Computing innovations: an innovation that uses a program as a key part of their function.
Computing Innovation Samples:
Physical: Robots, Tablets, & Smart technology
Not Physical: Social Media, Applications, Editing Software, & Video Games
Collaboration is integral to CS because it allows for diverse ideas and thoughts that cater towards different people.
Pair programming is when two people share a computer and take turns Coding.
Logic Errors: unexpected behavior in program’s output
Syntax Errors: the code does not work properly because it is typed or written incorrectly
Run-Time Errors: error occurs while code runs
Overflow Errors: the numbers are too big for the computer iterative development process: develop working prototypes of a program and go back through the cycle to redevelop the program
incremental development process: break a problem into small parts and then reassemble the solution when each party is fixed
waterfall development model: a step-by-step process where each step flows into another.
Data is a collection of numbers and facts from different sources
Bits (binary digits) are what computers store data in
Computers read machine code which is usually in the binary system.
You must convert numbers between bases quickly for the MCQS
8 bits = 1 byte
Hexadecimal is used for RGB color codes & it uses numbers & letters to represent values
ASCII code converts text to binary format
● Abstraction: reduces complexity by only focusing on the most
important parts & hiding the irrelevant parts from the user.
● Analog data is measured continuously & change smoothly
● Digital data is measured digitally and leaves out extra data by
simplifying the data collected (form of abstraction)
● Data compression is dependent on 1) the method used and 2) the
amount of repeated info in the data
● Lossless compression: less compression & better file quality
● Lossy compression: more compression & worse file quality
● Metadata: data about data
● Data mining: examining very large data sets to find information
● Transforming data: editing or modifying data
● pseudocode: will be used a lot on the
MCQ section of the AP Exam, make sure to review the AP CSP exam sheet and fully understand all of the pseudocode.
AP pseudocode has an index that starts are 1
● Loops traverse through lists/arrays/strings
● Data types: integers, strings, lists and
● List (array) an ordered sequence of
● Strings are an ordered list of characters
○ Substrings are part of a string
● String concatenation occurs when two
strings or more are connected w/ a “+”
● An algorithm has instructions that
accomplish a task or solve a problem
● All algorithms are created using sequencing, selection, and iteration
Sequencing means that all of the code is executed in the order they are written in.
Expression a statement that only returns one value. (Evaluated with PEMDAS)
Selection statements are processed through if statements that all have conditions that need to be met for the selection to run
● Else statements are attached to if statements which specify what happens if a condition is not met
● MOD (%) gives you the remainder of 2 #’s
● Nested conditional statements have
conditional statements inside of
conditional statements
● Procedures are programming instructions
that are also called methods or functions
● Parameters: input variables of a
● Arguments: a call with defined values +
● logical operators: NOT, AND and OR
● An element is an individual value in a list &
all elements have an index
● sequential computing: traditional programming where each program is
processed at a time
● Parallel computing: when program is broken into smaller operations
and processed at the same time using multiple processors
● Distributed computing: multiple devices communicate together to run
a program
● sequential solution: takes as long as the # of all steps in a program
● parallel computing solution: faster w less # of cores
● fault tolerant: something can still function even w/ a partial
● Redundancy: duplication of things
● Internet = interconnection and networks
● computer network is when multiple computing devices communicate
with each other
● Data on the internet is split into data packets
● Routing: the process of finding the best path to deliver information.
● digital divide: gaps between those who have access to the internet
and those who do not
● The things that affect this are demographics, socioeconomic status,
and geographic location
● intellectual property the work that people consider “theirs”
● Copyright: the person who created something determines who uses
their creation
● Creative Commons: copyright license for creators to give others the
ability to use their work
● Open-sourcing: work is freely shared, distributed, and modified
● Open access: research available to public w/ out restrictions
● Malware: malicious software that takes control of a system
● Phishing: tricks ppl into giving their personal information away
● Encryption: encoding data to prevent others from accessing it
● Symmetric key encryption one key for both encrypting & decrypting
● Public key encryption public key to encrypt & private key to decrypt