Election of 1800
A rematch between the sitting president, John Adams, and the sitting vice president, Thomas Jefferson after being the runner-up in 1796
Thomas Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency after one term in office
Adams’ supporters spread rumors about Jefferson such as robbing a widow & stealing from her children’s trust funds
Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr (no team candidacy at the time) tied with the same number of electoral votes, and the House of Representatives elected Jefferson to the presidency
Aaron Burr became Vice President with the rule of the runner-up becoming the Vice President at the time
After this election, the 12th amendment was ratified which established the two-team candidacy that exists today
Jefferson dropped Burr completely after his first term in office
Thomas Jefferson
Won the election of 1800 becoming the third president by defeating John Adams after serving as vice president for one term under Adams
Jefferson allowed the Alien & Sedition Acts to expire, pardoned many who were serving in jail over them, & changed the naturalization time from 14 to 5 years
Kept many other Federalist policies intact
He made it clear that a change in political parties is not the end of the world by not implementing radical changes
Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans
Two major political parties at the time
Federalists were led by Alexander Hamilton and wanted a strong central government
Democratic-Republicans were led by Thomas Jefferson and against a strong central government and more for states’ rights
John Adams was the last Federalist president as this party later dissolved
American soldiers were forced to enlist in their army by the British
Marbury v. Madison
William Marbury had been appointed as a justice of peace by Adams however he never received his commission
James Madison, secretary of state, refused to deliver the commission
The court ruled in favor of Madison and Marbury was denied his commission
This established the concept of judicial review, making the judicial branch equal in power to the other branches
McCulloch v. Maryland
The state of Maryland attempted to tax the Bank of the United States
The court led by John Marshall ruled that Congress had the authority to create a national bank through implied powers
Battle of New Orleans
On January 8, 1815, the British launched an assault on the American riflemen and commoners
British lost over 2,000 soldiers in 30 minutes
Andrew Jackson was hailed as a hero for leading the Americans to victory
War of 1812
Warhawks in Congress, Native Americans armed by the British & actively fighting with Americans, & the desire to bring back confidence in the “American experiment” (desire to end British rule in territories)
Congress agreed to declare war, despite New England’s opposition (some of them even supported Britain in the war with $$)
The British set fire to both the Capitol and the White House
James Madison
Became president after Thomas Jefferson
Re-established an embargo act with Britain which meant that they could trade with France and not Britain
Star-Spangled Banner
The US National Anthem that Francis Scott Key wrote
He wrote this while watching the Battle of Fort McHenry
Henry Clay/American System
Henry Clay was speaker of the House who decided that John Quincy Adams won the election in 1824
He was known for striking a “corrupt bargain” for Adams to win so that he could have a high-ranking position in the administration
Clay developed the “American System”
Strong banking system
Protective tariff
Network of roads & canals
Era of Good Feelings
Used to describe James Monroe’s presidency
Many were happy with his election
Yet there were issues with banking, tariffs, selling of public land, sectionalism, slavery
James Monroe
His presidency was dubbed the “Era of Good Feelings”
He had a profound impact on expanding westward
Spoils system
This is when political supporters are rewarded with public office
This promotes party over country
Jackson used this as a way to win the election
He promised all of his supporters a public office in the administration if they supported him
John Quincy Adams
Elected president in 1824 after defeating Andrew Jackson despite losing the popular vote
Son of former president John Adams
Known for striking a “corrupt bargain” with Henry Clay after no candidate got a majority of the electoral votes
He had strong support for the American System
Passed the Tariff of Abominations which imposed high duties on imported goods
Lost to Andrew Jackson in 1828
Andrew Jackson
Known as “Old Hickory”
Ran for the presidency two times
Ran in 1824, won the popular vote, and tied in the electoral college with John Quincy Adams but lost due to the House of Representatives
Ran again in 1828 and won the presidency
Established the Democratic Party (Jascksonian Democrats)
Hailed a hero for leading the Americans to victory in the Battle of New Orleans
Passed the Indian Removal Act
Passed the Force Bill which authorized the president to use the military if necessary to enforce federal laws
He dismantled the Second Bank of the United States and transferred federal funds to state banks known as “pet banks”
He implemented the “spoils system”
Martin Van Buren
Known as “The Little Magician”
As Vice-President under Jackson, he helped form the Democratic Party into a strong political force
He supported states' rights
The first president born after the US declared independence
His presidency was highly affected by the Panic of 1837
Major economic troubles from the Specie Circular which required all lands to be purchased with hard or metallic money
He highly opposed slavery
William Henry Harrison
He led the US forces to victory over Native Americans led by Tecumseh in the Battle of Tippecanoe
Earned the nickname “Old Tippecanoe”
Participated in the War of 1812
Became the first Whig president after defeating Martin Van Buren in the election of 1840
He served the shortest presidency in US history dying one month into office and also becoming the first president to die in office
Gave a 2-hour long inaugural speech (longest in US history) on a cold rainy day without proper clothing and later died of pneumonia
Due to his presidency being too short, he couldn’t implement any significant policies to shape the country
John Tyler
Vice President under William Henry Harrison
Succeeded William Henry Harrison after his death establishing that the vice president becomes the president if their predecessor dies in office
Election of 1824
Between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson won the popular vote however they both tied in the electoral college
The House of Representatives decided that John Quincy Adams be declared the winner
Jackson suggested that Adams had become president by striking a “corrupt bargain” with Henry Clay who was speaker of the house
Adams won and offered Clay a high-ranking position in his administration
Monroe Doctrine
This emerged as nations in Europe such as Spain sought to re-colonize territories in America after losing their colonies
This stated that the western hemisphere was off-limits to new European colonization
The US stated that they would interfere if Europe had any plans to invade
Monroe promised that the US would not interfere in any European affairs
Trail of Tears
This was a forced journey that was meant to relocate Native American tribes west of the Mississippi River as authorized by the Indian Removal Act
Many suffered deaths from diseases and starvation
Treaty of Ghent
This officially ended the War of 1812 with nothing lost or gained
Sense of pride, loyalty, and devotion to one nation
Many of the policies and acts passed by Jackson, Monroe, and others were influenced by nationalism and protecting the country