## Carolina Agravante * Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1964 - St. Paul University Manila* Master’s Degree in Nursing Education, 1967 to 1969 - Catholic University of Americal* Doctoral Degree in Philosophy, 2022 - University of the Philippines Manila* Served as the President of St. Paul University - Iloilo* Former President of ADPCN* Representative in the International Nursing Congrees, 1966 - Brunei* Participated in the International Council of Nursing - Vancouver, Canada ## The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model: Servant - Leader Formula & the Nursing Faculty’s Transformative Leadership Behavior * CASAGRA Transformative Leadership is a psycho spiritual model.* Care complex is a stucture in the personality of the caregiver that is significantly related to the leadership behavior. ## Three-Fold Transformative Leader Concept
1. The Servant-Leadership Spirituality here is prescribed to run parallel to the generic elements of the transformative leadership mode. This formula consists of a spiritual exercise, the determination of the vitality of the care complex in the eprsonality of an individual and finally a seminal workshop on transformative teaching.2. The Self-Mastery consists of a vibrant care complex possessed to a certain degree by all who have been through formal studies in a care giving profession such as nursing.3. The Special-Expertise level is shown in a creative, caring, critical, contemplative and collegial teaching of the nurse faculty who is directly involed with the formation of the nursing
1. Complexity/Abstractness Scope - Focuses on a narrow view of reality, simple and straightforward.2. Generalizability/Specificity - Linked to a special populations or an identified field of practice.3. Characteristic of Scope - Single, concrete concept that is operationalized.4. Characteristic of Proposition - Propositions defined.5. Testability - Goals or outcomes defined and testable.6. Source of Development - Dervied from practice or deduced from middle range theory or grand theory.