Change in allele frequency from one generation to the next:
p = p0 + p
p = 0: allele frequency remains constant (equilibrium)
p > 0: allele frequency increases
p < 0: allele frequency decreases
Factors involved:
Viability Selection
Species: Peppered Moth
Variants: typica and carbonaria
Kettlewell Study (1973)
Influence of pollution from the Industrial Revolution
Birmingham (city/industrial):
carbonaria: 447 | 27.5% recaptured
typica: 137 | 13.1% recaptured
Dorset (countryside/nonindustrial):
carbonaria: 473 | 6.3% recaptured
typica: 496 | 12.5% recaptured
Impact of Clean Air Acts on moth populations
Analysis by C. A. Clarke
Sampling from 1959 to 2002
No Selection:
Homogeneous fitness: w11 = w12 = w22
Directional Selection:
Beneficial Allele: A1 advantageous
Heterozygote Advantage:
Balanced: p = q = 0.5
Sickle-Cell Anemia:
AA: No anemia, susceptible to malaria
AS: Mild anemia, resistant to malaria
SS: Severe anemia, resistant to malaria
Unstable equilibrium:
Fitness: A1A1, A1A2, A2A2
Positive Selection:
Fitness increases with genotype frequency
Negative Selection:
Fitness decreases with genotype frequency
Example: Scale-eating cichlid, Perissodus microlepis
Resource Partitioning:
Competition among species for different resources
Deleterious Alleles:
The balance of mutation rates versus selection persistence
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: recessive mutations in telSMN
Cystic Fibrosis: resistance to typhoid fever
Directional Selection:
Balancing Selection: includes heterozygote advantage and negative frequency-dependent selection
Imperfect Adaptation: occurs through varying fitness levels due to environmental changes
Topic: Genetic Drift and Molecular Evolution
Source: BD Chapter 8
Natural selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology that explains the change in allele frequency from one generation to the next. In this context, the allele frequency can be calculated using the formula p = p0 + p, where p = 0 indicates that the allele frequency remains constant (equilibrium). If p > 0, the allele frequency increases, and if p < 0, it decreases.
Several factors are involved in the viability selection model, which includes zygotes, viability selection, adults, gametes, and parents. An important case study in natural selection is the phenomenon of industrial melanism, particularly illustrated by the species Biston betularia, commonly known as the peppered moth. This species exhibits two main variants: typica and carbonaria. The Kettlewell Study in 1973 explored the influence of pollution from the Industrial Revolution on these moth populations through a mark-recapture experiment. Results showed that in Birmingham (a city with industrial activity), the carbonaria variant had 447 individuals with a recapture rate of 27.5%, while the typica variant had 137 individuals with a 13.1% recapture rate. Conversely, in the countryside of Dorset, carbonaria had a recapture rate of 6.3% from 473 individuals, while typica had a rate of 12.5% from 496 individuals. The impact of the Clean Air Acts on moth populations was analyzed by C. A. Clarke, with sampling conducted from 1959 to 2002.
Natural selection operates through various equilibria. There are different types of natural selection, including no selection where there is homogeneous fitness (w11 = w12 = w22), directional selection where a beneficial allele (A1) is advantageous, and heterozygote advantage characterized by balanced frequencies (p = q = 0.5). Heterozygote advantage can be exemplified by sickle-cell anemia, where genotypes AA are free of anemia but susceptible to malaria, AS individuals have mild anemia yet are resistant to malaria, while SS individuals experience severe anemia but are also resistant to malaria. Additionally, underdominance in heterozygote disadvantage can lead to unstable equilibrium.
Frequency-dependent selection can be categorized into positive selection, where fitness increases with genotype frequency, and negative selection, where fitness decreases as the genotype frequency rises. Causes of negative frequency-dependent selection include predation and resource partitioning; for example, the scale-eating cichlid, Perissodus microlepis, demonstrates predation patterns that influence species dynamics.
In the context of mutations, deleterious alleles create a balance between mutation rates and the persistence of selection. Examples of this include spinal muscular atrophy, which arises from recessive mutations in the telomeric SMN (telSMN), and cystic fibrosis, which has been found to provide resistance to typhoid fever.
In summary, the types of selection encompass directional selection and balancing selection, which includes heterozygote advantage and negative frequency-dependent selection, leading to imperfect adaptation in response to varying fitness levels due to environmental changes.
The next lecture will cover the topic of genetic drift and molecular evolution and will reference BD Chapter 8.