sat list 6

E6 SAT Vocabulary List #6

  1. Elusive: ( adj ) difficult to find, capture, grasp, understand, or define; difficult to “get hold of”; cleverly or skillfully evasive.

  1. Saccharine: (adj) artificially sweet; overly & insincerely sweet and or sentimental.

  1. Discernment: (n) good judgment, especially in appraising quality or in understanding the true meaning of something

(v) discern: to perceive by sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize as distinct or different. (discerned / (adj): discerning

  1. Fortuitous: (adj) happening as a result of an accident or a random, coincidental event, and having a happy or fortunate result; happening or produced by chance; accidental; lucky; fortunate.

  1. Profuse: (adj.) abundant; extravagant; mass or done freely and abundantly; in great amount; spending or giving freely and in large amount.

  1. Condone: (v) to disregard or overlook (something illegal or objectionable); to pardon or forgive (of an offense); excuse (condoning, condoned)

  1. Ambivalent: (adj.) holding two different, conflicting feelings about the same thing at the same time; unsure; indecisive; having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose.

  1. Reproach: (v) blame, censure; a cause of blame or censure; to find fault with. (reproached, reproaching) 

(n) blame or censure conveyed in disapproval. 

  1. Venerate: (v) to honor, respect, revere (v) to regard with respect tinged with awe. (venerated, venerating), veneration (n)

  1. Insipid: (adj) dull, uninteresting; tasteless.

  1. Heresy: (n) describes beliefs expressed in opposition to or in disagreement with the accepted, orthodox beliefs of a religion or a social or political order. (heretical adj)

  1. Retract: (v) to take back, revoke, withdraw; to draw back within oneself; fold up. (retracted, retracting) 

  1. Cryptic: (adj) puzzling; difficult to understand; purposefully confusing like a secret code; having a hidden meaning.

  1. Tantamount: (adj) equivalent to, practically the same as; equivalent as in value, force, effect, or signification.

  1. Juxtapose: (v) to place side by side, especially for the purpose of comparison. (juxtaposed, juxtaposing)
