Word Smart [Sentences]

Iconoclast (n):The successful entrepreneur is an iconoclast who is not afraid to introduce something new to the market.

Ideology (n):Because Matt was such a charismatic man, he quickly pulled me into his cult’s ideology.

Idiosyncrasy (n):The home’s colorful idiosyncrasy made it stand out in the neighborhood of white houses.

Idyllic (n): Last year, the children enjoyed an idyllic Christmas in the mountains with their grandparents.

Ignominy (n): While he was once loved and respected, he now walks in ignominy.

Illicit (adj):The greedy company president did not hesitate to engage in illicit practices to increase the size of his annual bonus.

Immigrate (v): To escape religious persecution, Hector plans to immigrate to Canada.

Imminent (adj):Despite what the scientist said, the volcano eruption is not imminent so do not be concerned!

Immutable (adj): Your DNA is an immutable part of you that cannot be altered by anyone.

Impartial (adj):The governor has called for an impartial investigation of the city’s police department.

Impeccable (adj):Your impeccable work ethic and great attention to detail are reasons enough for hiring you.

Imperial (adj): If a member from an imperial family approaches you, then your response should be to bow before them.

Impervious (adj): Let us hope these thin walls are impervious to the freezing cold tonight!

Impetuous (adj): Because James is only seventeen, he tends to be impetuous at times.

Implement (v): Unfortunately, this plan is harder to implement than we thought it would be.

Impotent (adj):As I stood outside my burning house, I felt impotent as the firefighters tried to save everything I owned.

Impugn (v): It was the detective’s job to impugn all the statements made by the suspects.

Inane (adj): My teacher is really good about ignoring inane comments from the clowns in our class.

Inaugurate (v): Sir Oliver stood ramrod straight and at attention as they began to inaugurate the new college building.

Incandescent (adj):Our incandescent Christmas lights illuminate the living room.

Incantation (n): As the wizard made his incantation, the white clouds in the sky turned black.

Incense (v): News of the salary reduction is sure to incense the workers.

Incessant (adj): The incessant crying of a baby drives me nuts!

Incipient (adj): The best way to stop the disease from spreading is by identifying it while it is incipient.

Incisive (adj): One incisive insult is much more powerful than a barrage of name-calling.

Incongruous (adj): Try mixing water and oil and you will see an incongruous blend.

Incorrigible (adj): Even after spending a year in jail, the young man remains incorrigible and unafraid of the law.

Increment (n): To win the war, we need another increment of twenty thousand soldiers.

Indifferent (adj): The indifferent look on Matt’s face made it hard for me to understand his mood.

Indigenous (adj): Since the native tribes had no means of traveling, all of the food they ate was indigenous to their own communities.

Indigent (adj): In many indigent countries, people often go days without eating.

Indignant (adj): While I’m quite indignant that the boy broke my window, I am pleased he took responsibility for his actions.

Indolent (adj): Although Hank can be indolent on his days off, he always gives one hundred percent at work.

Indulgent (adj):I looked at my father and he returned my look with an indulgent smile.

Ineffable (adj): When Jake saw his fiancee walking down the church aisle, he experienced an ineffable feeling.

Inept (adj): The teenager who was an inept driver who could not back out of his driveway without hitting something.
