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22/01/2024-Lecture 01

Infectious Disease


Viruses are acellular, They do not fit into any of the 3 domains of life.

It is not clearly understood how they are related to the domains or their members.

  • Each viral unit as a particle.

  • Each viral particle consists of a nucleic acid genome wrapped in a protein coat.

  • The protein coat is referred to as the capsid.

  • In some viruses this capsid is surrounded by a lipid envelope.

  • Compared to the structure and organisation of cellular life, the structure and orgganisation of viruses is clearly minimalistic.

  • Smaller than eukaryotic cells,

Viral structure

  • Viral capsid- madebup of repeating, identical subunits which self assemble into structures.

  • Since viruses require host for their replication, they are under constant pressure to have compact genomes.

  • They have evolved to produce proteins that can self-assemble into structures.

  • Capsid protein can self assemble on their own or with the help of other proteins into structures.

  • Capsid protein form different viruses can self-assemble in different ways thereby determining the overall shape the virus.

  • Based on the capsid shape viruses can be broadly classififed into 3 types; Helical, Icosahedral and Complex.



  • Eukaryotes

Types of Phylum of Fungi


  • LAck Mitochondria

  • Unicellular

  • Replicate via host cell.

  • Produce spores for reproduction


  • Morphologically diverse, yeast to moulds.

  • Ascus-sac with 8 spores.


  • Club Shaped end cells- basidia,

  • Usually 4 spores.


  • Sporangium- Ball of wool like appearance.

  • May be aseptate

  • Chitosan cell wall.

  • Fungi are a kingdom in Eukaryota

    • In between Plantae and animalia/

    • There is a presence of membrane bound organelles

    • They are similar to plants have they have a cell wall.

  • Evolutionary Level

    • Fungal cells are similar to human cells compared to bacterial cells.

    • This has implications in therapeutic interventions.

  • Unicellular

    • Yeasts

  • Multicellular

    • Moulds

  • Dimorphic Fungi

    • Existance in both yeast and mould forms.

    • E.g Candida ALbicans, Is a yeast outside the body and a mould inside the human body.


  • Mycology

    • Study of Fungi

  • Mukes

    • Fungi

  • Mycoses

    • Fungal Diseases

  • Dermato Mycoses

    • Fungal Diseases of the skin


  • Long Branching filamentous structure (Hyphae)

  • Sometimes filamentous structures are separated into cell-like units by septa.

  • Hyphae; Vegetative (mycelium) & Aerial.

  • Multicellular

  • Aerial produces spores

  • Mycelium- root like structures.


  • Unicellular

  • Non filamentous

  • Spherical or Oval

  • Divide by Budding and Fission.

Dimorphic Fungi

  • Fungo can be broadly classifies into yeasts and moulds, dependent upon the growth phenotype.

  • Dimorphic- Some fungi have both the growth forms, a yeast and mould for,.

  • Many dimorphic fungi are pathogenic.

  • In most cases, alteration between the two forms is dependent on temperature.

Fungi Characteristics

  • Fungi are eukaryotic, cellular processes are similar to other eukaryotic organisms.

  • Similar to plant cells. Fungal cells have a cell wall, but the cell wall is made up of chitin,.

  • They reproduce via Budding, fission or spores.

  • Capable of growing at different pH;s.

  • Most fungi require less nitrogen than bacteria.

  • They are more resistant to osmotic pressure than bacteria.

  • Fungi can metabolise complex carbohydrates.

  • They are chemoheterotrophs.

    • Derives its energy from chemicals.

  • Most filamentous fungi require oxygen

  • Most yeasts are anaerobic.

Fungal Reproduction

  • Can be sexual and Asexual

  • In asexual reproduction;

    • The mycelium produces genetically identical unicellular haploid spores.

  • In sexual reproduction;

    • Teo different mycelia mate and produce a diploid zygote.

    • The diploid zygote then undergoes meiosis producing haploid spores.

    • Haploid spores germinate into mycelium.

Ascomycota Reproduction

Microsporidia Reproduction



Yeast Reproduction








Parasite - An organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

Parasitoid- An insect whose larvae live as parasites which eventually kill their hosts.

Obligate Parasaite - Only purpose is to exist in the parasitic relationship.

Many organisms have complex life cycles involving one or more host or hoshts.

Human parasitic infections are a huge problem in tropical regions- but not exclusively.

Definitive Hosts- Final host in which the parasite reaches maturity and undergoes sexual reproduction,

Intermediate Hosts- Host in which the parasite undergoes developmental stages.




  • Ticks and Mites

  • Visit the surface of the host to feed.

  • Some may be the vectors for endoparasitic organisms (Malaria and mosquitous)

  • They are macroscopic.

  • Classed as macropatasites.


  • Lice

Endo- Parasites



Other infectious agents


‘Germ Theory’ - Infectious disease is spread by microscopic, living, causative agents.

