
chapter 2 and 4


An active Will, that consists of preferring the good of others to the good of oneself


That directs all our sexual desires, emotions, and attractions towards the dignity of a person 


A firm habit of doing what is good


The action of self-control that avoid something


Enables us to take pressure in the good of gifts of God; cardinal virtue 

Sexual repression

The unhealthy attempt to ignore sexual desires, rather than embracing them, and allowing God to re-order what is disordered

Total self donation

The total giving oneself for the good of another

Personalistic norm

The principal that recognizes the proper attitude toward humans is love 


The philosophy of minimizing pain, maximizing pleasure often at the expense, others

Love as  attraction

Recognizing the good of another person and seeing the inner and outer beauty 

Love as desire

Wanting to do good for yourself, and desire and goodness and happiness

Love has Goodwill

Desiring and willing the good of another person


Greek term for divine unconditional love. The manner in which God loves us 


Pictures of stories created with the direct intention of arousing lust in the viewer or reader 

Sexual addictions

A compulsive and frequent habit of seeking sexual pleasure, including fornication intercourse, porn, and other sexual behaviors


To pay a debt through the exchange of equal or greater value than the debt owed


All-Knowing; equal of God meaning, God knows everything

The resurrection of the body

Joining at the end of time, the bodies will be saved with their souls

Glorified bodies

Perfected the resurrected body as it will be at the end of time

Spousal meaning of the body

Marital meaning of body, the bodies full capacity to express love


Another word for marriage or marital

Community of saints

In spirit, we are connected with those who have died while still being purified. We will share eternity together as the perfect person.

Hope Of every day

The daily of victory over, which is available to us through Christ


The final reality of man’s existence, when Christ returns and our body is raised


Action of a priest, as mediator of grace in the person of Christ, concluding the sacrament of reconciliation. Absolution cleanses us from our sins through Christ, loving mercy, and gives us the strength to start anew 
