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3.4: Microbiology

Bacteria overview

  • Millions of bacteria live in small amounts of soil and water.

  • Our gut microbiome contains more bacteria than cells (10*13 - 10*14)

    • 500-1,000 different species.

  • Bacteria are extremely small, ranging from:

    • Archaea, which can be 0.4um in diameter, making them the smallest known organism which can reproduce independently.

      • This is only limited by the size of molecules necessary for life.

    • The largest is a sulphur bacterium, which is 750um in diameter and visible to the human eye.

      • Most of the cell is a vacuole.



  • There are three different shapes:

    • Coccus (spherical), such as Staphylococcus.

    • Bacillus (rod-shaped), such as E.coli.

    • Spiral (corkscrew-shaped), such as Spirillum.

  • This can be further classified by their groupings:

    • Single, such as Helicobacter.

    • Pairs, such as Diplococcus pneumoniae.

    • Chains, such as Streptococcus.

    • Clusters, such as Staphylococcus.

Gram stain test

  • This test allows scientists to distinguish between the composition of bacterial cell walls:

    • Positive bacteria remains purple throughout, due to its extra lipopolysaccharide layer.

    • Negative bacteria loses its purple and becomes pink, due to only having a thick peptidoglycan (murein) cell wall.

  • This test happens in 5 steps:

    • Bacteria are inoculated, spread on a glass slide and heated. It is currently transparent.

    • Crystal violet (CV) is added to stain the bacteria. This binds to the peptidoglycan, staining all bacteria purple.

    • Lugol’s iodine is added to bind the CV to the peptidoglycan more strongly. This is known as a mordant (fixes a dye to a material). The bacteria remain purple.

    • Acetone-alcohol is added as a decolouriser, which removes unbound CV. Due to the lipopolysaccharide molecules, the purple dye washes off gram negative bacteria. Gram positive bacteria remains purple, and gram negative becomes transparent.

    • Safranin is added as a counterstain, in order to make the gram negative bacteria visible. The gram negative bacteria become red, and gram positive remain purple.

Gram stain positive

  • This bacteria remains purple, and includes Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

  • The lack of a lipopolysaccharide layer in the cell walls allows the stain to bind effectively.

    • They are also more susceptible to antibiotics (such as penicillin) and the enzyme lysozyme than gram negative bacteria.

      • Penicillin works by preventing bonds between peptidoglycan from forming. This prevents new cell wall creation during mitosis, making the cell wall weak and allowing the cell to burst via osmosis.

      • Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme, in human tears and saliva, which works by hydrolysing bonds holding peptidoglycan molecules together.

Gram stain negative

  • This bacteria loses the purple and becomes red, and includes Salmonella species and E.coli.

  • This has a more chemically complex cell wall, as the outer cell membrane is supplemented with large lipopolysaccharide molecules.

    • These protect the cell from dyes, makes them penicillin resistant and unaffected by lysozymes.

  • To control them requires antibiotics which interfere with the cell’s ability to make proteins.

    • These do not harm the eukaryotic (human) cells as they have different protein making cellular machinery.

Culturing bacteria

  • Microorganisms undergo asexual reproduction and reproduce quickly in suitable environments.

    • In optimum conditions they can divide every 20 minutes.

    • This optimum can vary across bacteria.

Necessary conditions

  • The following conditions are required:

    • Nutrients - Supplied using a nutrient media, either a liquid medium known as a nutrient broth or a medium solidified using agar. Mediums provide water and:

      • A carbon and energy source, usually glucose.

      • Nitrogen for amino acid synthesis, in organic and inorganic forms, such as nitrate ions.

    • Growth factors:

      • Vitamins, such as biotin.

      • Mineral salts, such as Na+ (sodium), Mg*2+ (magnesium), Cl- (chlorine), SO4*2- (sulphur), PO4*3- (phosphate).

    • Temperature - Enzymes regulate bacterial metabolism.

      • A range of 25-40 degrees is suitable for most bacteria.

      • Mammalian pathogens have an optimum of 37 degrees - human body temperature.

    • pH:

      • Most bacteria favour slightly alkaline conditions (7.4).

