Variation Exists
Variation among individuals in a population is crucial for natural selection.
Early Death Happens
Early mortality affects which individuals survive to reproduce.
Impact of Variation
The variations can determine survival and reproductive success.
Lasting Relevance
Darwin’s theories help understand complex natural phenomena.
Explaining Bizarre Aspects of Nature
Natural selection clarifies seemingly odd biological occurrences.
Testing Hypotheses
It allows scientists to form and test hypotheses.
Well-Studied Examples
Microevolution refers to small evolutionary changes within species.
Experimental Testing Easiness
Microevolutionary processes can often be tested scientifically.
Consensus on Existence
Generally, there is little debate on microevolution's occurrence, though details are debated.
Describes changes within species and the formation of new, similar species.
Pertains to broader evolutionary changes leading to new types of organisms.
Macroevolution lasts over extensive geological time frames.
Estimated Age
Approximately 4.6 billion years.
Evidence for Age
Oldest rocks: ~4.03 billion years old
Oldest minerals: 4.4+ billion years
Meteorite Dating: 4.5+ billion years
Oldest lunar rocks: 4.4 - 4.5 billion years
Oldest Fossils
Fossils date back to ~3.5 billion years ago, found near James River, TX.
Example of Early Life
Stromatolites are significant in studying ancient biological activity.
Long Timeframes
Evidence arises without direct experimentation, making it complex.
Debate on Eye Complexity
Some argue complicated structures like the eye cannot evolve through natural selection.
Investigating Eye Evolution
Examination of steps leading to ocular development.
Progression of Eye Complexity:
Light-sensitive cells → Eye cups → Camera-type eyes.
Development stages from simple to complex structures are noted.
Transitional Fossils
Tiktaalik and Ichthyostega represent critical transitional forms in fish-to-tetrapod evolution.
Significance of Features
Combination of fish features alongside tetrapod limb adaptations.
Key Features of Early Tetrapods:
Lungs, mobile neck, rib bones, and other derived characteristics indicating advancements from fish.
Basic Definition
Species are organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
Hybrids can occur but are often infertile, with chromosome differences causing reproductive limitations.
Chromosomal Diversity
Example comparisons among gray treefrogs and other species.
Population Dynamics
Populations can vary significantly in size, density, and structure.
Hierarchical Structure
From atoms to molecules, through cells and organisms, up to ecosystems.
Understanding Population Demographics
Comparison of age pyramids for populations in Canada and Madagascar in 2005, illustrating demographic trends.