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JFK and LBJ Quiz


Multi-Choice: 20 (40 points total)

True/False: 5 (10 points total)

Short Answer: 1 (6 points total)

Text Question: What are three examples of the “Great Society”, what did they do, and how did they help America? (10 points total)


John Fitzgerald Kennedy: President, Commander in Chief

Bobby Kennedy: Attorney General

Lynden Bains Johnson: VP of JFK, and then president

Nikita Khrushchev: First secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Robert McNamara: U.S. Secretary of Defence

Nixon: JFK’s running opponent during 1960s election

Fidel Castro: Cuban Dictator

Jose Miro Cardona: head of the Anti-Castro Cuban exiles during Bay of Pigs

Micheal Harrington: wrote “The Other America”

I. Election of 1960

  • JFK vs. Nixon

    • JFK = (D) MA

      • Young, catholic, inexperienced

    • Richard Nixon = (R) CA

      • old enough, Quaker, experienced →HUA, VP to Ike


  • First on-screen DEBATE

    • JFK = confident, good camera angles, LOOKS BETTER

      • JFK wins TV

    • Nixon = knee injury, gray suit, flu+post press tour, TALKS BETTER

      • Nixon wins Radio

  • OVERALL→4 million votes are decided after DEBATE

    • 3 million to JFK

II. New Fontier

  • “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

  • Focus on younger generation

  1. Stem

    • Final Frontier = Space

      • “Because it’s there to use”

  2. Pioneers

    • Challenging Americans to be pioneers→to be inventors, discover things

  3. Moon Speech

    • ???

III. Peace Corp/Alliance for Progress/Foreign Policy

  • JFK turns to foreign policy

  • JFK creates Peace Corps

    • sends young people to developing countries for 2 years

  • JFK creates Alliance for Progress

    • floods 12 billion into central America so that no countries become communist (influenced by Castro)

IV. Castro/Cuba

1959→Fidel Castro overthrows (U.S.-backed) dictator Fwgencio Batista

  • Castro makes American-owned businesses in Cuba Cuban-owned

  • Castro takes American-owned oil fields

    • Ike gets angry

    • Ike cuts trade/ties with Castro

  • Castro need friend

    • SOVIET- Nikita Khrushchev reaches out to Castro

      • Castro accepts

      • Cuba becomes COMMUNIST

  • “90 miles from Florida”

  • Castro becomes DICTATOR

    • Wealthy + Loyal = All Good!

    • Poor and/or not loyal = exiled, imprisoned, disappear

  • Ike directs the CIA to train the exiled to take back the island

V. Bay of Pigs (Reading)

  • CIA trains exiled Cubans in Guatemala

  • Jose Miro Cardona→Head of the anti-Castro Cuba exiled in U.S.

    • (was going to be leader if successful)

  • Castro learns of camps

  • JFK authorizes invastion→ moves target to Bay of Pigs (southern coast)

  • April 5, 1961

    • bomber planes failed to hit airforce arsenal

    • U.S planes were painted like Cuban planes

    • Supposed to be 2 strikes, JFK cancels 2nd strike

  • April 17

    • Cuban exiles land on Bay of Pigs beach

    • They are immediately under attack

    • Cuban planes destroy half of the ExCuban air support

    • Bad weather

  • April 19

    • JFK sends more planes to help

      • get there an hour late and shot down

    • U.S. + ExCubans get crushed

  • Bobby Kennedy negotiates with Castro to get back war prisoners

    • seals deal with 53 million worth of baby food and drugs

VI. Berlin Wall


  • JFK in West Berlin @ JKF Platz (Plaza)

    • Berlin Speech

    • “This wall is the greatest representation of why communism doesn’t work”

    • “We are all Berliners”

  • Communism needs to build walls, democracies don’t

VII. Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Nikita Khrushchev is worried because:

    • U.S. leading in missile technology

    • U.S. has missiles in Turkey

    • Afraid of another successful Bay of Pigs

  • Oct 1962 →U.S. spies tell JFK of soiviet missiles in Cuba

  • 13 days around the clock of JFK and ExComm to figure out what to do

    • Bobby Kennedy →Atterney General

    • Robert McNamara → Secretary of Defence

      • “I didn’t think we would see another Saturday”

VIII. Assassination

  • Dallas, Nov 1963

  • Shot in the head during a presidential parade post-arrival to Texas

IX. LBJ Experience

  • Lyndon Baines Johnson

  • Texan

  • 30 years of experience

    • House of Reps, VP

  • liberal Democrats

    • continues New Deal

    • Civil Rights, Voting Rights

  • Controlled Congress

    • “Johnson Lean”

X. War on Poverty (Other America Reading)

  • 1962 → Micheal Harrington writes “The Other America”

    • 40 million people living in poverty

      • urban areas, rural Montana, Appalachian Mts.

