
Expression: A combination of operators and values that evaluates to a single value.

Variable: Holds one value at a time.

Assignment Operator: Allows the program to change the value represented by a variable.

Variable: An abstraction inside the program that can hold a value. Each variable has associated data storage that represents one value at a time.

String: An ordered sequence of characters.

String Concatenation: Joins together two or more strings end-to-end to make a new string.

Counter Pattern with Event: The counter variable gets the value of 0. When the event is triggered, counter is updated, getting the current value of counter and adding 1.

Global Variable: Permanent. Can be used anywhere in the code.

Local Variable: Tempoprary. Can be used only in the part of the code where it was created, like inside an onEvent(). Deleted once the onEvent() is done running.

Boolean Value: Is a data type that is either true or false.

Boolean Expression: An expression used in programming languages that produces a Boolean value when evaluated. 

Relational (Comparison) Operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, indicate a Boolean expression.

Logical Operators: Can be included in Boolean Expressions. (&&, II, !) (and, or, not) Both side of the logical operators are reduced to a single Boolean value.

Conditional Statement: Statements that allow the execution of different blocks of code based on certain criteria.

If Statement:  A programming construct that allows the execution of a block of code only if a certain condition is true.

If-Else Statement: A programming construct that allows the program to make decisions based on certain conditions.

If-Else-If Statement:  A conditional statement that allow you to specify multiple conditions evaluated in a sequence.

MOD:  Is the remainder that is left after a number is divided by another number.

Syntax Error:  A character or string incorrectly placed in a command or instruction that causes a failure in execution.

Logic Error: Logic errors occur when there is a fault in the logic or structure of the problem Doesn’t create a crash but rather an unexpected action.

Function (Procedure): A named group of programming instructions. Also referred to as a “procedure”.

Function (Procedure) Call: A command that executes the code within a function.

updateScreen() Pattern:  Typically every one of your event handlers (onEvent blocks) will include identical code for step 3, updating the screen. To avoid this problem, make a single function called updateScreen that includes the code to change every element on your screen once variables have been updated.
