Communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment. -West and Turner (2010)
What are the five Key Terms? a.)Social b.)Process c.)Symbols d.)Meaning e.)Environment
It involves people and interactions. -Communication as a social process
A symbol is an arbitrary label or representation of Phenomena. -Communication as symbolic Communication as meaning-making : Meaning is a central to our definition of communication. Meaning is what people extract from a message.
Environment is the situation or context in which communication occurs. -Communication as context-bound
Described communication as a linear process: Claude Shannon, 1949
Transmitter of message. Source
Send a message to a receiver
The recipient of a message
Pathway to communication
Pertains to slang, jargon, or specialized language used by individuals or groups. Semantic noise
Noise exists outside of the receiver.
Physical,or external
It refers to a communicator's prejudice, biases, and predisposition toward another or the message. -Psychological noise
It refers to the biological influences on the communication process,then exists if you or a speaker is ill, fatigued, or hungry. -Physiological noise
It suggests that a person is only a sender or receiver. -Liner model
It suggests that one person acts as sender while the other acts as a receiver in a communication encounter. -International model
It underscores the simultaneous sending and receiving of messages in a communication episode. Transactional model
It is essential to the quality of the communication process in general. -Completeness
It does not mean keeping the message short but making it direct or straight to the point. Conciseness
To be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant information about his/her receiver. Consideration