biopsych exam 2
**Exam 2 Study Guide**
Brain Mapping tools
Homozygous vs Heterozygous
Dominant vs Recessive
Sex-limited genes
Sex-linked genes
Cerebrospinal fluid (function/where it is produced)
Development of neurons (proliferation, migration, diffrentiation, myelination, synaptogenesis)
Neural Darwinism
\-nerve growth factors
Pathfinding of Axons
Fetal Alochol Syndrome (causes, symptoms, neuronal components)
Fine tuning by experience (recognize that axons and dendrites modify connections/ structures based on experiences)
Brain Plasticity
Strokes: Ischemia vs hemorrhage
\-causes, effects, treatment (tPA)
Recovery from Brain Damage:
\-regeneration of axons
\-axon sprouting
Denervation Supersensitivity
\-phantom limb
Law of specific nerve energies
Visual path within eye
\-pupil, lens, cornea, retina, bipolar cells amacrine cells, optic nerve, fovea, ganglion cells
Difference between Foveal and Peripheral Vision
Rods vs Cones
Different Theories of Vision :
Trichromatic Theory
Opponent-Process Theory
Retinex Theory
Lateral Inhibition
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
Types of ganglion cells
\-parvocellular neurons
\-magnocellular neurons
\-koniocellular neurons
Primary Visual Cortex (VI) vs Secondary (VII)
\-simple cells
\-complex cells
\-end-stopped cells
Feature detectors
Critical periods
Parallel Processing
Ventral vs Dorsal Paths
\-ventral stream damage
\-dorsal stream damage
Analysis of Shape
\-role of inferior temporal cortex
\-Visual Agnosia
\-fusiform gyrus: its role in facial recognition!
Motion Perception
\-motion blindness
Agonist vs antagonist
Drug affinity vs drug efficacy
Addiction/Alcohol Abuse
\-environmental/behavioral/genetic components (know at least one component for each)
\-tolerance, withdrawal, craving
\-nucleus accumbens and the role of dopamine in addiction
\-treatments: CBT, Antabuse, Narcan, methadone
Mood Disorders:
Major Depressive Disorder
\-Causes: genetic, environmental, brain abnormality
\-Treatments: (know how they work and at least one example for each)
1\. Tricyclics
3\. MAOIs
4\. Atypical Antidepressants
5\. Alternatives to drugs: ECT, CBT
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
\-mania vs depression
\-Treatments: lithium
\-positive (delusions, hallucinations
\-tardive dyskinesia
Causes: (no one cause!)
\-genetic component (DISC1)
\-neonatal environment (season of birth effect, viral infections)
\-brain abnormalities
\-dopamine hypothesis
\-2 major dopamine pathways in brain
\-glutamate hypothesis
Treatments: (how they function and at least one example)