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River Processes

Types of erosion 

  • Hydraulic action 

    • The water that sashes against the river banks

    • Air becomes trapped in the cracks of the banks and bed 

    • This causes the rock to break apart 

  • Abrasion 

    • Pebbles grind along the river bank and bed 

    • Sand papering effect 

  • Attrition

    • When the rocks that are going downstream knock against each other

    • They break apart and become smaller and rounder

  • Solution 

    • Water dissolves certain types of rocks 

    • eg . limestone 

Types of Transportation 

  • Traction 

    • Large heavy pebbles roll along the riverbed

    • Common near the source of river as load is larger 

  • Salutation 

    • Pebbles bounce along the riverbed 

    • Common near source 

  • Suspension 

    • Lighter sediment is suspended within the current 

    • Common near mouth

  • Solution

    • Movement of dissolved chemicals 

    • Varies along the river

    • Depends on the presence of soluble rocks 


  • When the river loses its energy 

  • It drops any material it has been carrying 

    • In shallow waters 

    • At the end of the rivers journey, The mouth

    • When the volume of water decreases

Drainage basins 

  • River’s water can fluctuate over time

  • It's the hydrological cycle that explains why the amount of water in the river fluctuates 

  • A drainage basin is the land around the river is drained by the river and its tributaries

  • Tributaries

    • A small river that joins the main river channel

  • Watershed 

    • The area of high land forming at the edge of a river basin

  • Source 

    • The river begins 

  • Mouth 

    • The river meets the sea 

  • Confluence 

    • The point at which two rivers meet 

  • Channel

    • This is where the river flows 

River Profile 

  • Long profile 

    • Is a line representing the river from its source to its mouth.

    • How the river changes over its course

    • Can show Upper course to lower course 

      • Upper course 

        • Where the river starts 

        • Often upland area 

        • River load is larger as it hasn’t eroded yet

      • Lower course

        • Flatter land 

        • Rivers load is fine sediment as erosion has broken down the rocks  

  • Cross profile 

    • Shows the cross section of a rivers channel and valley at a certain point along the rivers course 

    • Shows the different features of the river

    • So you can see the difference between upper, middle and lower course 

      • Upper course

        • Vertical erosion 

        • Shallow and narrow channel

      • Middle course

        • Some vertical erosion but mostly lateral erosion 

        • Channel is wider and deeper 

      • Lower course 

        • Less erosion but only lateral erosion 

        • Channel is at its widest and deepest 


River Processes

Types of erosion 

  • Hydraulic action 

    • The water that sashes against the river banks

    • Air becomes trapped in the cracks of the banks and bed 

    • This causes the rock to break apart 

  • Abrasion 

    • Pebbles grind along the river bank and bed 

    • Sand papering effect 

  • Attrition

    • When the rocks that are going downstream knock against each other

    • They break apart and become smaller and rounder

  • Solution 

    • Water dissolves certain types of rocks 

    • eg . limestone 

Types of Transportation 

  • Traction 

    • Large heavy pebbles roll along the riverbed

    • Common near the source of river as load is larger 

  • Salutation 

    • Pebbles bounce along the riverbed 

    • Common near source 

  • Suspension 

    • Lighter sediment is suspended within the current 

    • Common near mouth

  • Solution

    • Movement of dissolved chemicals 

    • Varies along the river

    • Depends on the presence of soluble rocks 


  • When the river loses its energy 

  • It drops any material it has been carrying 

    • In shallow waters 

    • At the end of the rivers journey, The mouth

    • When the volume of water decreases

Drainage basins 

  • River’s water can fluctuate over time

  • It's the hydrological cycle that explains why the amount of water in the river fluctuates 

  • A drainage basin is the land around the river is drained by the river and its tributaries

  • Tributaries

    • A small river that joins the main river channel

  • Watershed 

    • The area of high land forming at the edge of a river basin

  • Source 

    • The river begins 

  • Mouth 

    • The river meets the sea 

  • Confluence 

    • The point at which two rivers meet 

  • Channel

    • This is where the river flows 

River Profile 

  • Long profile 

    • Is a line representing the river from its source to its mouth.

    • How the river changes over its course

    • Can show Upper course to lower course 

      • Upper course 

        • Where the river starts 

        • Often upland area 

        • River load is larger as it hasn’t eroded yet

      • Lower course

        • Flatter land 

        • Rivers load is fine sediment as erosion has broken down the rocks  

  • Cross profile 

    • Shows the cross section of a rivers channel and valley at a certain point along the rivers course 

    • Shows the different features of the river

    • So you can see the difference between upper, middle and lower course 

      • Upper course

        • Vertical erosion 

        • Shallow and narrow channel

      • Middle course

        • Some vertical erosion but mostly lateral erosion 

        • Channel is wider and deeper 

      • Lower course 

        • Less erosion but only lateral erosion 

        • Channel is at its widest and deepest