안녕하세요? (Annyeonghaseyo?): A formal greeting; used in polite situations.
안녕 (Annyeong): An informal greeting; used among friends or peers.
안녕하십니까? (Annyeonghasimnikka?): Very formal; used by TV news anchors.
How to Speak:
Listen and Repeat: Engage with recordings twice - first slowly, then fluently.
Check Meanings: Understand words before speaking.
Use Emotions and Gestures: Speak naturally, expressing emotions.
Avoid Long Pauses: Use filler words like ‘um,’ ‘ah,’ etc.
Understand Structure: Familiarize yourself with opening, body, and closing of conversations.
How to greet, say names, and occupations.
Conduct a dialogue to introduce oneself.
Formal Goodbyes:
안녕히 가십시오 (Annyeonghi gasipsio): Used for someone departing.
안녕히 계십시오 (Annyeonghi gyesipsio): Used for leaving someone behind.
Informal Goodbyes:
안녕히 가세요 (Annyeonghi gaseyo): Informal alternate; used with friends.
잘 가 (Jal ga): Very casual; used among children or close friends.
Friendship Definitions Vary: Levels of formality in greetings and goodbyes depend on relationship closeness.
Introducing Oneself:
저는 [name]입니다 (Jeoneun [name]-imnida): Followed by your name, stating oneself in Korean.
-는 (neun): Topic marker to introduce oneself.
“저는 [occupation]입니다 (Jeoneun [occupation]-imnida): To state profession.
Example occupations include:
학생 (Haksaeng): Student
대학생 (Daehaksaeng): University student
선생님 (Seonsaengnim): Teacher
For names:
이름이 뭐예요? (Ireumi mwoyeyo?): What is your name?
성함이 어떻게 되세요? (Seonghami eotteoke doeseyo?): Very polite; for elders.
For occupations:
직업이 뭐예요? (Jigeobi mwoyeyo?): What is your job?
직업이 어떻게 되세요? (Jigeobi eotteoke doeseyo?): Very polite expression for occupation.
모: 안녕하세요? (Mo: Annyeonghaseyo?) - Greeting
윤: 안녕하세요? (Yun: Annyeonghaseyo?) - Responding
모: 저는 [name]입니다. (Mo: Jeoneun [name]-imnida.) - Name introduction
윤: 만나서 반갑습니다 (Yun: Mannaseo bangapseumnida) - Nice to meet you.
Greetings: Initiate with a greeting.
Name: Introduce your name.
Occupation: Talk about jobs.
Conclude: Express pleasure in meeting.
Focus Areas: Checking if you can ask for names, articulate occupations, and engage in a partner conversation.
End of Class:
수고했습니다 (Sugohasyeossseubnida): Acknowledgment for effort.
안녕히 계십시오 (Annyeonghi gyesipsio): Goodbye to stayers.
See you next class: Anticipation of future learning.