on a spring:
Restoring force is -kx
Equation of motion: d^(2)x/dt^(2) = -k/m * x
Solution: x = A cos(ωt - φ), where A is amplitude and φ is phase
Bar suspended by a cable:
The equation torque is given as -κθ, where κ is the proportionality constant. This suggests that the torque acting on an object is directly related to the angle θ by which the object is twisted or turned, and it acts in the opposite direction to that angle (hence the negative sign). The equation of motion states that the torque equals the moment of inertia (I) times the angular acceleration (the second derivative of θ with respect to time). The solution to this dynamic system can be represented as θ = A cos(ωt - φ), indicating that the angular displacement (θ) oscillates over time. In this context, κ must be determined based on the specific system in question, such as a spring or a pendulum, reflecting its unique properties.
Equation of motion: -κθ = I * d^(2)θ/dt^(2)
Solution: θ = A cos(ωt - φ), where ω^2 = κ/I
Finding κ:
For a spring, κ can be found from the given force or displacement
For a pendulum, κ is found by analyzing the torque due to the disturbance
κ is specific to each problem and depends on the system's properties
Frequency of vibration:
Frequency ω is related to the angular frequency and time period
ω = 2π/T
Example with irregularly shaped object:
Center of mass lies on the vertical line passing through the pivot point
Torque equation: -κθ = I * d^(2)θ/dt^(2)
Moment of inertia includes parallel axis theorem
Frequency of oscillation can be calculated using κ and moment of inertia
Student asks about how to describe the restoring torque in a twisting example
Professor explains that the calculation of restoring torque is given in such problems
It cannot be calculated from first principles
The torque is given based on the material and torsional properties of the cable
In cases where the torque needs to be found, the student is expected to figure it out
When the cable is left alone, it will go to a position where there is no torque
If the cable is moved off that position, a torque will be present
The torque is always proportional to the angle by which the cable is displaced
The proportionality constant is denoted as κ
When the body is hanging in its rest position, there are two forces acting on it
The nail pushing up
The weight of the body pushing down
These forces cancel each other out, preventing the body from falling
The nail cannot prevent the body from swinging because it cannot exert a torque at the pivot point
However, when the body is rotated, the weight of the body (mg) can exert a torque
This is why the body starts to rattle back and forth when twisted
Introduction to more complicated oscillations using techniques learned previously
Introduction of the formula: e to the ix, or θ, is cos θ + I sin θ
Taking the complex conjugate of both sides gives e to the minus iθ is cos θ - i sin θ
Importance of memorizing the formula
Explanation of complex conjugation and its application to complex numbers
Inversion of the formula to find cos θ and sin θ
The exponential function as a replacement for trigonometric functions
Unification of trigonometric functions and exponential functions through complex numbers
Representation of complex numbers in Cartesian and polar forms
Complex number z can be written as its absolute value times some phase
Cartesian form: x + iy
Polar form: re to the iφ, where r is the radial length and φ is the angle
Understanding and asking questions is important
Equation: d^(2)x/dt^(2) = -ω^(2)x
ω_0 is the frequency of vibration of the system
Solving the equation using different methods
Trying to find a function x(t) that satisfies the equation
Using sines and cosines as a solution
Trying a different approach using a function that repeats itself
Introducing the ansatz, a tentative guess for the solution
Putting the guess into the equation and simplifying
Grouping terms and finding the condition for the solution to vanish
Solving a differential equation requires making a guess and testing it
The equation must be satisfied at all times
The equation α^2 + ω_0^2 = 0 is the only non-trivial solution
The equation can be rewritten as α^2 = ω_0^2, or α = ±iω_0
There are two solutions: x_1(t) = Ae^(iω_0t) and x_2(t) = Be^(-iω_0t)
A and B can be any arbitrary numbers
Both solutions satisfy the differential equation
There is no need to choose between the two solutions, both can be used
Linear equations are important in disciplines like economics, engineering, and chemistry
Linear equations obey a property called superposition
Superposition means that in a linear equation, the function or its derivatives appear, but not higher powers or derivatives
Non-linear equations involve higher powers or derivatives of the function
Given two linear equations, x_1 double dot + ω_0 ^(2)x_1 = 0 and x_2 double dot + ω_0^(2)x _2 = 0
Adding the two equations results in a new equation: x_1 + x_2 double dot + ω_0^(2)(x_1 + x_2) = 0
The sum of the derivatives is the derivative of the sum, which proves that x_1 + x_2 is also a solution to the equation
Multiplying the first equation by A and the second equation by B still results in a valid equation
Adding the two multiplied equations gives a new equation: Ax_1 + Bx_2 double dot + ω_0^(2)(Ax_1 + Bx_2) = 0
This shows that any linear combination of the two solutions, Ax_1 + Bx_2, is also a solution to the equation
Linear equations typically have an infinite number of solutions
Solutions can be built by combining a few building blocks, similar to unit vectors
By choosing different coefficients A and B, an infinite number of solutions can be generated
Non-linear equations involve higher powers or derivatives of the unknown function
Adding solutions to non-linear equations does not result in a valid solution
The sum of squares is not equal to the square of the sum in non-linear equations
Linear equations have the property of superposition, allowing for the addition and combination of solutions
Non-linear equations do not have this property and cannot be solved by adding solutions
Harmonic oscillating equation is a linear equation
Solution: x(t) = Ae^(iω0) + B e^(-iω0t)
A and B are arbitrary constants
ω_0 is the original root of k/m
Concerns with the solution
Need to choose the right A and B
To fit initial coordinate and velocity at t = 0