      • Fungi have an optimum of neutral to slightly acidic.

    • Oxygen need - There are 3 categories of oxygen need:

      • Obligate aerobes - Oxygen is required for metabolism, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

      • Facultative aerobes - Microorganisms that do better with oxygen, but can survive in its absence, such as E.coli.

      • Obligate anaerobes - Microorganisms that respire without oxygen and cannot grow in its presence, such as Clostridium bacteria.

        • This produces toxins or poisons in a wound, destroying body tissue in a condition known as moist gangrene.

Aseptic technique

  • This is also known as sterile technique, where all bacteria and apparatus are kept clear of microorganisms to prevent contamination of the bacteria culture but also the environment.

  • To prevent culture and apparatus contamination:

    • All apparatus and media is sterilised before use to prevent initial contamination.

    • Culture vessels are flamed before opening and closing.

    • Sterile loops are used to prevent subsequent contamination.

  • To prevent environmental contamination:

    • Work surface is sterilised before and after use using a disinfectant.

    • During inoculation (introduction of bacteria to encourage it to grow):

      • The culture bottle is held in one hand, and the cap is held in the other hand. It should not be placed on the work surface.

      • The mouth of the bottle should be flamed for 2-3 seconds.

      • Bunsen burners should be continuously heated as this causes bacteria to rise due to a convection current - therefore away from the apparatus.

      • The inoculation loop should be heated until red hot and then cooled.

      • The petri dish lid should be lifted just enough for the loop to enter.

        • There are two techniques for this, spreading (a pipette drop and then spread) and streaking (done using an inoculation loop. Three streaks are made, then a slight turn and three more. This is done five times, making a shape that resembles a hexagon.).

      • The lid should be secured with tap, but not all the way as this would close off oxygen, encouraging the growth of anaerobic and likely pathogenic microorganisms.

      • Incubate at 25 degrees, avoiding 37 degrees as this would encourage pathogenic microorganisms to grow.

      • Petri dishes should not be opened after incubation (when bacterial colonies grow).

    • In labs, autoclaves are used.

      • These are sealed containers where glass and metal equipment is heated to 121 degrees in steam under pressure for 15 minutes after the optimum pressure is reached.

      • Disposable materials after use, such as petri dishes, are sealed inside autoclavable plastic bags, autoclaved, then disposed of.


  • Estimating the growth of a bacterial population in a suspension (a fluid in which particles are dispersed but not totally dissolved) is important.

    • It is done by environmental health officers taking food samples.

    • Water authorities check water supplies daily.

    • Food manufacturers must check the food they sell.

  • Food and drugs are produced using bacteria grown in industrial fermenters, and bacterial count is important.

  • There are two methods:

    • Directly - Counting individual cells.

      • Viable counts only count living cells.

      • Total counts include living and dead cells.

    • Indirectly - Measuring the turbidity (cloudiness) of the culture.


  • It is not possible to count all bacteria, so only a small sample is counted.

  • Dilutions are also necessary in order to count all the bacteria due to high population density.

    • As this only counts bacterial colonies, only live cells are counted.

  • Serial dilution is used, where a substance is diluted multiple times, usually of 1cm (moves up in 10-1) or 0.1cm (moves up in 10-2) suspension to 9cm or 9.9cm dilution.

    • 1cm of each diluted sample is spread over a sterile agar plate and incubated over 2 days at 25 degrees.

    • If a sample isn’t diluted enough, colonies merge (clumping) together and make counting inaccurate.

    • Only a dish containing 20-100 viable colonies that are distinct and separate are chosen.

      • This sample is then multiplied by the dilution factor.

  • A haemocytometer can also be used, a more accurate method.

    • This is a specialised microscope, with a raised platform in the centre with perpendicular lines, allowing for individual counting.

    • However, this counts both living and dead cells.


  • Turbidimetry is used, where a colorimeter is used to measure the turbidity of the culture, which would increase alongside the cell concentration.

    • This would measure the population by finding the exact absorbance of a suspension and comparing it to a graph of light suspension alongside bacterial cell count.

    • This provides a total cell count, as colorimeters do not distinguish between living and dead cells.

  • This is used in the field, such as in river water samples.


