IAFIS - largest collection of fingerprints in the world
core - found near the center of all loop and whorl patterns
arch - lines start on one side of the print and continue to the other side
whorl - circles that do not exit on either side of the print
loop - lines start on one side of the print, move to center, and leave on same side they started on
delta - triangle shape in all loop and whorl patterns
Primary Henry Classification - each finger gets a number and is counted based on presence of whorls
Secondary Henry Classification - frequency of each fingerprint pattern is used to calculate probability
Visible prints - prints that can be seen with the naked eye
Latent prints - invisible prints
Plastic prints - prints that leave an impression on soap or wax
morphology - form and structure of hair
hair - protein polymers, repeating units, natural or synthetic
cuticle - tough, clear covering of hair shaft
imbricate - broken glass
spinous - bundled spines
coronal - stacked crowns
cortex - middle layer, gives strength and mass and color
keratin - tough protein polymer made up of 20 amino acids
melanin - gives the hair color
medulla - spongy interior
fragmentary - less than half
interrupted - more than half
continuous - all there
stacked - multiple scales, only in animals
human medulla - fragmentary, interrupted, continuous
animal medulla - continuous or stacked
medullary index - dmedulla/dtotal
MI for humans - <1/3
MI for animals - >1/2
round - asian or NA
oval - europeo, mexican, mid eastern
crescent moon - african
association - link betwenn unknown sample and known sample
questioned - sample of unknown origin
exemplar - sample of known origin
metabolite - product of a substance formed by chemical processes in the boddy
false positive - hair absorbs chemicals from surroundings
cheiloscopy - study of lip prints
fibers - made up of filaments
textiles - fabrics woven in a distinctive pattern
filaments - twisted together to make a thread or fiber
fabric - woven fibers
synthetic fabric - human-made with spinnerets
natural fabric - from plants or animals
cellulose - plant
protein - animal
mineral - human-made with natural ingredients
yarn - strand of fibers
warp - lengthwise (tall) yarn
weft or woof - crosswise yarn
blend - warp and weft are not same types of fiber
plain - 1-1
twill - 1-2
satin - 1-4
knitted - complex weave