Environmental sources of microorganisms

  • Soil

  • Cooking Meat (or not cooking lol)

  • Contamination of Water

  • Cough Droplets.

  • We are all inhabited by commensal microorganisms and a balance exists between the microorganisms and the epithelium.

  • This allows for microbial survival and the prevention of induction of inflammation.

  • Benefits of Commensals

    • Aids in maturation of immune system

    • Assist in digestions

    • Role in toxic degradation.

  • When there is an imbalance, the microorganisms can cause tissue damage.

The human microbiome

  • The microbiome works in harmony with various organs in the body and aids in their function.

  • From newborn, the newborns mouth is sterile and is then inoculated from the first feed onwards from mothers food.

  • This transmits the microorganisms to colonisation sites.

  • Acquisition of Oral Microbial flora

    • The moutb is initalluy hihgly selective for microorganisms.

    • On Epithelial Surfaces

      • Only a few oral species colonise,

      • They are Gram Positive and aerobic.

      • Mainly streptococci.

      • Thye are the pioneer species.

      • Within 2-3 months, gram negative anaerobic bacteria begin to appear.

    • It is not accidental.

    • It is a natural acquisition and selection process.

  • Microorganism Host Relationship

    • Symbiosis refers to the relationship between different organisms.

    • Various types of symbiotic relationships exists such as commensalism, mutalism and parasitism.

    • Commensalism.

      • Microorganism benefits, host is neither harmed nor helped.

    • Mutualism or True Symbiosis

      • Both microorganism and host benefits.

      • The host is not harmed and derives a clear benefit.

    • Parasitism

      • Microroganism benefits but the host is harmed.

COnsequences of a parasitic relationship

  • Infection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Exogenous Infections

    • Aquatic

    • Zoonoitc e.g Salmonella

    • Saprophytic e.g Tetanus

  • Endogeneous

    • Infective endocarditis

Microbial symbiosis with human host

  • Normal microbial flora consists of microorganisms that engage in commensal in mutualistic relationship with us. If it was a parasitic relationship, they would be caustyaive agents of disease.

  • We are therefore not activelyu harmed by a microbial flora and derive some degree of benefit from many microbial components.

  • TMany of these organisms can engage in a aprarsitic relationship if given the opportunity.

THe human microbiome

  • The human microbiome is not a composed homogenouslt in all areas of the host.

  • Different physiological sotr are primarily colonised by different microbial species.

  • This is primarily due to different site being chatacterised by different environments that microgransims can specialse to colonise.

  • Colonisation of the intestine can require different specialisation to colonisation of the skin.

Nosocomial Infection- Infection picked up in a hospital.

The Virome

  • This is the viral component to the microbiome

  • A significant amount of our genome is of viral origin,

  • REtroviruses utilse reverse transcription to produce DNA from RNA.

The Mycobiome

  • Fungal composition of the microbiome

  • Composition is fairly well characterisedf but the impact on human health is not as clear,

  • There is not as much research available as to the mycobiome. #

The microbiome and Human Health

  • Synthesis of vitamins

  • Promotion of intestinal angiogenesis .

  • SCFA production of fermentation of fibre.

  • Modulation of CNS,

  • Protection afaint=st pathogens,

  • Immune system development,

  • Promotion of fat storage.

  • Enhances metabolis,

  • Prevention against autoimmunity..

Innate Immunity

Ef bb fv

Specific & Non-SPecific Immune Systems

  • Innate- Non-specific, rapid, aspects are inducible

    • Broad response effective against a range of threats.

  • Adaptive- Specific, targeted, inducible and capable of adapting to threats, (specificity and memory.

The Innate Immune System

  • COnsists of

    • Physcial Barriers

    • Antimicrobial peptides and enzymes

    • The complement system

    • Non-SPecific Cellls

    • Inflammation

  • Exterior Defences

    • They are an effective barrier, very few infectious agents can penetrate intact skin.

      • Mechanical Barriers- Skin, cillia, hair, earwax, sweat.

    • Pathogens gain access through the mucosal epithelia such as gastrointestinal,urogenital, nasipharynx and lung.

      • Physiological barriers- coughing, sneezing, urination, diarrhoea.

    • SOme pathogens infect the body by entering the blood directly.

      • Immune response- Eliminate infectious agents and minimise the damage they cause.

  • Physica Barriers

    • Pathogens can enter the body at different points, each of these points have their own physical barriers, these barriers must be breached in order to initiate an infection.

    • Defence depends on, the breaching of these physical barriers.

    • The innate defence are dependent on where the pathogen resides.

  • Epithelial Barriers

    • Tight junctions are the basis of the epithelial barrier.

    • Epithelium provides a location for other immune factors.

      • Enzymes such as lysozyme

      • Cryptdins and a-defensins

      • B-defensins,

      • Acidic stomach pH,

      • Surfactants.

