Practical Skills(WJEC)

1.Examination of Animal and Plant Cells Using a Light Microscope

  • Examine animal and plant cells using a light microscope.

  • Produce labeled scientific diagrams based on observations.

  • Light microscope

  • Microscope slide

  • Cover slip

  • Onion

  • Forceps

  • Mounted needle

  • 0.1% methylene blue solution

  • Iodine solution

  • Cotton wool bud

  • Scalpel

Method for Onion Cells (Plant Cells)
  1. Preparation of the Slide:

    • Peel an epidermal layer from an onion using forceps.

    • Mount the tissue on a microscope slide with a drop of water using a pipette. Ensure the tissue lies flat.

  2. Staining:

    • Add 2 drops of iodine solution to stain the cells.

  3. Placing the Cover Slip:

    • Place the cover slip by positioning one edge on the slide first, then slowly lower the other side using a mounted needle to avoid air bubbles.

  4. Microscopic Examination:

    • View the slide using a low power objective (10X).

    • Switch to a high power objective (40X) to identify cell structures.

  5. Drawing:

    • Draw a labelled diagram of the observed cells, including:

      • Cytoplasm

      • Cell membrane

      • Nucleus

      • Cell wall

Method for Cheek Cells (Animal Cells)
  1. Preparation of the Slide:

    • Place a drop of methylene blue on a glass slide.

    • Rub the inside of your cheek with a cotton bud.

    • Wipe the cotton bud in the methylene blue on the glass slide.

    • Dispose of the cotton bud in a beaker of disinfectant.

  2. Placing the Cover Slip:

    • Place the cover slip by positioning one edge on the slide first, then slowly lower the other side using a mounted needle to avoid air bubbles.

  3. Microscopic Examination:

    • View the slide using a low power objective (10X).

    • Switch to a high power objective (40X) to identify cell structures.

  4. Drawing:

    • Draw a labelled diagram of the observed cells, including:

      • Cytoplasm

      • Cell membrane

      • Nucleus

Key Points

  • Iodine Solution: Used to stain plant cells (onion cells) to make cell structures more visible.

  • Methylene Blue Solution: Used to stain animal cells (cheek cells) to enhance visibility of cell structures.

  • Cover Slip Technique: Essential to avoid air bubbles that can obscure the view of cells.

  • Objective Lenses: Start with low power (10X) for general observation, then switch to high power (40X) for detailed examination.

  • Labeled Drawings: Include all visible and identifiable structures based on staining and magnification.

General Tips

  • Handle the microscope carefully to avoid damaging the lenses.

  • Use fresh stains and slides to ensure clear visibility of cells.

  • Ensure accurate positioning of the cover slip to prevent the formation of air bubbles, which can interfere with observations.

2. Energy Content of Food

  • Measure the energy content of food samples by heating and recording the change in water temperature.

  • 25 cm³ measuring cylinder

  • Boiling tube

  • Stand + clamp

  • Mounted needle

  • Thermometer

  • Bunsen burner

  • Heat-proof mat

  • Sample of food

  • Electronic balance

  1. Preparation:

    • Measure 20 cm³ of water using the measuring cylinder and pour it into the boiling tube.

    • Clamp the boiling tube at an angle for better heat exposure.

  2. Initial Measurement:

    • Record the initial temperature of the water with the thermometer.

  3. Weighing and Fixing:

    • Weigh the food sample using an electronic balance.

    • Fix the sample onto a mounted needle for combustion.

  4. Combustion:

    • Light the food sample using a Bunsen flame and immediately hold it under the boiling tube to heat the water.

    • If the flame goes out, relight it and continue heating until the sample no longer lights.

  5. Final Measurement:

    • Record the final temperature of the water once the food sample is fully combusted and the flame goes out.

  6. Repeat:

    • Repeat the process for different food samples to gather multiple data sets.

  7. Calculations:

    • Calculate the temperature rise in the water.

    • Calculate the energy value of the food sample using the formula: Energy (J)=mass of water (g)×4.2 (J K−1g−1)×temperature change (°C)mass of food sample (g)

Safety Precautions

  • Avoid contact with burning food, dripping fat, and the Bunsen flame.

  • Handle hot equipment and water with care.

  • Wear eye protection and tie back long hair.

  • Ensure good ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes.

  • Avoid using nuts to prevent allergic reactions.

Controlled Variables
  • Volume of water: Consistent at 20 cm³ for all tests.

  • Angle of tilting: Fixed angle for the boiling tube for uniform heat exposure.

Sources of Error
  • Heat loss to surroundings can reduce the accuracy of temperature measurement.

  • Incomplete combustion of the food sample can lead to underestimation of the energy content.

General Tips

  • Accurate Measurement: Use precise measurements for water volume and temperature.

  • Monitor Combustion: Ensure complete combustion of the food sample for accurate energy content calculation.

  • Minimize Heat Loss: Conduct the experiment quickly and in a controlled environment to reduce heat loss to the surroundings.


This method provides an estimation of the energy content of food, but results may vary due to environmental factors and experimental conditions.

3. Enzymes: Investigation into the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Action

  • Investigate how temperature affects the activity of amylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of starch into maltose.

