Vocabulary all

suspicious: having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.

tough guess: a difficult judgment or estimate made without sufficient evidence.

guess - a judgement or estimate that is made without sufficient evidence or knowledge.
obviously - in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly.
unintelligible - not able to be understood; incomprehensible.
succeed in/at - to achieve the desired result in a specified area or activity.
succeed - to accomplish a desired aim or result.
proceed from - to arise from or be derived from.
proceed to - to advance to a subsequent stage or action.
proceed - to continue with a course of action.
keep up - to continue at the same level or pace as others.
keep on - to continue doing something.
subsequent - occurring later; following in time.
assessment - the act of evaluating or appraising something.
intention - a determination to act in a certain way; purpose.
stunning - causing great admiration or respect; extremely impressive.
compile - to gather together information or data from various sources.
compliance - the act of conforming to a request or demand.
purpose - the reason for which something is done or created.
interaction - the action of communicating or working with someone or something.
admire - to regard with respect or wonder; to approve of.
curious - eager to know or learn something; inquisitive.
take over - to assume control of something.
comprehensive - covering completely or broadly;
preliminary - serving as a preparation or introduction.
sufficient - adequate for the purpose; enough.
definitely - without doubt; clearly.
afterwards - at a time later than a particular event or time.
inappropriate - not proper in the circumstances; unsuitable.
disappoint - to fail to meet someone's expectations.
deserve - to be worthy of something due to one's actions or qualities.
define - to state the meaning of a word or concept clearly.
whereas - a conjunction used to introduce a contrast.
throughout - during the whole time; all the way through.
baseless - without foundation; groundless.
embarrassment - a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
for the purpose of - with the intention of achieving something.
causing - making something happen.
testimony - a formal statement made as evidence.
suspend - to temporarily cease or put on hold.
abolish - to formally put an end to a system, practice, or institution.
accomplishment - something that has been successfully achieved.
astonishment - a feeling of great surprise or wonder.
tremendous - very great in amount, degree, or intensity.
break up - to separate or cause to separate into parts; disband.
although - in spite of the fact that; even though.
