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Final EXam american foregin policy (copy)

1.      The term "soft power," coined by political scientist Joseph Nye, refers to a nation's ability to influence others through:

a)     Military force

b)     Economic incentives and cultural influence

c)      Diplomatic alliances

d)     Coercive measures

2.      Which international organization did the US Congress refuse to join after World War I?

a)       League of Nations

b)       United Nations

c)        World Trade Organization

d)       International Monetary Fund

3.      The policy of "détente" pursued by the United States in the 1970s aimed to:

a)       Increase tensions with the Soviet Union

b)       Decrease tensions and promote dialogue with the Soviet Union

c)        Isolate the Soviet Union diplomatically

d)       Expand military operations in Eastern Europe

4.      The United States' involvement in the Vietnam War was primarily motivated by its policy of:

a)       Containment

b)       Isolationism

c)        Appeasement

d)       Imperialism

5.      The 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), aimed to:

a)     Allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons

b)     Prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons in exchange for sanctions relief

c)      Isolate Iran diplomatically

d)     Expand military presence in the Middle East

6.      The primary goal of the Obama administration's foreign policy initiative known as the "pivot to Asia" was to:

a)     Strengthen alliances with European nations

b)     Shift focus and resources towards Asia-Pacific region

c)      Promote economic cooperation with African countries

d)     Increase military presence in the Middle East

7.      The bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis happened under which president?

a)     Ronald Reagan

b)     John F. Kennedy

c)      Jimmy Carter

d)     Richard Nixon

8.     When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

a)     1984

b)     1791

c)      1805

d)     1914

9.      What was the strategy of Vietnamization during the Vietnam War?

a)     The US should withdraw completely from Vietnam.

b)     South Vietnamese forces should take over the fighting instead of US forces, supported by US training and equipment.

c)      The US should escalate its involvement in the war.

d)     The US should negotiate a peace treaty with North Vietnam.

10.  Why did the US stop its involvement in the Vietnam War?

a)     Due to military defeat

b)     Declining public support

c)      Economic reasons

d)     All of the above

11. Which conflict marked the first time the United States became involved in a major conflict to halt the spread of communism?

a)     Korean War

b)     Vietnam War

c)      Gulf War

d)     World War II

12. The Camp David Accords, brokered by President Jimmy Carter, led to a peace agreement between which two nations?

a)     Israel and Egypt

b)     Israel and Jordan

c)      Israel and Syria

d)     Israel and Lebanon

13. Which U.S. president signed the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) into law, promoting trade and economic integration with Canada and Mexico?

a)     Bill Clinton

b)     George H.W. Bush

c)      Ronald Reagan

d)     Barack Obama

14. The 1979 Iranian Revolution led to the overthrow of which ruler and the establishment of an Islamic republic?

a)      Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

b)     Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

c)      Saddam Hussein

d)     Hosni Mubarak

15. The policy of "rollback," advocated by some during the Cold War, called for:

a)      Containment of communist expansion

b)      Diplomatic negotiations with the Soviet Union

c)       Direct military intervention to overthrow communist regimes

d)      Economic sanctions against communist countries

16.  How many times has Congress declared war?

a)     Five times

b)     Eighteen times

c)      Two hundred times

d)     Ten times

17. The policy of "strategic ambiguity," often associated with the United States' stance on Taiwan, involves:

a)     Clearly stating support for Taiwan's independence

b)     Maintaining ambiguity over whether the U.S. would intervene militarily in a Taiwan-China conflict

c)      Providing military aid to Taiwan

d)     Recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation

18. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established primarily for what purpose?

a)     Economic cooperation among member states

b)     Military defense against Soviet aggression

c)      Cultural exchange programs

d)     Political integration of European nations

19. With which event did the Cold War begin?

a)     Truman Doctrine

b)     The Yalta Conference

c)      Marshall Plan

d)     Creation of NATO

20. What was the main goal of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

a)     Reducing the proliferation of nuclear weapons

b)     Expanding military alliances in Asia

c)      Promoting trade agreements between the two nations

d)     Establishing diplomatic relations with Eastern European countries


Final EXam american foregin policy (copy)

