Flashcard #1 \n**Term:** 文章 \n**Definition:** article, passage; often refers to the reading text. (wén zhāng) Example: 这篇文章讨论了环境保护的重要性。(This article discusses the importance of environmental protection.)
**Flashcard #2** \n**Term:** 主要 \n**Definition:** main, primary; used in questions about the main idea. (zhǔ yào) Example: 这个问题是主要的挑战。(This issue is the main challenge.)
**Flashcard #3** \n**Term:** 目的 \n**Definition:** purpose, goal; common in questions asking for the author's intent. (mù dì) Example: 他的目的是宣传环保意识。(His purpose is to promote environmental awareness.)
**Flashcard #4** \n**Term:** 主题 \n**Definition:** theme, topic; used in questions about the central idea of a passage. (zhǔ tí) Example: 这本书的主题是爱与友谊。(The theme of this book is love and friendship.)
**Flashcard #5** \n**Term:** 观点 \n**Definition:** viewpoint, opinion; found in passages with argumentative or opinion-based texts. (guān diǎn) Example: 她的观点引起了广泛的讨论。(Her viewpoint sparked widespread discussion.)
**Flashcard #6** \n**Term:** 说明 \n**Definition:** to explain, explanation; often used in informational texts. (shuō míng) Example: 请说明你的观点。(Please explain your viewpoint.)
**Flashcard #7** \n**Term:** 例如 \n**Definition:** for example; indicates examples supporting a point. (lì rú) Example: 许多运动都是有益的,例如游泳和跑步。(Many sports are beneficial, for example, swimming and running.)
**Flashcard #8** \n**Term:** 其次 \n**Definition:** secondly, next; shows sequence in explanations. (qí cì) Example: 首先,我们需要收集数据, 其次,分析结果。(First, we need to collect data; secondly, analyze the results.)
**Flashcard #9** \n**Term:** 影响 \n**Definition:** influence, impact; common in texts about social issues. (yǐng xiǎng) Example: 教育对社会有很大的影响。(Education has a significant influence on society.)
**Flashcard #10** \n**Term:** 发展 \n**Definition:** development, progress; appears in economic, technological, or cultural contexts. (fā zhǎn) Example: 这个国家的经济在快速发展。(The economy of this country is developing rapidly.)
**Flashcard #11** \n**Term:** 由于 \n**Definition:** due to, because of; used to indicate cause and effect. (yóu yú) Example: 由于天气恶劣,航班被取消了。(The flight was canceled due to bad weather.)
**Flashcard #12** \n**Term:** 结果 \n**Definition:** result, outcome; important for cause-and-effect relationships. (jié guǒ) Example: 他的努力最终获得了成功的结果。(His efforts eventually led to a successful outcome.)
**Flashcard #13** \n**Term:** 通过 \n**Definition:** through, by means of; often in questions about how something happens. (tōng guò) Example: 我们通过合作实现了目标。(We achieved our goals through collaboration.)
**Flashcard #14** \n**Term:** 解释 \n**Definition:** to explain; found in passages that define or clarify concepts. (jiě shì) Example: 老师解释了这个复杂的概念。(The teacher explained this complex concept.)
**Flashcard #15** \n**Term:** 证明 \n**Definition:** to prove; common in argumentative passages. (zhèng míng) Example: 他用数据证明了他的论点。(He used data to prove his argument.)
**Flashcard #16** \n**Term:** 反映 \n**Definition:** to reflect; used to describe how a text or event represents a phenomenon. (fǎn yìng) Example: 这部电影反映了社会的现实。(This movie reflects the realities of society.)
**Flashcard #17** \n**Term:** 表达 \n**Definition:** to express; often appears in questions about the author’s tone or intent. (biǎo dá) Example: 作者在文中清晰地表达了她的情感。(The author clearly expressed her feelings in the text.)
**Flashcard #18** \n**Term:** 讨论 \n**Definition:** to discuss; found in texts with multiple perspectives. (tǎo lùn) Example: 本文讨论了两种不同的看法。(This article discusses two different perspectives.)
**Flashcard #19** \n**Term:** 体现 \n**Definition:** to embody, to reflect; used to describe how an idea is shown in a passage. (tǐ xiàn) Example: 这幅画体现了艺术家的创造力。(This painting embodies the artist's creativity.)
**Flashcard #20** \n**Term:** 结构 \n**Definition:** structure; used in questions about the organization of the passage. (jié gòu) Example: 文章的结构非常清晰。(The structure of the article is very clear.)
**Flashcard #21** \n**Term:** 内容 \n**Definition:** content; refers to the information in the passage. (nèi róng) Example: 这本书的内容丰富多彩。(The content of this book is rich and colorful.)