  • Test tubes

  • Test tube rack

  • Water baths (electrical or Bunsen burners and beakers)

  • Spotting tiles

  • 5 cm³ measuring cylinder

  • Syringes or 10 cm³ measuring cylinders

  • Glass rod

  • Stopwatch

  • Starch solution

  • 10% amylase solution

  • Iodine solution

  • Thermometer

  1. Preparation:

    • Label each well on a spotting tile with times (e.g., 0, 1, 2, etc.) and add a drop of iodine solution to each well.

  2. Temperature Setup:

    • Prepare water baths at various temperatures: 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C.

  3. Equilibration:

    • Transfer 3 cm³ of amylase solution into a labelled test tube and place it in the water bath.

    • Transfer 3 cm³ of starch solution into another labelled test tube and place it in the same water bath.

    • Allow a few minutes for the solutions to reach the water bath temperature.

  4. Reaction Initiation:

    • Mix the amylase and starch solutions together in one of the test tubes and start the timer immediately.

    • Use a glass rod to transfer a drop of the mixture to the well labelled ‘0’ on the tile.

  5. Testing:

    • Repeat step 4 every minute, using the glass rod to transfer a drop to the corresponding well on the tile.

    • Rinse the glass rod between each transfer to avoid contamination.

  6. Observation:

    • Continue testing until the iodine solution remains brown and does not turn blue-black, indicating that the starch has been fully broken down.

  7. Recording:

    • Record the time taken for the iodine solution to remain brown in a table for each temperature.

  8. Rate Calculation:

    • Calculate the rate of enzyme reaction using the formula: Rate of reaction=1/time taken for iodine to remain brown

    • Repetition: Repeat steps 2-8 for each temperature (20°C, 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C).

  9. Graphing:

  • Plot a graph of the rate of enzyme reaction against temperature.

4. Photosynthesis: Investigation into the Effect of Light on the Rate of Photosynthesis

  • Investigate how light affects the rate of photosynthesis by measuring the production rate of oxygen bubbles in pondweed (Elodea).

  • 250 cm³ beaker

  • Boiling tube

  • Freshly cut 10 cm piece of pondweed (Elodea)

  • Light source (lamp)

  • Meter ruler

  • Test tube rack

  • Stopwatch

  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate powder

  • Glass rod

  • Stand and clamp

  • Filter funnel

  • Plasticine

  1. Setup:

    • Place the freshly cut pondweed in a 250 cm³ beaker with 200 cm³ of water, ensuring the cut end is at the top.

    • Gently push the pondweed down with a glass rod to position it properly.

  2. Add Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate:

    • Add a spatula of sodium hydrogen carbonate powder to the beaker to provide a source of carbon dioxide.

  3. Position the Filter Funnel:

    • Invert a filter funnel over the pondweed, ensuring it is securely in place with plasticine to prevent movement.

  4. Set Up Boiling Tube:

    • Fill a boiling tube completely with water and place it over the narrow end of the funnel underwater.

    • Secure the boiling tube in place using a stand and clamp.

  5. Position Light Source:

    • Place a light source (lamp) 5 cm away from the pondweed, using a meter ruler to measure the distance accurately.

  6. Measure Oxygen Production:

    • Start the stopwatch and count the number of oxygen bubbles produced in one minute.

  7. Record Data:

    • Record the number of bubbles produced in a table. Perform three trials for accuracy.

  8. Repeat at Different Distances:

    • Move the lamp to a new distance (10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm) from the pondweed.

    • Repeat steps 1-7 for each new distance.

  9. Graphing:

    • Plot a graph with the rate of photosynthesis (number of bubbles per minute) on the y-axis and the distance from the light source on the x-axis.

5.Transpiration: Investigation into Factors Affecting Transpiration

  • Investigate how different environmental factors affect the rate of transpiration in plants.

  • Potometer

  • Leafy shoot

  • Plastic bag

  • Fan

  • Water bath

  • Lamp

  • Vaseline

  • Beaker of water

  1. Set Up Potometer:

    • Immerse the potometer in a beaker of water.

    • Cut the leafy shoot underwater to prevent air bubbles from entering the vascular tissues and insert it into the potometer. Ensure the leaves remain above the water.

  2. Seal Gaps:

    • Use vaseline to seal any gaps in the potometer underwater, ensuring it is airtight.

  3. Prepare Leafy Shoot:

    • Dab the leaves gently to remove excess water if present.

  4. Set Up Environmental Factors:

    • Temperature: Control using a temperature-controlled room or immerse the potometer in a thermostatically controlled water bath.

    • Humidity: Wrap the shoot in a plastic bag.

    • Wind Speed: Set up a fan at various speeds.

    • Light Intensity: Position a lamp at different distances from the shoot.

    • Surface Area: Remove leaves one by one to vary the surface area.

  5. Form Air Bubble:

    • Remove the capillary tube from the water to allow an air bubble to form, then return it to the beaker.

  6. Start Experiment:

    • Wait for the air bubble to reach the start of the scale and start timing.

  7. Measure Transpiration:

    • Leave the apparatus for 30 minutes.

    • Record the final position of the air bubble and calculate the distance moved.

  8. Calculate Water Absorption:

    • Calculate the volume of water absorbed by the plant during the period.

  9. Repeat Measurements:

    • Repeat steps 1-9 two more times and calculate a mean value.

  10. Change Factors:

    • Repeat steps 1-10, altering the factor being investigated at fixed intervals.

  11. Graph Results:

    • Plot a graph with the environmental factor on the x-axis and the mean water loss per minute on the y-axis