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Five pillars of faith

  • Central muslim practices, upholds Islam like how pillars uphold building

  • Good muslim life

    1. Shahdah - declaration of faith

    2. Salah - prayer

    3. Zakah - charitable giving

    4. Sawm - Fasting during ramadan

    5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah

  • 10 obligatory acts - for Shi’a muslims by the Twelvers

    1. Salah - Prayer

    2. Sawm - Fasting

    3. Zakah - Charitable giving

    4. Khums - 20% tax on wealth after expense

    5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah

    6. Jihad - Struggle to be a good muslim and defend Islam

    7. Amr-bil-Maruf - encouraging pepople do do good

    8. Nahi Anil Munkar - Discouraging people from doing wrong

    9. Tawallah - Being loving to friends of God (Muhammad, Imams…)

    10. Tabarra - distancing yourself from enemies of God (iblis)

  • Shahadah = “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet”

    • Shi’a adds “And Ali is the friend of God”

    • Is used for converting to Islam (say it three times in front of a witness)

    • Said when baby is born so begins their life in faith

    • Can be said before a muslim dies

    • Said in each of 5 daily prayers

  • Effects of Shahdah:

    • Taqwa - aware that God is there bc shahadah said everyday

    • Submission to God

  • Salah - praying 5 times a day

    • Fajr (before sunrise), Zuhr (after midday), Asr (midday to sunset), Mahgrib (after sunset before dusk), Isha (night)

    • Huge commitment bc sun may rise very early

    • Shi’a prays three slot but combines Zuhr and Asr together

    • Make up of Rak’ahs (set of movements and words)

      • Stand and recite first chapter of Qu’ran

      • Bow and say “Glory be to my Lord is who the very greatest” three times

      • Stand upright and praise God

      • Prostate/kneel and say “God is the greatest”

      • Repeat appropriate number of times for prayer

      • Kneel to left and say “Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of God.”

    • Can do Du’a afterwards (personal/informal prayers)

    • Pray at home/mosque, anywhere clean and facing the Makkah

    • Do Wudu/washing before God

    • Qiblah wall shows direction of makkah (in mosques)

    • Jummah (Friday midday prayer) is a prayer all adult male muslims are expected to attend

  • Zakah - alms giving (2.5% of savings) to the poor

    • Nisab is the minimum amount of savings u need to have to pay for Zakah

    • ppl with wealth under nisabdont need to pay Zakah

    • sadaqah is the voluntary charity on top of Zakah and muslims are encouraged to do this

  • Khums is 20% of savings that SHI’A MUSLIMS have to give

    • spent on religious leaders/God’s works

  • Sawm - Fasting during ramadan

    • Month where Qur’an was revealed

    • muslims will fast and avoid sins

      and do good deeds

    • Fasting is COMPULSORY

      • except for very old, very young, ill, menstruating, pregnant, travelling long distances…

      • Make up after Eid

      • “The Night of Power is better than a thousand months”

  • Hajj is pilgrimage to Makkah with Ka’aba for religious reasons

    • a muslim has to do it once in a lifetime

    • islamic funds can help people attend Hajj if they cannot afford it

    • follows story of Ibrahim (water from Zamzam well, going to Ka’aba…)

    • Ihram = first state of Hajj, purity inside and out. Do Wudu. Men where white sheets and women wear a single colour to cover whole body. Symbolises equality and purity.

    • Declear intention to do Hajj with Niyyah prayer

    • Recite Talbiyah prayer

    • Tawaf - circle Makkah seven times anti-clockwise

    • Sa’y - going between Safa and Marwah hills seven times (=Hajar rushing between hills to find water for IShamael), then collect water from Zamzam well

      • symbolises search for God

    • Go to mount Arafat where Muhammad gave last sermon

      • stand and pray the next dau at mount Arafat where they remind themselves what hell will be like, and praying for forgiveness

