CAT Poster Presentations

Evidence-Based Practice Overview

  • Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in the MSOT Program at Stockton University

  • Presented by Jennifer Calabrese, OTD, MOT, OTR/L


  • Understand the rationale for presenting a literature review or study

  • Discuss the impact of learning styles and health literacy on presentation styles

  • Select an appropriate presentation method

  • Create effective visual aids to support presentations

  • Identify additional resources for delivering impactful presentations

What is a Presentation?

Key Elements of Pedagogy

  • The art of teaching involves:

    • Developmental stages of learners

    • Memory and attention skills

    • Learning styles

    • Cultural influences

    • Presentation goals

  • Consideration of audience is paramount in presentation planning.

Audience Considerations

  • Importance of tailoring presentations to different decision-makers:

    • Clients: Need to make informed decisions about interventions.

    • Managers/Therapists: Evaluate which interventions should be provided and supported in the clinic.

    • Funders: Assess the predicted effectiveness and feasibility of proposed interventions for funding decisions.

Presentation Methods

  • Selection of methods based on the goals of the presentation:

    • Modes include oral, poster, and electronic presentations.

    • Can be presented locally, nationally, or internationally.

  • Reasons for presenting:

    • Enhance comprehension of shared information.

    • Engage a variety of audience members.

    • Foster networking and collaboration.

    • Develop professional skills.

Oral Presentation Review

  • Generally supported by visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint):

    • Visuals should complement, not replace, the spoken narrative.

    • Handouts provide notes, references, and contact information.

    • Engagement techniques (discussions, Q&A) enhance interest.

PowerPoint Slide Recommendations


  • Maintain a consistent theme and font across slides.

  • Limit each slide to one main topic.

Visual Appeal

  • Use dark text on light backgrounds for better visibility.

  • Avoid harsh colors that can strain eyes.


  • Use clear language, avoid abbreviations unless necessary.

PowerPoint Text Guidelines

  • Font Size:

    • Use a minimum font size of 14-28 pt, headings at least 2 pts larger.

  • Text Formatting:

    • Avoid all caps and use bold/italics judiciously.

    • Limit to six words per line and six lines per slide.

  • Use graphics to replace text when appropriate.

Additional PowerPoint Recommendations


  • Simplify tables; consider placing them in handouts instead.


  • Ensure titles and all components are properly labeled.

  • Maintain a proper scale to avoid distortion.


  • Recommended resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels.


  • Include references in handouts or on posters/electronic presentations.

Rule of Threes

  • People generally remember three main points effectively, thus focus on three take-home messages.

CAT Presentation Summary

  • Involves synthesis of 12 articles discussing:

    • The effectiveness of the 90-second rule for people with dementia.

    • Key findings:

      1. Individuals with dementia may require longer processing times for verbal information.

      2. Repeating directions resets the 90-second rule.

      3. Giving individuals 90 seconds after initial instructions increases follow-through likelihood.

Poster Presentations


  • Ideal for first-time conference presenters; less formal than oral presentations.

  • Poster design typically utilizes one scaled PowerPoint slide.


  • Choose an organized template (with approved logos).

  • Clearly delineate sections and content.

  • Focus on visual layout and design.

Poster Design Principles

  • Visual Appeal:

    • Consistent theme, top to bottom layout.

    • Avoid using photos as backgrounds except for emphasis.

  • Text Formatting:

    • Use a minimum of 28-36 pt for content; 48 pt for headings.

    • Ensure readability from a distance in-person.

Poster Etiquette

  • Dress professionally and wear a name badge.

  • Arrive early to set up and have an adequate number of handouts/business cards.

  • Promote open body language and facial expressions; allow viewers time to engage with the poster before answering questions.

Electronic Presentations


  • Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous formats; utilize software like Prezi or GOTOWebinar.


  • Benefits include reaching a larger audience, financial savings, and convenience for participants.

Tips for Effective Presentations

  • Aim for peer-reviewed conference presentations; reapply if unsuccessful.

  • Practice delivery; consider recording for feedback.

  • Familiarize with technology; prepare a backup plan.

  • Allocate time for Q&A, especially in electronic formats.

  • Use storytelling and real-life examples to engage the audience emotionally.

  • Begin with objectives and conclude with key takeaways.


  • Hissong, A. N., Lape, J.E., & Bailey, D.A. (2015). Research for the health professional (3rd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.
