Women in both the United Kingdom and the United States fought for the right to vote during the 1800s.
Following the Franco-Prussian War, France experienced a series of difficulties. Between 1871 and 1914, France had virtually a yearly change of administration.
Conflict arose in Canada as a result of religious and cultural differences between the predominantly Roman Catholic French colonists and the predominantly Protestant English-speaking colonists.
Tensions were briefly calmed by the split of Upper and Lower Canada. The royal governor and a tiny group of rich British held much of the power in both colonies.
Many Canadians believed that the country needed a central government by the mid-nineteenth century.
John MacDonald, Canada's first prime minister, pushed the country westward by buying territory and persuading frontier areas to join the union.
In both Australia and New Zealand, free British settlers eventually joined the former convicts.
Ireland endured one of the greatest famines in modern history in the 1840s. For many years, Irish peasants relied on potatoes as their primary source of nutrition.
Many Americans believed in manifest destiny, the notion that the US had the right and responsibility to control North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
Mexico's borders encompassed the lands west of the Louisiana Purchase when it declared independence from Spain in 1821.
American settlers moved into the Mexican territory of Texas with Mexico's approval.
Between May 1846 and February 1848, the two countries were at war. Mexico eventually gave up.
The North's economy was diverse, with agriculture and industry coexisting. The North relied on free labor for both its factories and farmland.
Thomas Edison patented almost 1,000 inventions during his career, including the light bulb and the phonograph.
Others contributed to the use of electricity to transport sound over long distances. Alexander Graham Bell was a deaf student's teacher who, in his leisure time, invented the telephone.
Wilbur and Orville Wright, two bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio, solved the age-old puzzle of flight.
Although the longest flight was only 59 seconds long, it was the beginning of the aviation industry.
The germ theory of disease was a significant development in medical history. Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, invented it in the mid-1800s.