spanish revision (copy) (copy)

moreno - dark brown

pelirojo - red hair

rizado - curly

rubio - blonde

sensible - sensitive

simpatico - nice

timido - shy

torpe - clumsy

travieso - naughty

vago - lazy

amor - love

casado - married

casarse - to get married

cuidar- to look after

divorciado - divorced

esposa - wife

esposo - husband

gemelo - twin

hermanastros - step siblings

hijo/a - child

jubliado - retired

loco - mad

soltera - single

marido- husband

matrimonio - marriage

niño - child

novia - girlfriend

padrastro - step dad

en el paro- unemployed

seperado - separated

solo - alone

vecino - neighbour

viuda - widow

aguantar - to put up with

barrera genaracional - generation gap

cariñoso - affectionate

comprensivo - understanding