    • Mina - stoning of Jamarats/pillars representing the devil

      • Sacrifice sheep/cow/goat

    • Farewell tawaf - circles Ka’aba again for 7 times


Five pillars of faith

  • Central muslim practices, upholds Islam like how pillars uphold building

  • Good muslim life

    1. Shahdah - declaration of faith

    2. Salah - prayer

    3. Zakah - charitable giving

    4. Sawm - Fasting during ramadan

    5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah

  • 10 obligatory acts - for Shi’a muslims by the Twelvers

    1. Salah - Prayer

    2. Sawm - Fasting

    3. Zakah - Charitable giving

    4. Khums - 20% tax on wealth after expense

    5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah

    6. Jihad - Struggle to be a good muslim and defend Islam

    7. Amr-bil-Maruf - encouraging pepople do do good

    8. Nahi Anil Munkar - Discouraging people from doing wrong

    9. Tawallah - Being loving to friends of God (Muhammad, Imams…)

    10. Tabarra - distancing yourself from enemies of God (iblis)

  • Shahadah = “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet”

    • Shi’a adds “And Ali is the friend of God”

    • Is used for converting to Islam (say it three times in front of a witness)

    • Said when baby is born so begins their life in faith

    • Can be said before a muslim dies

    • Said in each of 5 daily prayers

  • Effects of Shahdah:

    • Taqwa - aware that God is there bc shahadah said everyday

    • Submission to God

  • Salah - praying 5 times a day

    • Fajr (before sunrise), Zuhr (after midday), Asr (midday to sunset), Mahgrib (after sunset before dusk), Isha (night)

    • Huge commitment bc sun may rise very early

    • Shi’a prays three slot but combines Zuhr and Asr together

    • Make up of Rak’ahs (set of movements and words)

      • Stand and recite first chapter of Qu’ran

      • Bow and say “Glory be to my Lord is who the very greatest” three times

      • Stand upright and praise God

      • Prostate/kneel and say “God is the greatest”

      • Repeat appropriate number of times for prayer

      • Kneel to left and say “Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of God.”

    • Can do Du’a afterwards (personal/informal prayers)

    • Pray at home/mosque, anywhere clean and facing the Makkah

    • Do Wudu/washing before God

    • Qiblah wall shows direction of makkah (in mosques)

    • Jummah (Friday midday prayer) is a prayer all adult male muslims are expected to attend

  • Zakah - alms giving (2.5% of savings) to the poor

    • Nisab is the minimum amount of savings u need to have to pay for Zakah

    • ppl with wealth under nisabdont need to pay Zakah

    • sadaqah is the voluntary charity on top of Zakah and muslims are encouraged to do this

  • Khums is 20% of savings that SHI’A MUSLIMS have to give

    • spent on religious leaders/God’s works

  • Sawm - Fasting during ramadan

    • Month where Qur’an was revealed

    • muslims will fast and avoid sins

      and do good deeds

    • Fasting is COMPULSORY

      • except for very old, very young, ill, menstruating, pregnant, travelling long distances…

      • Make up after Eid

      • “The Night of Power is better than a thousand months”

  • Hajj is pilgrimage to Makkah with Ka’aba for religious reasons

    • a muslim has to do it once in a lifetime

    • islamic funds can help people attend Hajj if they cannot afford it

    • follows story of Ibrahim (water from Zamzam well, going to Ka’aba…)

    • Ihram = first state of Hajj, purity inside and out. Do Wudu. Men where white sheets and women wear a single colour to cover whole body. Symbolises equality and purity.

    • Declear intention to do Hajj with Niyyah prayer

    • Recite Talbiyah prayer

    • Tawaf - circle Makkah seven times anti-clockwise

    • Sa’y - going between Safa and Marwah hills seven times (=Hajar rushing between hills to find water for IShamael), then collect water from Zamzam well

      • symbolises search for God

    • Go to mount Arafat where Muhammad gave last sermon

      • stand and pray the next dau at mount Arafat where they remind themselves what hell will be like, and praying for forgiveness

    • Mina - stoning of Jamarats/pillars representing the devil

      • Sacrifice sheep/cow/goat

    • Farewell tawaf - circles Ka’aba again for 7 times