**Flashcard #22** \n**Term:** 表现 \n**Definition:** to show, to demonstrate; used to describe how ideas are conveyed. (biǎo xiàn) Example: 他的作品表现了深刻的思考。(His work demonstrates profound thinking.)
**Flashcard #23** \n**Term:** 方式 \n**Definition:** way, method; important for describing how something is done. (fāng shì) Example: 这样的方式更适合年轻人。(This way is more suitable for young people.)
**Flashcard #24** \n**Term:** 作者 \n**Definition:** author; appears in questions about the author’s viewpoint or intent. (zuò zhě) Example: 作者在书中表达了对未来的希望。(The author expressed hope for the future in the book.)
**Flashcard #25** \n**Term:** 文章的态度 \n**Definition:** author’s attitude; a key question type in Paper 1. (wén zhāng de tàidu) Example: 文章的态度非常积极。(The author's attitude is very positive.)
**Flashcard #26** \n**Term:** 说明文 \n**Definition:** explanatory text; a common type of text in Paper 1. (shuō míng wén) Example: 这篇说明文简洁明了。(This explanatory text is concise and clear.)
**Flashcard #27** \n**Term:** 议论文 \n**Definition:** argumentative text; another common type of passage. (yì lùn wén) Example: 这篇议论文提出了多个有力的论据。(This argumentative text presents several strong arguments.)
**Flashcard #28** \n**Term:** 叙述 \n**Definition:** to narrate, narration; found in storytelling or historical passages. (xù shù) Example: 他的叙述生动有趣。(His narration is vivid and interesting.)
**Flashcard #29** \n**Term:** 结论 \n**Definition:** conclusion; appears in both passages and question types. (jié lùn) Example: 文章的结论是取得成功需要坚持不懈。(The conclusion of the article is that achieving success requires perseverance.)
**Flashcard #30** \n**Term:** 适合 \n**Definition:** to be suitable for; common in questions asking which statement fits best. (shì hé) Example: 这个方案适合所有参与者。(This plan is suitable for all participants.)
**Flashcard #31** \n**Term:** 选择 \n**Definition:** choice, to choose; found in multiple-choice questions. (xuǎn zé) Example: 请你选择一个正确的答案。(Please choose the correct answer.)
**Flashcard #32** \n**Term:** 提到 \n**Definition:** to mention; frequently seen in questions about specific details in the text. (tí dào) Example: 在文章中提到了一些重要的事件。(Several important events are mentioned in the article.)
**Flashcard #33** \n**Term:** 重点 \n**Definition:** key point; helps in identifying the main idea of a paragraph. (zhòng diǎn) Example: 这一段的重点是保护生态环境。(The key point of this paragraph is to protect the ecological environment.)
**Flashcard #34** \n**Term:** 主要内容 \n**Definition:** main content; often asked in summary-type questions. (zhǔ yào nèi róng) Example: 文章的主要内容是人类与自然的关系。(The main content of the article is the relationship between humans and nature.)
**Flashcard #35** \n**Term:** 作用 \n**Definition:** function, effect; used in questions about the purpose of a word or phrase. (zuò yòng) Example: 这个词的作用是增强语气。(The function of this word is to strengthen the tone.)
**Flashcard #36** \n**Term:** 意思 \n**Definition:** meaning; often in questions about the meaning of a word in context. (yì si) Example: 这个词的意思是什么?(What is the meaning of this word?)
**Flashcard #37** \n**Term:** 对比 \n**Definition:** to compare; often appears in passages that contrast different ideas. (duì bǐ) Example: 文章对比了两种不同的观点。(The article compares two different viewpoints.)
**Flashcard #38** \n**Term:** 结尾 \n**Definition:** ending, conclusion; useful for questions about how a passage wraps up. (jié wěi) Example: 文章的结尾留给读者深思。(The ending of the article leaves the readers pondering.)
**Flashcard #39** \n**Term:** 以上 \n**Definition:** above (referring to previously mentioned content); helps in answering 'which of the above' questions. (yǐ shàng) Example: 以上的观点值得深入探讨。(The viewpoints above are worth further discussion.)
**Flashcard #40** \n**Term:** 词语 \n**Definition:** words, expressions; used in vocabulary-related questions. (cí yǔ) Example: 这个词语很常见。(This expression is very common.)
**Flashcard #41** \n**Term:** 文章的结构 \n**Definition:** passage structure; a common question in Paper 1. (wén zhāng de jié gòu) Example: 文章的结构可以帮助我们理解内容。(The structure of the passage can help us understand the content.)