TSA Coding General Study Guide

Computer Hardware

  • What is hardware?

  • What is a motherboard?

  • What is the central processing unit (CPU)?

  • What are the two major CPU manufacturers for PCs (personal computers)?

  • What is mass storage?

  • What is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)?

  • What is a Solid State Drive (SSD)?

  • Which is generally faster: HDD or SSD?

  • Which is less prone to failure: HDD or SSD? Why?

  • What is random access memory (RAM)?

  • When is RAM used?

  • How is RAM different from mass storage? Why?

  • When should mass storage be used over RAM?

  • What is cache (in the context of computing)?

  • What is a graphical processing unit (GPU)?

  • What two places does the GPU typically reside?

  • What is a clock (in the context of computing)? Hint: it doesn’t tell you what day it is, and it’s very important for a CPU to run.

  • What is the power supply unit (PSU)?

  • What is Universal Serial Bus (USB)? When would you use it?

  • What is a Secure Digital (SD) card? When would you use it?

  • What is Video Graphics Array (VGA), Digital Visual Interface (DVI), and High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) for?

  • What are routers?

  • What are modems?


  • What is an encoding?

  • What is binary?

  • What is decimal?

  • What is octal?

  • What is hexadecimal?

  • What is base-64?

  • What is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)?

  • What is Unicode Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8)?

  • What is the difference between encodings and encryption?

Units of Measure

  • What is a bit?

  • What is a byte?

  • What is a hertz?

  • What are metric prefixes (kilo, mega, giga, terra, peta)?

  • What are binary prefixes (kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi)?

  • What is the difference between metric and binary prefixes?

  • Why don’t we really use binary prefixes?

  • You buy a thumb drive with 64 gigabytes. However, when you check the properties, the numbers are off. Why is this?


  • What is firmware?

  • What is system setup?

  • What is BIOS/UEFI?

How Programming Languages work

  • What is a compiler?

  • What is an assembler?

  • What is an interpreter (in computing)?

  • What is assembly?

  • What is a runtime environment?

  • What is bytecode?

  • What is machine code?

  • What does it mean for a project to be open source? What are some examples of open source projects?

  • What is a proprietary program?

  • What is a high-level language? Examples?

  • What is a low-level language? Examples?

  • How are high-level and low-level programming languages different?

  • What does it mean for a programming language to be object-oriented? Examples?

Programming Languages

  • What is a programming language?

  • Identify the following languages and list common uses:

    • Java

    • C

    • C#

    • C++

    • Python

    • JavaScript

Variable Types

  • What is an integer (int)?

  • What is a string (str)?

  • What is a character (chr)?

  • What is a floating-point (float) number?

  • What is a boolean (bool) value?

  • Why are there different variable types?

  • What is type casting?

  • What is a list?

  • What is an array?

  • What is a set?

  • What is a dictionary (map)?

Specific Coding Terms

  • What are if statements?

  • What are other statements?

  • What are logic gates?

  • What do each of these logic gates do?

    • OR

    • AND

    • NOT

    • XOR

  • What is a for loop?

  • What is a while loop?

  • What is a function?

  • What is an object?

  • What is a method?

  • What is a class?

General Coding Terms

  • What is a bug?

  • What is debugging?

  • What is code?

  • What is an algorithm?

  • What is a program?

  • What is data?

  • What is input and output?


  • What is the internet?

  • What is a packet?

  • What is Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)?

  • What is User Diagram Protocol / Internet Protocol (UDP/IP)?

  • How is TCP and UDP different? When may you want to use one over another?

  • What is an IP address?

  • What is the World Wide Web?

  • What is a web browser?

  • What is a domain name?

  • What is the Domain Name System (DNS)?

  • What is a Universal Resource Locator (URL)?

  • What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)?

  • What is HTTPS? Why do almost all websites today use HTTPS over HTTP?

  • Why is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript important for making basic websites?

  • What is the front end of an application?

  • What is the back end of an application?

  • What is a server?

  • What is a client?

  • What is Ethernet?

Operating Systems

  • What is an operating system?

  • What does Windows, macOS, and Linux have in common?

  • What makes Linux different from Windows and macOS?

  • What does Android and iOS have in common?

  • What operating system dominates personal computers? What operating system is most popular for servers? What operating system is most popular for mobile devices?
