21212 Lecture week 1 - Overview

Week 1: Introduction to People & Organisations

  • Subject Overview
    • Professor: Dr. Troy Sarina

    • Institution: UTS (CRICOS 00099F)

    • Reference: Schermerhorn et al. (2022)

  • Understand connections between individuals and organisations

  • Identify the role of managers

  • Gain clarity on course assignments

  • Comprehend OPELA (Online Post-Enrolment Language Assessment) requirements

Meet Your Coordinator

  • Dr. Troy Sarina

    • Email: troy.sarina@uts.edu.au

    • Background and research interests available on the Canvas site under "Your teaching team."

What is an Organisation?

  • Definition: "an organised group of people with a particular purpose" (Oxford dictionary)

  • Importance of organisations in achieving specific goals.

Example: Purpose of UTS

  • Mission and Values: UTS aims to be a world-leading university focusing on excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship, and social justice.

The Role of Structures and Managers

  • Importance of organisational structures and managerial roles in achieving organisational missions and objectives.

Current Challenges for Organisations

  • Hypercompetition

    • Defined as "an environment of intense change, where flexible and innovative competitors rapidly erode the advantages of large established companies" (D’Aveni, 1994).

Causes of Hypercompetition

  • Globalisation

  • Technological revolution

  • Demographic and social trends

  • Economic changes

  • Institutional changes

  • Shifting customer preferences

Managing in a Rapidly Evolving World

  • Post-COVID Workplace Changes:

    1. Remote work as a mainstream alternative.

    2. Broader talent acquisition via global remote work.

    3. Expansion of virtual learning for skill development.

    4. Advances in virtual reality for collaborative work.

    5. Increased use of telemedicine.

    6. Employers adopting fiscally conservative practices.

Organisational Responses to Challenges

  • Effective management strategies

  • Strategic choices in organisational design

  • Importance of effective leadership

What Do Managers Do?

  • Managers supervise and support others to meet performance goals.

  • Management is characterized as both an opportunity and a responsibility.

Functions of Management

  • Four Functions:

    1. Planning: Setting objectives and determining how to achieve them.

    2. Leading: Inspiring and motivating individuals for high performance.

    3. Organising: Arranging tasks and resources to accomplish work.

    4. Controlling: Measuring performance and ensuring desired results.

Insights from Henry Mintzberg

  • Quote: "No job is more vital to our society than that of the manager."

  • Managerial work involves rapid pace and strong emphasis on verbal communication.

Essential Managerial Skills

  • Skills by Management Level:

    • Lower-level Managers: Increase in technical skills.

    • Middle-level Managers: Human skills for effective team collaboration.

    • Top-level Managers: Conceptual skills for strategic decision-making.

Managerial Roles

  • Managers as coaches and supporters, promoting teamwork and collaboration over delegation of tasks.

  • Visual metaphor: Upside-down pyramid representing managerial support.

Governance and Accountability

  • Corporate Governance: Structures and processes ensuring accountability in actions.

  • Accountability: Requirement for individuals to report to higher authorities regarding performance.

  • Emphasis on the dependency of managers on their teams.

Adapting to Labour Market Changes

  • The changing nature of management in response to workforce generational shifts (Gen Z and Millennials).

Career Readiness

  • Necessary skills include initiative, resilience, self-awareness, and continuous learning.

  • Importance of upskilling to align with emerging work methodologies.

  • Emphasis on personal responsibility for career development.

Career Readiness Insights

  • Involves self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses, understanding emerging issues, and committing to proactive decisions and actions.

Must-have Managerial Skills

  • Seven Key Skills:

    • Teamwork: Effective collaboration and conflict management.

    • Self-management: Ethical reasoning and adapting behavior.

    • Leadership: Supporting others in tasks.

    • Critical Thinking: Analyzing information for problem-solving.

    • Professionalism: Maintaining a positive impression.

    • Communication: Effective expression and feedback.

    • Learning Agility: Eagerness to learn from experience.

Weekly Summary and Reflection

  • Management combines elements of art, science, and craft (Mintzberg).


  • D’Aveni, R. A. (1994) Hypercompetition. Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Manoeuvring.

  • Gabrielova, K., & Buchko, A. A. (2021). Here comes Generation Z: Millennials as managers.

  • Lindskov, A. (2022). Hypercompetition: a review and agenda for future research.

  • Mintzberg, H. (1990). The manager’s job: folklore and fact.

  • Schermerhorn, J. R. (2022). Exploring management, 1st Asia-Pacific edition.

Assignment Information

  • Assessments are detailed in Canvas with associated weightings and deadlines:

    • Individual Debate: 30%

    • Group Feedback: 30%

    • Individual Presentation: 40%

  • Allocate time and schedule for essential participation and submission of assignments on Canvas.

Important Reminders

  • Tutorials commence in week 2; attendance is critical.

  • Weekly drop-in clinics for direct interaction with faculty.

  • Regularly check Canvas for updates and resources.

Upcoming Week Focus

  • Tools to be effective managers and support in assignments: Communication and teamwork emphasis.
