أنا ana I إزيَّك Izzayak How are you (m.) |
إنتَ inta You (m.) إزيِّك Izzayik How are you (f.) |
إنتي inti You (f.) إيه eeh? What? |
هو huwwa He منين menein From where? |
هي heyya She فين fein Where? |
إسمي Ism-i My name مين miin Who? |
إسمَك Ism-ak Your name (m.) مِن min from |
إسمِك Ism-ik Your name (f.) في fee In |
إسمه Ism-u His name شكراً shukran Thank you |
إسمها Ism-aha Her name عفواً Cafwan You are welcome |
أيوة aywa yes مع السلامة Macassalama Goodbye |
لا Laa No أهلاً بيك/ بيكي Ahlan biik/biiki Nice to meet you |
عندي سؤال Cindi su-aal I have a question كويس kuwayyes Good (m.) |
تشرفنا tasharafna Honored to meet you كويسة kuwayyesa Good (f.) |
أهلاً وسهلاً Ahlan wa sahlan Hi/hello |
Family and Friends
Study the following words and reflect on the grammatical gender (Masculine vs. Feminine)
Masculine vocabulary Feminine vocabulary |
طالِب Taalib student طالِبة Taaliba Student |
أستاذ Ustaadh Teacher أستاذة Ustaadha Teacher |
أخ Akh Brother أخت Ukht Sister |
ولد walad Boy بِنت bint Girl |
جار jaar Neighbor جارة jaara Neighbor |
صاحب SaHib friend صاحبة SaHiba Friend |
دكتور duktoor Doctor دكتورة duktoora Doctor |
رجل rajul Man إمرأة Imra-ah Woman |
حبيب Habiib Beloved حبيبة Habiiba Beloved |
بيت bayt House أسرة Usrah Family |
شارع SahriC Street مدينة madiina city |
فصل FaSl Classroom جامِعة JamiCa University |
كتاب Kitaab Book قطة qiTTah Cat |
كلب Kalb Dog سيارة Sayyarah Car |
واجب Waajib homework |
مكتب maktab Desk/ office مكتبة Maktaba Library |
كبير Kabiir Big كبيرة Kabiira Big |
صغير Saghiir Small صغيرة Saghiirah Small |
جميل Jamiil Beautiful جميلة Jamiilah Beautiful |
جيد Jayyid Good جيدة Jayyidah Good |
جديد Jadiid New جديدة Jadiidah New |
ممتاز mumtaaz Excellent ممتازة mumtaazah Excellent |
هذا Haa-th-a This is (m.) هذه Haa-thi-hi This is (f.) |
Vocabulary notes
When you start learning vocabulary in Arabic, you become aware of the use of grammatical gender. By this, we mean that for human-related nouns, there are two counterparts from the same noun with the feminine word having an additional ending that you will learn about soon. For example, a male student is “Taalib” and a female student is “Taaliba”. Similarly “duktoor” and “duktoora” for a “doctor”. Many other human nouns behave in the same way. Adjectives also have the same feature. So “Kabiir” is big (masculine) , and “Kabiira” is big (feminine).
Other nouns which are not human are either intrinsically masculine or feminine. For example “a book” is masculine and “a car” is feminine.
الأرقام Learning numbers 1-10 |
sittah 6 ستة waaHid 1 واحد |
sabCah 7 سبعة itnein 2 اتنين |
tamanya 8 تمانية talatah 3 تلاتة |
tisCah 9 تسعة arbaC a 4 أربعة |
Cashara 10 عشرة khamsa 5 خمسة |
Daily Words
Study the following words
شاي shai tea صَباح SaBaaH morning |
قَهْوة qahwa coffee مَساء masaa evening |
ماء maa water كُل يوم Kul youm everyday |
حَليب Haliib milk أخبار akhbaar news |
عصير CaSiir juice أوتوبيس autobiis bus |
خُبز khubz bread درّاجة darraja bike |
دَجاج dajaaj chicken مَشْي mashiy walking |
لَحْم laHm meat بـ bi With something |
سَلَطة SalaTa salad مَعَ maCa With someone |
سُكَّر sukkar sugar |
ماذا maatha What? هَل hal To initiate yes/no question |
كَيف kaifa How? |