Solution contains imaginary numbers
x should be a real function, not complex
Demanding a real solution
Real numbers are their own complex conjugates
Complex conjugate of x(t) is denoted as x star (t)
Complex conjugate of A is A star
Complex conjugate of e^(iωt) is e^(-iω0t)
Complex conjugate of B is B star
Equate x(t) and x star (t) to find conditions
A = B star
B = A star
Writing the solution with the extra condition
x(t) = Ae^(iω0t) + A star e^(-iω0t)
B is not independent, it must be the complex conjugate of A
x(t) in terms of absolute value and phase
x(t) = |A|e^(iφ) e^(iω0t) + |A|e^(-iφ) e^(-iω0t)
|A| is the length of the complex number A
φ is the phase of the complex number A
Recognizing the familiar form of x(t)
The identity e^(iθ) + e^(-iθ) is 2 times cos θ
This can be written as 2 times absolute value of A cos ωt + φ
It can also be written as C cos ω_0t + φ, where C = 2A
Exponential functions can be used to solve problems that cannot be solved using word problems
The equation mx double dot + bx dot + kx = 0 represents a mass with friction
The equation can be rewritten as x double dot + γx dot + ω_0 squared x = 0, where γ = b/m
The equation can be solved using the guess x = Ae^(αt)
The quadratic equation α^(2) + αγ + ω_0^(2) = 0 gives the values of α
The solutions to the equation are x(t) = Ae^(-α plus t) + Be^(-α minus t), where α plus and α minus are the roots of the quadratic equation
Both α plus and α minus are falling exponentials, ensuring that the solution eventually vanishes
To find A and B, extra data is needed, such as the initial position (x of 0)
The sum of A and B must be equal to the initial position
The initial velocity can be found by taking the derivative of x with respect to t
The derivative of x at t = 0 gives the initial velocity (x dot of 0)
Two simultaneous equations can be formed using the initial position and initial velocity to solve for A and B
Equation 1: A + B = initial position
Equation 2: α plus A + α minus B = x dot of 0
A and B may be complex numbers
When taking the complex conjugate of the function, A and B were related by complex conjugation
If the function remains real when taking the complex conjugate, A and B must be equal to their complex conjugates (A = A star and B = B star)
The exponential term remains unchanged when taking the complex conjugate
Professor Shankar discusses the solutions to the harmonic oscillator with and without friction.
Without friction (γ = 0), the solution is a simple harmonic oscillator with a cosine function.
With friction, the solution is an exponentially decaying function.
The real situation is when there is some friction, but not too much.
The solution for this case can be obtained by considering the roots of the equation α = -γ/2 ± √(γ/2)^2 - ω_0^2.
When γ/2 < ω_0, the roots become complex, and the solution involves complex exponentials.
The solutions for the damped oscillator with moderate friction are of the form x = Ce^(-γ/2t)cos(ω' t + φ), where C is a constant and ω' is a modified angular frequency.
The graph represents an oscillation with a damping factor
The oscillation is described by the function cos ωt
The exponential term in front of the oscillation represents the damping factor γ
If γ is zero, the exponential term vanishes
The oscillation is a simple cosine function with constant amplitude
The mass oscillates indefinitely without any damping
If γ is small (e.g., one part in 10,000), the exponential term is negligible for the first second
The amplitude of the oscillation gradually decreases over time due to the damping factor
The graph of the oscillation shows a gradual decrease in amplitude
If γ is larger than ω_0/2, the oscillation is overdamped
There are no oscillations in the system, only exponential decay
The mass slowly comes to rest without any oscillatory motion
Shock absorbers in cars are designed to dampen vibrations
When hitting a bump, the shocks absorb the vibrations and gradually bring the car to a rest
The ideal damping scenario is when the shocks are in the regime of small friction
When γ/2 equals ω_0, there is only one solution to the equation
In this case, a new function, t times an exponential, can be used as the second solution
The value of γ is not independent of ω, it is equal to 2ω_0
In the case of real solutions, the coefficients of the exponential terms must remain invariant when taking the complex conjugate
The complex conjugate of a real exponential is the same as the original exponential
The coefficients of the exponential terms must match on both sides of the equation
Introduction to the problem of a driven oscillator
The oscillator is actively driven by an external force
The equation to solve is x double dot + γ x dot + ω_0 square x = F/m cos ωt
The problem cannot be solved directly due to the presence of cos ωt
Introduce a new problem with sin ωt as the driving force
Multiply the equation by i to manipulate it
Combine the equations to obtain z double dot + γz dot + ω_0 square z = F/m e to the iωt
Assume z takes the form z = z_0 e to the iωt
Substitute the assumed form into the equation and simplify
Obtain the condition for z_0: z_0 = F/m / (ω_0 square - ω square + iωγ)
The complex number I is defined as impedance: I = ω_0 square - ω square + iωγ
The solution for z is z = F_0/m e to the iωt / I
The impedance I has a real part (ω_0 square - ω square) and an imaginary part (iωγ)
The problem is to find the number z and take its real part
Complex numbers can be written as an absolute value times e to the iφ
z = F_0 / m * e^(iωt - φ)
φ is the angle
The real part of z is x
x = F_0 / m * cos(ωt - φ)
The answer is the magnitude of the applied force and the phase φ
The absolute value of I is given by ω_0^2 - ω^2 + ω^2γ^2
The phase φ is given by tan φ = ωγ / (ω_0^2 - ω^2γ^2)
Every equation should have two free numbers
The solution without the driving force can be added to the solution with the driving force
The complementary function is the solution of the equation with no driving force
The full answer includes the solution with no driving force and the solution with the driving force
The numbers A and B are chosen to match initial conditions
The missing part of the notes will be posted on the website
Students can read it and do one or two problems
The missing part will be taught again on Wednesday