3.4: Microbiology

Bacteria overview

  • Millions of bacteria live in small amounts of soil and water.

  • Our gut microbiome contains more bacteria than cells (10*13 - 10*14)

    • 500-1,000 different species.

  • Bacteria are extremely small, ranging from:

    • Archaea, which can be 0.4um in diameter, making them the smallest known organism which can reproduce independently.

      • This is only limited by the size of molecules necessary for life.

    • The largest is a sulphur bacterium, which is 750um in diameter and visible to the human eye.

      • Most of the cell is a vacuole.



  • There are three different shapes:

    • Coccus (spherical), such as Staphylococcus.

    • Bacillus (rod-shaped), such as E.coli.

    • Spiral (corkscrew-shaped), such as Spirillum.

  • This can be further classified by their groupings:

    • Single, such as Helicobacter.

    • Pairs, such as Diplococcus pneumoniae.

    • Chains, such as Streptococcus.

    • Clusters, such as Staphylococcus.

Gram stain test

  • This test allows scientists to distinguish between the composition of bacterial cell walls:

    • Positive bacteria remains purple throughout, due to its extra lipopolysaccharide layer.

    • Negative bacteria loses its purple and becomes pink, due to only having a thick peptidoglycan (murein) cell wall.

  • This test happens in 5 steps:

    • Bacteria are inoculated, spread on a glass slide and heated. It is currently transparent.

    • Crystal violet (CV) is added to stain the bacteria. This binds to the peptidoglycan, staining all bacteria purple.

    • Lugol’s iodine is added to bind the CV to the peptidoglycan more strongly. This is known as a mordant (fixes a dye to a material). The bacteria remain purple.

    • Acetone-alcohol is added as a decolouriser, which removes unbound CV. Due to the lipopolysaccharide molecules, the purple dye washes off gram negative bacteria. Gram positive bacteria remains purple, and gram negative becomes transparent.

    • Safranin is added as a counterstain, in order to make the gram negative bacteria visible. The gram negative bacteria become red, and gram positive remain purple.

Gram stain positive

  • This bacteria remains purple, and includes Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

  • The lack of a lipopolysaccharide layer in the cell walls allows the stain to bind effectively.

    • They are also more susceptible to antibiotics (such as penicillin) and the enzyme lysozyme than gram negative bacteria.

      • Penicillin works by preventing bonds between peptidoglycan from forming. This prevents new cell wall creation during mitosis, making the cell wall weak and allowing the cell to burst via osmosis.

      • Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme, in human tears and saliva, which works by hydrolysing bonds holding peptidoglycan molecules together.

Gram stain negative

  • This bacteria loses the purple and becomes red, and includes Salmonella species and E.coli.

  • This has a more chemically complex cell wall, as the outer cell membrane is supplemented with large lipopolysaccharide molecules.

    • These protect the cell from dyes, makes them penicillin resistant and unaffected by lysozymes.

  • To control them requires antibiotics which interfere with the cell’s ability to make proteins.

    • These do not harm the eukaryotic (human) cells as they have different protein making cellular machinery.

Culturing bacteria

  • Microorganisms undergo asexual reproduction and reproduce quickly in suitable environments.

    • In optimum conditions they can divide every 20 minutes.

    • This optimum can vary across bacteria.

Necessary conditions

  • The following conditions are required:

    • Nutrients - Supplied using a nutrient media, either a liquid medium known as a nutrient broth or a medium solidified using agar. Mediums provide water and:

      • A carbon and energy source, usually glucose.

      • Nitrogen for amino acid synthesis, in organic and inorganic forms, such as nitrate ions.

    • Growth factors:

      • Vitamins, such as biotin.

      • Mineral salts, such as Na+ (sodium), Mg*2+ (magnesium), Cl- (chlorine), SO4*2- (sulphur), PO4*3- (phosphate).

    • Temperature - Enzymes regulate bacterial metabolism.

      • A range of 25-40 degrees is suitable for most bacteria.

      • Mammalian pathogens have an optimum of 37 degrees - human body temperature.

    • pH:

      • Most bacteria favour slightly alkaline conditions (7.4).

