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  • biological catalysts

  • speed up reactions so that the reactions happen at normal body temperature

  • globular proteins with tertiary or quaternary structure


  • reactant

  • 2 substrates forming 1 product or 1 substrate forming 2 products

  • catabolic or anabolic metabolism

Active Site

  • specific shape with active site in enzyme

  • region of enzyme where substrate will bond and reaction will occur

  • reaction will occur here

  • chemical attraction between AS and enzyme

  • enzyme and substrate is like lock and key


  • enzyme loses conformation and can't function

  • separate 2 DNA strands

  • extreme conditions of pH, salt concentration, and temperature cause this catalyst change reaction rate without being consumed

Immobilized Enzymes

  • in industry

  • restrict enzyme movement

  • commercial use of 500+ enzymes

  • more stable

  • uses biotechnology


  • makes products like laundry detergent, textile preparation, biodegradable clothing

  • normal production of lactase, which breaks lactose into glucose and galactose

  • makes yeast, which makes lactase

  • helps in lactose intolerance

3 steps in catalysis

  1. Substrate(s) bond to active site (s)

  2. Substrate turns to a product bound to the enzyme

  3. Active Site releases the product and can catalyze other substances

Substrate Movement

  • random movement in water

  • substrate smaller and faster than enzyme

  • random movement causes collision which causes enzyme-catalyzed reaction

Enzymes & Temperature

  • temperature increase causes enzyme efficiency to increase until a certain point

  • once that point is crossed, the enzyme denatures

Enzymes & pH

  • optimum pH of 7

  • activity level reduced with pH change

Enzymes & Substrate Concentration

  • directly proportional

  • until all enzymes are active

  • then no effect on concentration


  • nonprotein enzyme helpers

  • inorganic or organic

  • organic includes coenzymes

  • coenzymes include vitamins

Enzyme Inhibitors

  • slow down enzyme reaction rate

  • competitive or noncompetitive

  • ex. toxin, poison, pesticides, antibiotics

Competitive Inhibitor

  • binds to enzyme's active site

  • directly competes with the substrate

Competitive Inhibitor Graph

  • same Vmax

  • lower Km

Noncompetitive Inhibitor

  • binds to other part of enzyme

  • denatures it, making it less useful

  • same Km, lower Vmax

Noncompetitive Inhibitor Graph

  • same Km

  • lower Vmax

Enzyme Regulation

  • chemical chaos if cell's metabolic pathways weren't tightly regulated

  • cells switch genes encoding certain enzymes on and off or regulating enzyme activity

Allosteric Regulation

  • inhibit or stimulate enzyme

  • regulatory molecule binds to enzyme at one site and affects action at another

Allosteric Regulation & Inhibition

  • most allosteric-regulated enzymes made from polypeptide subunits

  • active and inactive forms

  • activator binding and inhibitor binding

Activator binding site

  • stabilizes the active form of the enzyme

Inhibitor Binding Site

  • stabilizes enzyme's inactive form

Feedback Inhibition

  • end-product of metabolic pathway shuts down the pathway

  • prevents a cell from wasting chemical resources by synthesizing extra product

Assumption of a Steady State

  • transient phase where ES concentration does not change during the reaction (dES/dt) = 0 Km

  • substrate concentration where V0 = (1/2) (Vmax)

Enzyme classification

  • uses a number system

Enzyme Classes

  • Oxidoreductase

    • transfer electrons in Redox reactions to catalyze oxidation or reduction

    • oxidation

      • reduction in electrons

      • increase oxidation state

    • reduction

      • increase in electrons

      • decrease oxidation state

  • Transferase

    • transfer functional groups between molecules

  • Hydrolase

    • break bonds by adding H2O

  • Lyase

    • elimination reactions to form double bonds

    • remove hydrogen and carbon

  • Isomerase

    • aka utase

    • intramolecular arrangements

    • one of the "weirder" enzymes

  • Ligase

    • join molecules with new bonds metabolism

    • total of organism's chemical reactions

    • emergent property from cellular molecule interactions

Metabolic Pathway

  • begins with a specific molecule and ends with a product

  • chain of reactions

  • enzymes catalyze each step

Catabolic pathways

  • release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones

  • ex. cellular respiration

Anabolic Pathways

  • use energy to build complex molecules from simpler ones

  • ex. protein synthesis from amino acids


  • the study of how organisms manage their energy resources


  • the capacity to cause change

  • exists in various forms

  • some forms can perform work

Kinetic energy

  • energy associated with motion

  • Heat (thermal energy)

  • kinetic energy

    • associated with the random movement of atoms of molecules

Potential Energy

  • energy that matter possesses because of its location or structure

Chemical Energy

  • potential energy available for release in a chemical reaction


  • the study of energy transformations

Isolated System

  • isolated from its surroundings

  • ex. liquid in a thermos

Open System

  • energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings

  • ex. organisms

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • energy of the universe is constant

  • energy can't be created or destroyed, only changed

  • principle of conservation of energy

Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • during every energy transfer or transformation, some energy is unusable, and is often lost as heat

