

Act 1, Scene 2 - Explains why he’s exiled. Promises Ariel liberty, scolds Caliban.

Act 3, Scene 3 - Confronts the nobles via Ariel as a harpy

Act 4, Scene 1 - Blesses Ferdinand & Miranda’s marriage. Conjures masque but interrupts it suddenly.

Act 5, Scene 1 - Says he’ll give up magic. Gathers everyone together & forgives them.

Epilogue - Soliloquy, allegorical for Shakespeares goodbye to the theatre

Key Character Traits

Controlling - steers the events & manipulates characters to obey him

Temperamental - suddenly becomes “distempered” & ends the masque

Bitter - plan motivated by revenge & calls Antonio “most wicked sir” even as he supposedly forgives him

Fatherly - loves Miranda
