I can identify important terms from this unit:

Polis- unique version of the city-state

Acropolis- built around a hilltop where temples to Greek gods and goddesses stood

Monarchy- king or queen has a central power

Aristocracy- land-owning elite have power

Oligarchy- government by a small, powerful elite

Democracy- government by the people

Direct democracy- citizens took part in government instead of elected officials

Republic- government by representatives chosen by the people

Patricians- members of the landholding upper-class (held the most power at first)

Plebians- common class (eventually gained the right to be elected)

I can identify the important peoples/cultures from this unit:

Minoans- earliest civilization in the region

Greeks- traders who share a common culture but are constantly fighting

Spartans- warrior society, strong army, boys are trained to fight, women are trained to help in the war

Athenians- naval strength and more interested in how they are governed

Etruscans- the first people to rule Rome

Romans- had a democratic government and conquered all of Italy

I can identify important individuals from this unit:

Socrates- Greek philosopher who preached whenever the young and intelligent listened. Plato’s teacher

Plato- Greek philosopher who wrote many dialogues. Aristotle’s teacher

Aristotle- A Greek philosopher who lectured about astronomy, physics, and politics

King Philip of Macedonia- conquered Greece

Alexander the Great- created a vast empire

Octavian/Augustus- conquers Rome and becomes a tyrant of Rome

I can identify important aspects of Greek and Roman culture

The Greeks had a democratic government. Ancient Greece was made up of city-states called polises. They built acropolises and had a polytheistic religion where they worshipped gods. The Greeks made many advances in mathematics and science. Rome was a republic where there was a Senate. They had two social classes in Rome made up of Patricians and Plebians. The Romans excelled in engineering.  They worshipped gods similar to the Greek gods.

I can explain the development of government in Greece and Rome and compare/contrast that to the early civilizations from the last unit

Greece first had a monarchy. Then it had an aristocracy and oligarchy. Finally, Greece developed into a democracy. Rome started out as an empire. After the Romans overthrew the Etruscan king, they decided never to have a monarchy again. They then became a republic. Both of these two new civilizations started out as monarchies like the early civilizations but then changed into a democracy and a republic.