  • each change increases the entropy (disorder) of the universe

Spontaneous Processes

  • occur without energy input

  • they can happen quickly or slowly

  • increase entropy of the universe

Biological Order and Disorder

  • cells create ordered structures from less ordered materials

  • organisms replaced ordered forms of matter and energy with less ordered forms

  • energy flows into an ecosystem as light and out as heat

Exergonic Reaction

  • net release of free energy

  • spontaneous

Endergonic Reaction

  • absorbs free energy from its surroundings

  • nonspontaneous




  • biological catalysts

  • speed up reactions so that the reactions happen at normal body temperature

  • globular proteins with tertiary or quaternary structure


  • reactant

  • 2 substrates forming 1 product or 1 substrate forming 2 products

  • catabolic or anabolic metabolism

Active Site

  • specific shape with active site in enzyme

  • region of enzyme where substrate will bond and reaction will occur

  • reaction will occur here

  • chemical attraction between AS and enzyme

  • enzyme and substrate is like lock and key


  • enzyme loses conformation and can't function

  • separate 2 DNA strands

  • extreme conditions of pH, salt concentration, and temperature cause this catalyst change reaction rate without being consumed

Immobilized Enzymes

  • in industry

  • restrict enzyme movement

  • commercial use of 500+ enzymes

  • more stable

  • uses biotechnology


  • makes products like laundry detergent, textile preparation, biodegradable clothing

  • normal production of lactase, which breaks lactose into glucose and galactose

  • makes yeast, which makes lactase

  • helps in lactose intolerance

3 steps in catalysis

  1. Substrate(s) bond to active site (s)

  2. Substrate turns to a product bound to the enzyme

  3. Active Site releases the product and can catalyze other substances

Substrate Movement

  • random movement in water

  • substrate smaller and faster than enzyme

  • random movement causes collision which causes enzyme-catalyzed reaction

Enzymes & Temperature

  • temperature increase causes enzyme efficiency to increase until a certain point

  • once that point is crossed, the enzyme denatures

Enzymes & pH

  • optimum pH of 7

  • activity level reduced with pH change

Enzymes & Substrate Concentration

  • directly proportional

  • until all enzymes are active

  • then no effect on concentration


  • nonprotein enzyme helpers

  • inorganic or organic

  • organic includes coenzymes

  • coenzymes include vitamins

Enzyme Inhibitors

  • slow down enzyme reaction rate

  • competitive or noncompetitive

  • ex. toxin, poison, pesticides, antibiotics

Competitive Inhibitor

  • binds to enzyme's active site

  • directly competes with the substrate

Competitive Inhibitor Graph

  • same Vmax

  • lower Km

Noncompetitive Inhibitor

  • binds to other part of enzyme

  • denatures it, making it less useful

  • same Km, lower Vmax

Noncompetitive Inhibitor Graph

  • same Km

  • lower Vmax

Enzyme Regulation

  • chemical chaos if cell's metabolic pathways weren't tightly regulated

  • cells switch genes encoding certain enzymes on and off or regulating enzyme activity

Allosteric Regulation

  • inhibit or stimulate enzyme

  • regulatory molecule binds to enzyme at one site and affects action at another

Allosteric Regulation & Inhibition

  • most allosteric-regulated enzymes made from polypeptide subunits

  • active and inactive forms

  • activator binding and inhibitor binding

Activator binding site

  • stabilizes the active form of the enzyme

Inhibitor Binding Site

  • stabilizes enzyme's inactive form

Feedback Inhibition

  • end-product of metabolic pathway shuts down the pathway

  • prevents a cell from wasting chemical resources by synthesizing extra product

Assumption of a Steady State

  • transient phase where ES concentration does not change during the reaction (dES/dt) = 0 Km

  • substrate concentration where V0 = (1/2) (Vmax)

Enzyme classification

  • uses a number system

Enzyme Classes

  • Oxidoreductase

    • transfer electrons in Redox reactions to catalyze oxidation or reduction

    • oxidation

      • reduction in electrons

      • increase oxidation state

    • reduction

      • increase in electrons

      • decrease oxidation state

  • Transferase

    • transfer functional groups between molecules

  • Hydrolase

    • break bonds by adding H2O

  • Lyase

    • elimination reactions to form double bonds

    • remove hydrogen and carbon

  • Isomerase

    • aka utase

    • intramolecular arrangements

    • one of the "weirder" enzymes

  • Ligase

    • join molecules with new bonds metabolism

    • total of organism's chemical reactions

    • emergent property from cellular molecule interactions

Metabolic Pathway

  • begins with a specific molecule and ends with a product

  • chain of reactions

  • enzymes catalyze each step

Catabolic pathways

  • release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones

  • ex. cellular respiration

Anabolic Pathways

  • use energy to build complex molecules from simpler ones

  • ex. protein synthesis from amino acids


  • the study of how organisms manage their energy resources


  • the capacity to cause change

  • exists in various forms

  • some forms can perform work

Kinetic energy

  • energy associated with motion

  • Heat (thermal energy)

  • kinetic energy

    • associated with the random movement of atoms of molecules

Potential Energy

  • energy that matter possesses because of its location or structure

Chemical Energy

  • potential energy available for release in a chemical reaction


  • the study of energy transformations

Isolated System

  • isolated from its surroundings

  • ex. liquid in a thermos

Open System

  • energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings

  • ex. organisms

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • energy of the universe is constant

  • energy can't be created or destroyed, only changed

  • principle of conservation of energy

Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • during every energy transfer or transformation, some energy is unusable, and is often lost as heat

  • each change increases the entropy (disorder) of the universe

Spontaneous Processes

  • occur without energy input

  • they can happen quickly or slowly

  • increase entropy of the universe

Biological Order and Disorder

  • cells create ordered structures from less ordered materials

  • organisms replaced ordered forms of matter and energy with less ordered forms

  • energy flows into an ecosystem as light and out as heat

Exergonic Reaction

  • net release of free energy

  • spontaneous

Endergonic Reaction

  • absorbs free energy from its surroundings

  • nonspontaneous