atrevido(a) (daring)
comprensivo(a) (understanding)
considerado(a) (considerate)
desagradable (unpleasant)
descarado(a) (insolent, shameless)
fiel (faithful)
mimado(a) (spoiled)
modesto(a) (modest)
vanidoso(a) (vain)
a diferencia de (as contrasted with)
al contrario (on the contrary)
por un lado (on the one hand)
por otro lado (on the other hand)
semejante a (similar to)
lo más/menos (the most/least)
lo mejor/peor (the best/worst)
los anteojos (glasses)
el balón (soccer ball)
la barba (beard)
el bigote (mustache)
el cabello (hair)
calvo(a) (bald)
cuadrado(a) (square)
esbelto(a) (slender)
el flequillo (bangs)
grueso(a) (heavy)
las lentes de contacto (contact lenses)
el lunar (beauty mark)
ondulado(a) (wavy)
opuesto(a) (opposite)
ovalado(a) (oval)
las pecas (freckles)
redondo(a) (round)
rojizo(a) (reddish)
teñido(a) (dyed)
triangular (triangular)
verse (to look, to appear)
compartir (to share)
discutir (to discuss, to argue)
hacerle caso a (to obey, to pay attention to)
influir (to influence)
resolver (o -ue) (to resolve)
respetar (to respect)
tener en común (to have in common)
atrevido(a) (daring)
comprensivo(a) (understanding)
considerado(a) (considerate)
desagradable (unpleasant)
descarado(a) (insolent, shameless)
fiel (faithful)
mimado(a) (spoiled)
modesto(a) (modest)
vanidoso(a) (vain)
a diferencia de (as contrasted with)
al contrario (on the contrary)
por un lado (on the one hand)
por otro lado (on the other hand)
semejante a (similar to)
lo más/menos (the most/least)
lo mejor/peor (the best/worst)
los anteojos (glasses)
el balón (soccer ball)
la barba (beard)
el bigote (mustache)
el cabello (hair)
calvo(a) (bald)
cuadrado(a) (square)
esbelto(a) (slender)
el flequillo (bangs)
grueso(a) (heavy)
las lentes de contacto (contact lenses)
el lunar (beauty mark)
ondulado(a) (wavy)
opuesto(a) (opposite)
ovalado(a) (oval)
las pecas (freckles)
redondo(a) (round)
rojizo(a) (reddish)
teñido(a) (dyed)
triangular (triangular)
verse (to look, to appear)
compartir (to share)
discutir (to discuss, to argue)
hacerle caso a (to obey, to pay attention to)
influir (to influence)
resolver (o -ue) (to resolve)
respetar (to respect)
tener en común (to have in common)