International Court of Justice Case: Concerning the Naegea Sea (Union of Ambrosia v. Republic of Rovinia)
Date of Order: 16 September 2024
Language: Documents provided in English and French.
General List Number: 189
Relevant Articles: In reference to Articles 40, 48 of the Statute of the Court, and Articles 31, 44, 45, and 48 of the Rules of Court.
Application Date: Filed on 11 July 2024 by the Union of Ambrosia against the Republic of Rovinia regarding disputes over the Naegea Sea.
Communication to Rovinia: Registrar informed Rovinia and the Secretary-General of the UN about the application.
Agents Appointed: Both parties have appointed their respective agents for proceedings.
Order of 15 August 2024: Court decided all claims would be heard together and requested a Statement of Agreed Facts from both parties.
Filing Dates: Dates for written and oral pleadings aligned with the Official Schedule of the 2025 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
Governing Rules: The proceedings will be governed by the rules of the 2025 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
Location of Proceedings: Peace Palace, The Hague.
Historical Context: Late 17th century, Kingdom of Fretzi colonized Paine Peninsula, split into seven units; all independent by 1946.
Union of Ambrosia: Northernmost of seven states; 180,000 sq km, population 4 million, 910 km coastline on Naegea Sea.
Republic of Rovinia: Southernmost state; 900,000 sq km, population 10 million, 455 km coastline, mountainous.
Economic Importance: Naegea Sea has rich tuna species; fishing is crucial for both states' economies (Ambrosia: 20% GDP, Rovinia: 40% GDP).
Regulatory Framework: Since 1980, all states asserted fishing rights in their EEZs, with laws defining ambulatory baselines.
Criminal Activities: Naegea Sea known for arms smuggling and trafficking; significant arrests related to these activities between 1995-2012.
President Prosper Derey: Elected in 2012, focused on law and order, initiated the ILSA program for drug control.
ILSA Program Launch: Gertrude Cross ordered to take lawful measures against drug operations, resulting in increased arrests and convictions.
IPCC Special Report (2014): Report on climate change effects; Ambrosia economic areas most impacted, coastal erosion accelerating.
OCDP Formation Proposal (2014): Proposal for regional collaboration on drug trafficking and sustainability, leading to the creation of the Organization for Cooperation and Development in the Paine (OCDP).
Charter Negotiations: Debated inclusion of a compromissory clause regarding dispute resolution by ICJ; clause applicable only after the Charter's entry into force.
OCDP Charter Signed (2015): Member states accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with exceptions for pre-Charter disputes and domestic jurisdiction matters.
Baseline Freezing Law (2015): Adopted by Ambrosia to fix maritime boundaries despite coastline recession due to climate change.
Rovinia's Response: Initially silent on Ambrosia's law, but protested against similar laws from other states in 2016.
OCDP Assembly Discussion (2016): Issues regarding freezing legislation addressed; Ambrosia's position emphasized.
Regional Support: Six states supported fixed baselines; Rovinia opposed, halting resolutions.
Diplomatic Communications: Rovinia criticized Ambrosia's freezing laws for infringing on high seas fishing rights.
Legislation Adoption: OCDP members, excluding Rovinia, prepared laws securing maritime boundaries against coastline recession.
Proposed Resolution (2016): Ambrosia and Caron proposed marking the anniversary of freezing legislation; Rovinia's vote opposed.
Ambrosian Institute of Science (2018): Research showed climate change affects fish movements; significant tuna found on Triton Shoal.
Fishing Permits Issued (2018): Rovinia began granting permits for tuna in Triton Shoal, claiming it fell under high seas jurisdiction.
Ambrosia's Protests: Sent consistent communications to Rovinia regarding fishing licenses in disputed areas, receiving no response.
Political Changes (2019): President Derey reelected, with Mary Zavala as new Vice-President, focusing on foreign relations.
Health Emergency (2022): Derey suffered stroke; Zavala assumed acting presidency amidst political turmoil.
Allegations of Abuse under ILSA (2022): HRI report claimed police abuses; investigation initiated by Acting President Zavala.
Investigation Findings (2023): Prosecutor General's report acknowledged police malfeasance under ILSA; former Minister Cross resigned and relocated to Rovinia.
Legal Actions (2023): Criminal charges against five police officers for kidnapping; insufficient evidence against former Minister Cross.
Natural Disaster Response (2023): Dovilina devastated by Hurricane Luna; national mourning declared; Reconstruction Bill proposed.
Critical Media Reactions: Public discontent towards Acting President Zavala’s response to the disaster; urgent demands for action.
Political Unrest (March 2023): Protests in Ambrosia led by Assembly member, Rooney Piretis, calling for government accountability.
Cabinet Resignations: Multiple ministers resigning due to lack of effective leadership amidst political turmoil.
Transitional Council Established: Piretis forms a governing body; claims role to ensure stable governance until returning president.
Zavala’s Response: Condemned Transitional Council as illegitimate; planned to operate from Caron for political stability.
O’Mander Corp Lawsuit: Case involving breach of contract regarding 5G technology; Judge ordered hearing concerning Ambrosian aircraft's status.
Power Dynamics (2023): Struggle between Zavala's interim government and Piretis's Transitional Council escalates; demonstrations support both sides.
Public Support and Opposition: Transitional Council garners support; concerns raised over its constitutional legitimacy.
Immediate Control Actions: Council enacts measures including disbursement of funds; local recovery efforts slow.
International Recognition: Mixed recognition for both Zavala and the Transitional Council across other nations.
Human Rights Reports: HRI releases a follow-up report implicating former Minister Cross in abuses under ILSA.
Piretis on Transitional Council: Response emphasizes the necessity of the ILSA program despite recent controversies.
Permola Court Proceedings (July 2023): Decision upheld that Transitional Council's authority and actions constituted effective governance.
Legal Outcome: Court ruled against Ambrosian claims of sovereign immunity regarding seized assets.
Political Changes Post-Crisis: Derey returns to power after recovery; announces pardons for interim leaders and emphasizes moving forward.
Statements on Relations with Rovinia: Critique of Rovinia’s fishing licensing; acknowledgement of ongoing legal disputes.
Rovinia Response: Defense of continued licensing and judicial proceedings against Cross; commitment to uphold law.
Proposed Solutions to Tensions: Diplomatic appeals made by both Ambrosia and Rovinia amidst rising tensions over legal disputes.
Persistent Advocacy: Pressure from citizens and international observers for accountability concerning human rights violations.
Role of International Law: Emphasis on legal frameworks dictating jurisdiction and responses to Cross’s prosecution.
Application to ICJ (July 2024): Ambrosia files case against Rovinia concerning various legal disputes; assertion of ICJ jurisdiction.
Rovinia’s Acceptance Contested: Acknowledges court jurisdiction on some matters, denies on others focusing on domestic criminal jurisdiction.
Relevant International Treaties: Both states are parties to various international treaties pertinent to the case and ICJ oversight.
Ambrosia’s Legal Positions: Requests ICJ to affirm jurisdiction and rule against Rovinia for violating international laws.
Rovinia’s Legal Defense: Position maintained that their actions conformed to international law; denies wrongful actions against Ambrosia.
Updates on agreements and corrections made to the Statement of Agreed Facts based on negotiations between Parties.
Parties' agreements, beyond stipulated corrections, remained authoritative on interpretations of facts and legal standing.