Quick Study - GOVT 1006
What is Administration? The Rational Operationalization of an Organization
What are the Functions of Administration? To execute, implement and carry out policy directives. To coordinate activities to satisfy organizational goals.
Public Administration Definition - The detailed and systematic execution of public law.
Politicians make Policy and the Administration executes the policy.
Administration can operate without the Politician. The Politician can never be truly obsolete of the Administration.
Politics-Administration Dichotomy. From Woodrow Wilson to Frank Goodnow, Leonard White to Henri Fayol to Luther Gullick and Lyndall Urwick
Woodrow Wilson - Science of Administration
Frank Goodnow to Leonard White - Locus to Focus of Administration. Making admin value-free, based upon factual and scientific principles
Getting the Location of Administration to the Focus of Administration
Henri Fayol - POCCC or POC3. Planning Organizing, Commanding, Controlling and Coordinating.
Commanding refers to the Command Structure
Gullick and Urwick - POSDCoRB. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting
Gullick and Urwick, Fayol is exactly similar. Staffing and Directing relate to Commanding and Reporting and Budgeting relate to Controlling
The Bureaucracy - Seeking Rationality of Social and Economic Processes
Bureaucracy allows for Precision. If all things go as they should.
Bureaucratic Leadership - Traditional, Charismatic, Legal Rational
Legal Rational Leader - Chosen Legally as opposed to Traditional or Charismatic. Bureaucracy operates with the Legal Rational Leader.
Ecology of Administration
Administrative Environment - Requires a Stable Environment. But no society can provide stability.
Fred Riggs - Three (3) Societal Environments.
Fused Society - Everything is Centrally Located in One Institution
Diffracted Society - Consists of Many Instituions
Prismatic Society - Combination of Fused & Diffracted Society. Not fully fused or Diffracted.
Functions - Fused (Fused) Prismatic (Poly-Functional) Diffracted (Functional Specific)
Orientation - Fused (Ascription/Particularism) Prismatic (Attainment/Selectivism) Diffracted (Achievement/Universalism)
Economic - Fused (Arena) Prismatic (Bazaar/Canteen) Diffracted (Market)
Communication - Fused (No Mass Communication) Prismatic (Mixed) Diffracted (Mass Communication)
Bureaucracy - Fused (Men of Chambers) Prismatic (Sala Man) Diffracted (Officer)
Three (3) Basic Characteristics of Prismatic Society - Heterogeneity, Formalism, Overlapping
Heterogeneity - Simultaneous presence, side by side of different systems/practices
Formalism - The extent of discrepancy between de jure and de facto between formal and effective power. Greater discrepancy = Greater Level of Formalism
Overlapping - The extent by which administrative behaviour is explained and determined by non-administrative means, i.e. politics, race, ethnicity, etc.
Administrative Decision-Making
Decision Making is a complex social process, generally extending over a considerable period of time.
Deconcentration - Decentralization, which redistributes decision-making authority and financial and management responsibility among levels of the central government; there is no real transfer of authority between levels of government.
Delegation - The transfer of managerial responsibility for specified functions to other public organizations outside normal central government control, whether provincial or local government or parastatal agencies
Devolution - The transfer of governance responsibility for specified functions to sub-national levels, either publicly or privately owned, that are largely outside the direct control of the central government
Divestment - the process of selling subsidiary assets, investments, or divisions
Local Government - Providing local services, but also fulfilling a fundamental democratic purpose.
Local Government has Four (4) Messages - To Govern, To Focus, To Justify the Right to Govern, To Exert Influence
It is Self-Government, Administration of Local Public Affairs and Administration by representatives of the Local Community
Development Administration is the development of administration and the administration of development.
Development Administration denotes the complex of agencies, management systems and processes a government must establish to achieve its developmental goals.
Development Administration is characterised by its Purposes, Loyalties and Attitudes.
The purposes are to stimulate and facilitate defined programmes if social and economic progress. This leads to change, innovation and movement in contrast to maintaining the Status Quo