Rerum Novarum:
Theme is protecting the rights of the vulnerable, weak, poor, and workers
Published during the Industrial Revolution
Revolutionary idea about maintaining workers rights, right to unionize
Protecting and Valuing Workers as part of their Human dignity as a part of the church’s commitment to social justice
By ensuring private property rights, the church was combating socialism/communism while still maintaining that workers rights are important
Pacem in Terris:
Everyone has the right to life
Common good is guaranteed when personal rights/duties are maintained
Every human has dignity and should not be treated as objects
Main theme is peace on earth through mutual trust
context: Vietnam war, red scare, civil right movement
Centesimus Annus:
Society has a responsibility to make up what if lost via market system
Possessions are to be shared but private property must still exist
The poor are the priority
Consumerism was a critical concern, capitalism led to greed and socialism led to failure
Standing up for workers rights in the context of a recession and economic failure
Social context: Cold War, nuclear war, socialism in the USSR
Evangelium Vitae:
Addressed the “culture of death”
We are responsible to care for and love our neighbors
Abortion, wars, genocide, euthanasia, willful self destruction, and disease
Protecting life and promoting love
Caritas en Veritae
Context: Great Recession of 2008/2009, increasing access to and creation of technology
The church is concerned with advancement of technology for profit
The church is not interested in direct interference or technical solutions but wishes to proclaim justice
Promotes the idea of people-centered ethics in the economy
Profit cannot be the sole aim of economies
Workers need protection and rights
Laudato Si
About the churches connection to nature, we are stewards of the planet and it is out duty to protect the earth
Reducing participation of materialistic forms of consumer culture
Society needs to reduce climate change to help the environment and help people to live their best lives
Poorer countries bear the most problems from climate change, so it is our duty to protect the poor by reducing emissions and protecting the environment