      • Fungi have an optimum of neutral to slightly acidic.

    • Oxygen need - There are 3 categories of oxygen need:

      • Obligate aerobes - Oxygen is required for metabolism, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

      • Facultative aerobes - Microorganisms that do better with oxygen, but can survive in its absence, such as E.coli.

      • Obligate anaerobes - Microorganisms that respire without oxygen and cannot grow in its presence, such as Clostridium bacteria.

        • This produces toxins or poisons in a wound, destroying body tissue in a condition known as moist gangrene.

Aseptic technique

  • This is also known as sterile technique, where all bacteria and apparatus are kept clear of microorganisms to prevent contamination of the bacteria culture but also the environment.

  • To prevent culture and apparatus contamination:

    • All apparatus and media is sterilised before use to prevent initial contamination.

    • Culture vessels are flamed before opening and closing.

    • Sterile loops are used to prevent subsequent contamination.

  • To prevent environmental contamination:

    • Work surface is sterilised before and after use using a disinfectant.

    • During inoculation (introduction of bacteria to encourage it to grow):

      • The culture bottle is held in one hand, and the cap is held in the other hand. It should not be placed on the work surface.

      • The mouth of the bottle should be flamed for 2-3 seconds.

      • Bunsen burners should be continuously heated as this causes bacteria to rise due to a convection current - therefore away from the apparatus.

      • The inoculation loop should be heated until red hot and then cooled.

      • The petri dish lid should be lifted just enough for the loop to enter.

        • There are two techniques for this, spreading (a pipette drop and then spread) and streaking (done using an inoculation loop. Three streaks are made, then a slight turn and three more. This is done five times, making a shape that resembles a hexagon.).

      • The lid should be secured with tap, but not all the way as this would close off oxygen, encouraging the growth of anaerobic and likely pathogenic microorganisms.

      • Incubate at 25 degrees, avoiding 37 degrees as this would encourage pathogenic microorganisms to grow.

      • Petri dishes should not be opened after incubation (when bacterial colonies grow).

    • In labs, autoclaves are used.

      • These are sealed containers where glass and metal equipment is heated to 121 degrees in steam under pressure for 15 minutes after the optimum pressure is reached.

      • Disposable materials after use, such as petri dishes, are sealed inside autoclavable plastic bags, autoclaved, then disposed of.


  • Estimating the growth of a bacterial population in a suspension (a fluid in which particles are dispersed but not totally dissolved) is important.

    • It is done by environmental health officers taking food samples.

    • Water authorities check water supplies daily.

    • Food manufacturers must check the food they sell.

  • Food and drugs are produced using bacteria grown in industrial fermenters, and bacterial count is important.

  • There are two methods:

    • Directly - Counting individual cells.

      • Viable counts only count living cells.

      • Total counts include living and dead cells.

    • Indirectly - Measuring the turbidity (cloudiness) of the culture.


  • It is not possible to count all bacteria, so only a small sample is counted.

  • Dilutions are also necessary in order to count all the bacteria due to high population density.

    • As this only counts bacterial colonies, only live cells are counted.

  • Serial dilution is used, where a substance is diluted multiple times, usually of 1cm (moves up in 10-1) or 0.1cm (moves up in 10-2) suspension to 9cm or 9.9cm dilution.

    • 1cm of each diluted sample is spread over a sterile agar plate and incubated over 2 days at 25 degrees.

    • If a sample isn’t diluted enough, colonies merge (clumping) together and make counting inaccurate.

    • Only a dish containing 20-100 viable colonies that are distinct and separate are chosen.

      • This sample is then multiplied by the dilution factor.

  • A haemocytometer can also be used, a more accurate method.

    • This is a specialised microscope, with a raised platform in the centre with perpendicular lines, allowing for individual counting.

    • However, this counts both living and dead cells.


  • Turbidimetry is used, where a colorimeter is used to measure the turbidity of the culture, which would increase alongside the cell concentration.

    • This would measure the population by finding the exact absorbance of a suspension and comparing it to a graph of light suspension alongside bacterial cell count.

    • This provides a total cell count, as colorimeters do not distinguish between living and dead cells.

  • This is used in the field, such as in river water samples.