Invited to Central Committee of the Bolsh Party
Due to shortage of Working Class
Became editor of Pravda (’Truth’)
During 1917 February Revolution
Directed Bolsh Campaigners in election
Lenin took note of Stalin
Approved of his activities, speeches and articles
Given seat in Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet
Commissar of Nationalities
Became in charge of Orgburo
May 1919
Put by Lenin
Controlled aspects of Party Organization
Elected into the new Politburo
Ban of Factions
Became General Secretary
In charge of General organization
Had access to all personal files and information
Lenin Suffers from a stroke in December 1922
Takes control of the Nomenklatura list.
Feed select information to Lenin as he is suffering from strokes
Paints Stalin in a bad Light
Suports Trotsky
Made Lenin have a bad attitude aginst Stalin
Releases Lenin’s ‘Testement’ to congress after his death (March 18, 1924)
Lenin Dies
Jan 21, 1924
Paints Trotsky as a Bonaparte Figure
Lies to Trot about Lenin Dying
Delivers a Eulogy and declairs himself Lenin’s disciple
Reserved for people close to the deceased
Starts a Lenin Cult
“Socialism in One Country” policy
Turn against the NEP
Undispluted Leader in the USSR
December 1929
Stalin was close to Lenin
Very Lucky/Good Timing
General Secretary
Failiure of Trotsky
Party Secretary
Info on all members
Controlled agendas and papers during meetings
Controlled information flow
Positions in Orgburo and the Secretariat
Control of positions and responsibilities
Could put his supporters in key positions
High power over party secretaries as he would appoint his supporters
Control of Party organizations
Could influence the selection of delegates sent to annual party congresses
Major issues of policies decided and central Committee chosen
Could rig by packing it with his followers
Exemplified in 1924 onwards
Control of party membership
Rid of radical elements that would support Trotsky
Students & Soldiers
‘Lenin Enrollment’
Appealed to people not interested in ideological debate and would follow what local party organizers told them to do
Young Urban Workers
Ex-peasants w/ poor education