The chapter often focuses on daily activities, reflexive verbs, and expressing routines. Here are key words and phrases to know:
Reflexive verbs describe actions that someone does to themselves. In Spanish, these verbs are used with reflexive pronouns.
levantarse – to get up
acostarse – to go to bed
despertarse (e → ie) – to wake up
ducharse – to shower
peinarse – to comb (one's hair)
cepillarse – to brush (teeth, hair)
maquillarse – to put on makeup
afeitarse – to shave
vestirse (e → i) – to get dressed
ponerse – to put on (clothes)
sentarse (e → ie) – to sit down
irse – to leave
la mañana – morning
la tarde – afternoon
la noche – night
temprano – early
tarde – late
a tiempo – on time
después (de) – after
antes (de) – before
siempre – always
nunca – never
In reflexive verbs, the action reflects back onto the subject. Reflexive pronouns are used as follows:
me – myself
te – yourself (informal)
se – himself, herself, itself
nos – ourselves
os – yourselves (informal, plural, used in Spain)
se – themselves (plural)
Yo me despierto a las seis. – I wake up at six.
Ella se maquilla por la mañana. – She puts on makeup in the morning.
Reflexive verbs are conjugated like regular verbs but with the reflexive pronouns attached before the conjugated verb.
Yo me ducho. – I shower.
Tú te vistes rápidamente. – You get dressed quickly.
Ellos se acuestan tarde. – They go to bed late.
Some reflexive verbs undergo stem changes in the present tense. For example:
despertarse (e → ie) – to wake up
vestirse (e → i) – to get dressed
Yo me despierto a las siete. – I wake up at seven.
Tú te vistes antes de salir. – You get dressed before leaving.
por la mañana/tarde/noche – in the morning/afternoon/night
a las + time – at + time
Ex: A las ocho – At eight o'clock.
Yo _____ (levantarse) a las siete de la mañana.
Ellos _____ (acostarse) muy tarde.
Tú _____ (ducharse) antes de la escuela.
Nosotros _____ (peinarse) antes de salir.
Ella _____ (ponerse) la ropa a las siete.
I brush my teeth after lunch.
He wakes up at six in the morning.
They go to bed late every night.
We always get dressed quickly.
You (informal) put on makeup in the afternoon.
¿A qué hora te despiertas durante la semana?
¿Qué haces por la mañana antes de salir de la casa?
¿A qué hora te acuestas los fines de semana?
¿Qué actividades haces por la tarde?
In this chapter, you might explore how daily routines vary in Spanish-speaking countries. For example:
In many Spanish-speaking countries, lunch (la comida) is the biggest meal of the day, often eaten between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
The siesta (afternoon nap) is common in some Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Spain, where people rest in the early afternoon.
Try conjugating reflexive verbs in the present tense for different pronouns:
Yo me ____ (ducharse).
Tú te ____ (vestirse).
Él/Ella se ____ (maquillarse).
Nosotros nos ____ (sentarse).
Ellos se ____ (afeitarse).