  • Committee Economic Opportunity→billion dollar budget

  • Head Start, Job Corps, Literary Programs

XI. Great Society (Legacy+Republican Backlash)


My 3 Memorised Acts from “Great Society” HW

  1. Wilderness Preservation Act

    • set aside 9 million acres for national forest land

  2. Higher Education Act

    • funded scholarships and low-interest loans for college students

  3. Medicare Act

    • established Medicare and Medicaid programs

JFK and LBJ Quiz


Multi-Choice: 20 (40 points total)

True/False: 5 (10 points total)

Short Answer: 1 (6 points total)

Text Question: What are three examples of the “Great Society”, what did they do, and how did they help America? (10 points total)


John Fitzgerald Kennedy: President, Commander in Chief

Bobby Kennedy: Attorney General

Lynden Bains Johnson: VP of JFK, and then president

Nikita Khrushchev: First secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Robert McNamara: U.S. Secretary of Defence

Nixon: JFK’s running opponent during 1960s election

Fidel Castro: Cuban Dictator

Jose Miro Cardona: head of the Anti-Castro Cuban exiles during Bay of Pigs

Micheal Harrington: wrote “The Other America”

I. Election of 1960

  • JFK vs. Nixon

    • JFK = (D) MA

      • Young, catholic, inexperienced

    • Richard Nixon = (R) CA

      • old enough, Quaker, experienced →HUA, VP to Ike


  • First on-screen DEBATE

    • JFK = confident, good camera angles, LOOKS BETTER

      • JFK wins TV

    • Nixon = knee injury, gray suit, flu+post press tour, TALKS BETTER

      • Nixon wins Radio

  • OVERALL→4 million votes are decided after DEBATE

    • 3 million to JFK

II. New Fontier

  • “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

  • Focus on younger generation

  1. Stem

    • Final Frontier = Space

      • “Because it’s there to use”

  2. Pioneers

    • Challenging Americans to be pioneers→to be inventors, discover things

  3. Moon Speech

    • ???

III. Peace Corp/Alliance for Progress/Foreign Policy

  • JFK turns to foreign policy

  • JFK creates Peace Corps

    • sends young people to developing countries for 2 years

  • JFK creates Alliance for Progress

    • floods 12 billion into central America so that no countries become communist (influenced by Castro)

IV. Castro/Cuba

1959→Fidel Castro overthrows (U.S.-backed) dictator Fwgencio Batista

  • Castro makes American-owned businesses in Cuba Cuban-owned

  • Castro takes American-owned oil fields

    • Ike gets angry

    • Ike cuts trade/ties with Castro

  • Castro need friend

    • SOVIET- Nikita Khrushchev reaches out to Castro

      • Castro accepts

      • Cuba becomes COMMUNIST

  • “90 miles from Florida”

  • Castro becomes DICTATOR

    • Wealthy + Loyal = All Good!

    • Poor and/or not loyal = exiled, imprisoned, disappear

  • Ike directs the CIA to train the exiled to take back the island

V. Bay of Pigs (Reading)

  • CIA trains exiled Cubans in Guatemala

  • Jose Miro Cardona→Head of the anti-Castro Cuba exiled in U.S.

    • (was going to be leader if successful)

  • Castro learns of camps

  • JFK authorizes invastion→ moves target to Bay of Pigs (southern coast)

  • April 5, 1961

    • bomber planes failed to hit airforce arsenal

    • U.S planes were painted like Cuban planes

    • Supposed to be 2 strikes, JFK cancels 2nd strike

  • April 17

    • Cuban exiles land on Bay of Pigs beach

    • They are immediately under attack

    • Cuban planes destroy half of the ExCuban air support

    • Bad weather

  • April 19

    • JFK sends more planes to help

      • get there an hour late and shot down

    • U.S. + ExCubans get crushed

  • Bobby Kennedy negotiates with Castro to get back war prisoners

    • seals deal with 53 million worth of baby food and drugs

VI. Berlin Wall


  • JFK in West Berlin @ JKF Platz (Plaza)

    • Berlin Speech

    • “This wall is the greatest representation of why communism doesn’t work”

    • “We are all Berliners”

  • Communism needs to build walls, democracies don’t

VII. Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Nikita Khrushchev is worried because:

    • U.S. leading in missile technology

    • U.S. has missiles in Turkey

    • Afraid of another successful Bay of Pigs

  • Oct 1962 →U.S. spies tell JFK of soiviet missiles in Cuba

  • 13 days around the clock of JFK and ExComm to figure out what to do

    • Bobby Kennedy →Atterney General

    • Robert McNamara → Secretary of Defence

      • “I didn’t think we would see another Saturday”

VIII. Assassination

  • Dallas, Nov 1963

  • Shot in the head during a presidential parade post-arrival to Texas

IX. LBJ Experience

  • Lyndon Baines Johnson

  • Texan

  • 30 years of experience

    • House of Reps, VP

  • liberal Democrats

    • continues New Deal

    • Civil Rights, Voting Rights

  • Controlled Congress

    • “Johnson Lean”

X. War on Poverty (Other America Reading)

  • 1962 → Micheal Harrington writes “The Other America”

    • 40 million people living in poverty

      • urban areas, rural Montana, Appalachian Mts.

  • Committee Economic Opportunity→billion dollar budget

  • Head Start, Job Corps, Literary Programs

XI. Great Society (Legacy+Republican Backlash)


My 3 Memorised Acts from “Great Society” HW

  1. Wilderness Preservation Act

    • set aside 9 million acres for national forest land

  2. Higher Education Act

    • funded scholarships and low-interest loans for college students

  3. Medicare Act

    • established Medicare and Medicaid programs