    • Mucus and Villi

    • Normal Gut flora.

  • First Line of Defence

    • We are born with non-specific defences that do not require prior exposure to a harmful substance or threatnenitn cell, thus called innate immunity,

    • Such as,

      • Granulocytes

      • Mast Cells,

      • Monocytes.

      • Dendritic Cells, Macrophages.

      • NAtural Killer Cells..

  • Physical Barriers- EPithelia

    • Epithelia comprise both the skin and the linings of the bodys passages.

      • Including the Respiratory Tract, Gastrointestinal Tract, Urogenitaltracts.

    • Epithelial Cells are held together by tight junctions, multiprotein junction complexes form a seal to prevent leakage of fluids and entry of pathogens,

    • A pathogen must bind to, or cross an epithelia in order to cause an infection.

  • Immune System cells derive from haematopoietic stem cells.

  • Physical Barriers- EPidermis

    • Epidermis is the skin, consists of multiple layers of cells.

    • The stratum granulosim and spinosum contain lamellar bodies.

    • These organelles contain lipids which form a watertight lipid layer.

  • REspiratory Tract

    • Bronchial Cilliated EPithlial Cells.

  • Gut

    • Mucus secreting goblet cells.

    • Antimicrobial proteins e.g PAtoeth Cells.

    • COmmensal bacteria out compete pathogens.

  • ANtimicrobial peptides.

  • Protection by immune system

    • REcognition of pathogen & REsponse

    • Any pathogen needs recognisinf

    • Mount a reaction to eliminate it.

    • Specific recognition enable a specific response.

    • Non-specidic recognition ebables a non specific response

  • Immune recognition- distinguishign foreign invaders from self-components. Triggers an effector response that eliminates or neutralises the invader.

  • Immunological Memory- Certain exposures induce a rapid and heightened immune reaction upon a later attach called a memory response.

  • Site of the infectoo and type of pathogen determine which immune response is effective.

  • Viruses, bacteria and some protozoa replicate inside host cells, therefore these infectred cells have to be destroyed.

  • Many bacteria a nd parasites live in tissues therefore different immune response is neede.d

  • Phagocytosis

    • Plasma membrane of phagocytic cells, expands around the particulate material which may include whole pathogenic organis,s

    • Phagosomes in macrophages have reactive oxygen species, neutrophils contain lactoferrin.

    • Granules and lysosoymes fuse with phagosome producing phagolysosume where digestive enzymes are secreted into.

  • Receptor Mediated Endocytosis

    • 1)Molecule binds to protein receptor

    • 2) Receptor-molecule moves to clatharin-coated pit.

    • 3) Cell membrane folds inwards.

    • 4) Formation of a coated vesicle/

    • 5) Vesicl e fuses with an endosome

    • 6) REceptors and molecules separate.

  • Soluble molecules in innate immune response.

    • Lysosymes- Hydrolytic enzyme able to cleave bacterial cell wall.

    • Inteferons - A group of proteins produces by virus-infected cells.

    • Cytokines- Chemokines, interleukins,

    • Collectins - Proteins that directly disrupt the vace=terial lipid membranes or by aggravating the bacteria to enhanac e susceptibilyty to phagocytosis.

    • COmpliment- A group of serum proteins in an inactive state. When activated, able to damage the membranes of pathogenic organisms. Activation is a cascade reaction with each component sequentially acting on others.

  • AMP- AntiMicrobial PEptides

    • Hsot defence peptides- usually 10 to 50 residues long.

    • A key com[onent of the innate immune system, they act against resistanc epathogenic organisms.

    • Defensisn- by neutrophils, macrophages and epithelial cells.

    • Cathelicidin, by neutrophils and epithelilals cells.

    • Lactoferrin - in milk and secretions.

  • AMP Mechanisms

    • Teo modes of action - Direct Killing & Immuene modulation.

    • Direct Killing

PAMPS - PAthogen ASsociated Molecular Pattens

  • A successful PAMP induces a widespread non specific response.

  • Must be

    • Easily distinguishable

    • Essential for pathogen survival.

    • PResent on a wide range of pathogens.

  • There is a constant selective pressure on the immune system to respond to these PAMPS.

  • Microbial PAMPS- Lipopolysscccharides, Porins, peptidoglycans, glycodlipids…….

PPRS- Pattern REcognition receptors.

  • p

Thr complement Pathway

Pattern REcognition

Adaptive Immunity

Adaptive Immunity

  • Provided by lymphocytes

  • Adapts to pathogens

  • Long Lasting (memory cells).

Neutrophils & Macrophages

  • Key cells of innate immunity

B & T cells

  • Key cells of adaptive immunity

  • Antibodies, amde by B cells, are important molecules and mediators of the adaptive immunity.

  • T cells need the help of MHC to see antigens.

