Absolute and relative file paths are used in the content layer when creating a web page.
(i) Explain the differences between an absolute file path and a relative file path
Absolute file paths contain a complete URL/full file path with file name
Contents of the URL include protocol, the website's domain name, specific file, subfolder, page name – 1 mark awarded for at least two named
Relative file paths only include a specific file or page
This is relative to the current path//starts from the same folder as the web page.
(ii) Explain why absolute file paths should not be used for hyperlinks to locally-saved web pages.
If the web pages have moved then the references refer to an old/previous file path
Hyperlinks will not work
Anchors and hyperlinks are both used in HTML. Compare an anchor with a hyperlink. Your answer must include similarities and differences.
Both are links (in a web page)
Both can be attached to icons/text/graphics
Both are html tags used on web pages
Both are used for navigation
Both are coded as html tags starting with
An anchor allows the user to move from one part of a web page to another part.
An anchor is a label that identifies a specific position in a document//An anchor is within a hyperlink
An anchor needs a point set in the document and a link//A hyperlink only needs the link and a web address
The code within an anchor will either be "name.." or "id.."
An anchor determines a fixed point on a web page that is used as a bookmark
An anchor can be placed at any point on a web page
A hyperlink allows the user to move from one web page to another web page/website
The code within a hyperlink can be "href..", "rel..”, “target..”
A hyperlink can be attached to a block of text or image
A hyperlink can be clicked on to cause another web page or part of the same web page to be displayed
A hyperlink can redirect a user to an anchor by including its name
A hyperlink is clickable
The newsletter is to be saved as a PDF and sent as an email attachment to parents. Describe two benefits of saving the newsletter as a PDF
1 Retains the format of the original newsletter
2 Takes up less storage space
—> Independent of hardware and software
rtf and pdf are file types.
(a) Describe what is meant by an rtf and a pdf file type.
rtf- Text file with formatting/generic text files
pdf- Standard/generic image file
(b) Explain the differences between the two file types.
pdf their layout and formatting stay the same, regardless of which device/operating system/application being used whereas rtf formatting can change
pdf take up less memory for the same size of document
pdf files are compressed
pdf the formatting can be more complex whereas rtf has basic formatting
pdf are harder to edit
pdf generic image format
rtf can be read by most word processing editors
rtf is a generic text format
A cricket club secretary saves a list of players as a PDF file.
(a) Describe two disadvantages of saving the list of players as a PDF file
More difficult to edit the PDF
PDF sometimes render incorrectly
Need PDF editor software to edit//Need PDF viewer
Susan is creating a database about cars and needs to save it in the shared area (S:) on the school network. It will be stored in the folder ICT which is contained in the IGCSE folder. She needs to save the file with a file name that is different from file names used by other students in the group.
(a) Write down a suitable file name for the file so that the teacher can easily find Susan’s work and identify its contents. The file name should not contain spaces.
Example: Susan_car_database
(b) Write down the file path which Susan would use to store the file in the correct folder.
(c) Susan plans to work on her database at home. However, the database is very large so her teacher has told her that it needs to be reduced in size. She will then be able to attach it to an email so she can send it home.
Explain why the file size would need to be reduced
The larger it is the longer to transmit the email
Some email companies set a limit on attachment file size
The time to upload/download would increase with a large file