Mitochondria: Organelles that perform electron transport and ATP synthesis.
Acetyl-CoA: A key metabolite in energy production.
NADH: Reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, important in electron transport.
FADH2: Another key player in the electron transport chain.
Complexes I-IV: Protein complexes in the electron transport chain.
Cytochrome c: An important mobile electron carrier in mitochondria.
Outer Membrane:
Permeable to small ions and molecules due to mitochondrial porin channels.
Inner Membrane:
Folded into cristae, creating surface area for reactions.
Imprenable to nucleotides and protons, containing cardiolipin to support its structure.
Site of electron transport and ATP synthesis, indicating the significance of mitochondrial membranes in cellular respiration.
Location in Eukaryotes: Occurs in mitochondria; essential for energy production.
Electron Flow: Electrons from NADH and FADH2 to O2, catalyzed through the electron transport chain.
Proton Gradient: Essential for ATP synthesis; generated through oxidative phosphorylation.
Definition: Measures ability of X- to donate electrons to H+.
Directionality of Reaction: X- + H+ → X + ½ H2 indicates electron flow direction.
Measurement: Assessed by potential difference via voltmeter.
E0′: Indicates tendency for species to acquire electrons.
Strong Reducing Agents: Negative E0′, capable of donating electrons.
Strong Oxidizing Agents: Positive E0′, able to accept electrons.
Energy Dynamics: Related to the free-energy change.
ΔGo′ = -nFΔE0′ (n = number of electrons, F = Faraday constant).
Comprised of four protein complexes that facilitate electron transfer from NADH and FADH2 through various electron carriers:
FMN: Flavin mononucleotide.
Iron-Sulfur Proteins: Essential for electron transport.
Cytochromes: Containing iron for electron transfer.
Coenzyme Q: A mobile carrier that accepts and transports electrons.
Electron Donation: Electrons are donated from NADH to FMN carrier in Complex I.
Oxidation Process: NADH is oxidized to NAD+ while facilitating electron transport.
Single Electron Transfer: Transfers electrons to carriers that process one electron at a time.
Electron Transport: Transporting electrons between Complexes I and II to Complex III.
Chemical Properties: Upon accepting 2 electrons, converts to ubiquinol by picking up 2 protons.
Mobility: Freely diffuses in the membrane.
Single Electron Carriers: Utilized at several points in the electron transport chain.
Standard Reduction Potential: Varies due to micro-environment and interactions with associated proteins.
Nature of Cytochromes: Composed of iron-coordinating porphyrin rings, allowing them to act as one electron carriers between complexes III and IV.
Catalyzed Flow: From NADH to O2 through four protein complexes.
Proton Translocation: Involved in three complexes (I, III, and IV) while Complex II does not pump protons.
Succinate-Q Reductase: Delivers electrons from FADH2 to Complex III.
NADH Conversion: Converts NADH to NAD+ and Q to QH2.
Proton Pumping: Pumps out four protons during this reaction.
Inhibition: Poisons like Rotenone inhibit Complex I functionality.
Electrons from Succinate: FAD reduces succinate to transfer electrons through iron-sulfur centers to ubiquinone.
Proton Pumping: Complex II does not pump protons unlike Complex I.
Q Pool Reference: Represents reduced and oxidized forms in the inner membrane.
Q Cycle Mechanism: Enables efficient transfer of electrons along with proton translocation.
Electron Transfer to Cyt c: Utilizes electrons from QH2 to reduce cytochrome c while pumping additional protons to the intermembrane space.
Inhibition Check: Inhibition by antimycin.
Step 1: QH2 binds and transfers electrons leading to cytochrome C reduction, pumping protons.
Step 2: Another QH2 binds, repeating electron transfer and proton pumping.
Outcome: Production of cytochrome C and proton movement.
Electron Transfer Mechanics: Reduces proton accumulation through efficient transfer between carriers.
Movement Space: Cytochrome C as a mobile carrier moving between complexes III and IV.
Electron Carriage: Transporting one electron each time to the terminal complex.
Final Electron Acceptance: Reduces O2 to water.
Proton Removal: Eight protons are involved in this process with four pumped outward.
Peroxide Bridge Formation: Involved when O2 is reduced, producing significant intermediate species.
Proton Pumping Sites: Complexes I, III, IV are primarily responsible.
Impact of Respiration: Excessive respiration can deplete O2 levels leading to dead zones.
O2 Reduction: Can form superoxide ions or peroxide under imperfect conditions, explaining ROS generation.
Dual Nature of ROS: Significantly impacts biological macromolecules positively and negatively.
Various Reactions: Details of reactions involving detoxifying mechanisms such as SOD and Catalase.
Link to Free Radicals: Various conditions are potentially due to oxidative stress and free-radical injury. (e.g., Atherogenesis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.)