1.      The term "soft power," coined by political scientist Joseph Nye, refers to a nation's ability to influence others through:

a)     Military force

b)     Economic incentives and cultural influence

c)      Diplomatic alliances

d)     Coercive measures

2.      Which international organization did the US Congress refuse to join after World War I?

a)       League of Nations

b)       United Nations

c)        World Trade Organization

d)       International Monetary Fund

3.      The policy of "détente" pursued by the United States in the 1970s aimed to:

a)       Increase tensions with the Soviet Union

b)       Decrease tensions and promote dialogue with the Soviet Union

c)        Isolate the Soviet Union diplomatically

d)       Expand military operations in Eastern Europe

4.      The United States' involvement in the Vietnam War was primarily motivated by its policy of:

a)       Containment

b)       Isolationism

c)        Appeasement

d)       Imperialism

5.      The 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), aimed to:

a)     Allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons

b)     Prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons in exchange for sanctions relief

c)      Isolate Iran diplomatically

d)     Expand military presence in the Middle East

6.      The primary goal of the Obama administration's foreign policy initiative known as the "pivot to Asia" was to:

a)     Strengthen alliances with European nations

b)     Shift focus and resources towards Asia-Pacific region

c)      Promote economic cooperation with African countries

d)     Increase military presence in the Middle East

7.      The bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis happened under which president?

a)     Ronald Reagan

b)     John F. Kennedy

c)      Jimmy Carter

d)     Richard Nixon

8.     When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

a)     1984

b)     1791

c)      1805

d)     1914

9.      What was the strategy of Vietnamization during the Vietnam War?

a)     The US should withdraw completely from Vietnam.

b)     South Vietnamese forces should take over the fighting instead of US forces, supported by US training and equipment.

c)      The US should escalate its involvement in the war.

d)     The US should negotiate a peace treaty with North Vietnam.

10.  Why did the US stop its involvement in the Vietnam War?

a)     Due to military defeat

b)     Declining public support

c)      Economic reasons

d)     All of the above

11. Which conflict marked the first time the United States became involved in a major conflict to halt the spread of communism?

a)     Korean War

b)     Vietnam War

c)      Gulf War

d)     World War II

12. The Camp David Accords, brokered by President Jimmy Carter, led to a peace agreement between which two nations?

a)     Israel and Egypt

b)     Israel and Jordan

c)      Israel and Syria

d)     Israel and Lebanon

13. Which U.S. president signed the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) into law, promoting trade and economic integration with Canada and Mexico?

a)     Bill Clinton

b)     George H.W. Bush

c)      Ronald Reagan

d)     Barack Obama

14. The 1979 Iranian Revolution led to the overthrow of which ruler and the establishment of an Islamic republic?

a)      Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

b)     Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

c)      Saddam Hussein

d)     Hosni Mubarak

15. The policy of "rollback," advocated by some during the Cold War, called for:

a)      Containment of communist expansion

b)      Diplomatic negotiations with the Soviet Union

c)       Direct military intervention to overthrow communist regimes

d)      Economic sanctions against communist countries

16.  How many times has Congress declared war?

a)     Five times

b)     Eighteen times

c)      Two hundred times

d)     Ten times

17. The policy of "strategic ambiguity," often associated with the United States' stance on Taiwan, involves:

a)     Clearly stating support for Taiwan's independence

b)     Maintaining ambiguity over whether the U.S. would intervene militarily in a Taiwan-China conflict

c)      Providing military aid to Taiwan

d)     Recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation

18. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established primarily for what purpose?

a)     Economic cooperation among member states

b)     Military defense against Soviet aggression

c)      Cultural exchange programs

d)     Political integration of European nations

19. With which event did the Cold War begin?

a)     Truman Doctrine

b)     The Yalta Conference

c)      Marshall Plan

d)     Creation of NATO

20. What was the main goal of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

a)     Reducing the proliferation of nuclear weapons

b)     Expanding military alliances in Asia

c)      Promoting trade agreements between the two nations

d)     Establishing diplomatic relations with Eastern European countries