Lymph and Kymph nodes

  • Lymoh percolates through the tissues, collecting cells and antigens,

  • Cell encounters occur in specialised lymphoid tissue

  • Lymphocyte training,

Antigenic Specificity

  • Can distinguish subtle differences among antigens.

  • ANtibodies can identify a single amino acid difference between two pathogenic proteins,


  • In the recognition of molecules; can recognisea single type of organism and differentiate among this with minor genetic variations.

Immunologic Memory

  • A second encounter with the dame antigen induces a heigthenes state of immune reactivity.

  • Confers immunity.

Self-Non Self recognition

  • Ability to distinguis self from non self and respond only to nonself is essential

Primary Immune response

  • The first encounter with a pathogen.

  • Longer lag time.

  • Less specific response.

Secondary Immune REsponse

  • Faster response.

  • Second and subsequent infections eith the same pahtogen,

  • More specific response.

  • Principle of vaccination.

COmponents of adaptive immunity

  • Cellular- T cells

  • Humoral- B cells

  • Success of acquires immune response depends on the functions of both the cellular and humoeal responses as well as interactions with them.

Immune System Cells

  • All immune system cells are derived from haematiopoitic stem cells.

  • Heamtopoeiss is the formation of blood cells.

  • White blood cells, leukpcutyes, immune system cells.

  • Haematopoeisis shifts during development and occurs throughout life in bone marrow.

Where do lymphocytes come from?

  • Both B cells and T cells start off in the bone marrow.

  • They develop from Haematopoietic Stem Cells by a process ca;;ed Haematopoiesis.

  • HSCs become common lymphocyte progenitors which then differentiate into the different Cells.

  • B cells stay in the bone marrow whilst T cells go to the thymus to mature.

  • Generation of CLonal Diversity- Production of T and B cells with all possible receptors.

  • Clonal Selection - Selection, proliferation and differentiation of individual T and B cell receptors for a specific antigen.

T and B cells

  • T cells can wipe out infected or cancerous cells.

    • Also direct the immune response by helping B lymphocytes to eliminate invading pathogens.

  • B cells have the ability to transform into plasmacytes and are responsible for producing antibodies.

  • Lymphocytes present receptors for antigen recognition with different specificity on their surfaces.

Cell-Mediated Immunity

  • REsistance to pathogens or cancerous cells from the activation of T cells.

  • ACtivated T cells form subsets of effector cells along with memory cells.

    • Effector cells actively engage in immune responses.

    • Memory Cells remember the specific antigen and responding more rapidly and effectively against future infections.

  • T cells are particulary important in protection against viruses and pathogens that are resistant to killing by normal neutrophiles and macrophages.

Types of T cells

  • Cytotoxic T cells (Tc)

    • Attack and kill targets directly such as cells infected by viruses or cancerous cells.

  • Helper T cells (Th)

    • Stimulates the activity of other leukocytes through cell to cell contact or through the secretion of cytokines (assembly of macrophages for pahgocytosis, trigger B cell activation).

  • REgulatory t cells (Tr)

    • Shut down an immune response after the antigens have been destroyed and prevent inapporpriate immune reactions.

  • Memory T cells (™)

    • Respons quickly to a second challenge of the same antigen.

B Cells

  • Stromal cells of the bone marrow.

  • Humoral Immune Response

    ANtibody Mediatied Immunity

    • Mediated by a population of antibodies, that can produce more antibodies rapidlyty to a second challenge with the same antige, 

    • Antibodies circulate in the blood and bind to antigens on infectious agents, resulting in direct activation of the microorganis, or activation of a variety of inflammatory mediators to destroy pathogens. 

    • ANtibodies are primarily responsible for protection against many bacteria and viruses. 


    • Y shaped proteins that are specific to each pathogen 

    • Able to lock onto the surface of an invading cell and mark it for destruction by other immune cells. 

    • Immunoglobulin is a serum glycoprotein produced by plasma cells. 

    • Antibody is one particular set of immunoglobulin which have a specificity to a particular antigen. 

    • Consists of four polypeptides; Two heavy chains and two light chains. 

    • Dual functions; Antigen binding and biological activity mediation. 

    Types of Immunoglobulins

    • IgA

      • Secreted into mucus, saliva, tears and colostrum

      • Tags pathogens for destruction

    • IgD

      • B cell receptor, stimulates release of igM. 

    • IgE

      • Binds to mast cells and basophils. 

      • Allergy and antiparasitic activity. 

    • IgG

      • Bidns to phagocytes. 

      • Main blood antibody for secondary responses. 

      • Crosses placenta. 

    • IgM

      • Fixes complement. 

      • Main antibody of primary responses. 

      • B-cell receptor

      • Immune system memory. 

    Antigen-Antibody Binding

    • When antigens bind to antibodies it changes the shape of the antigen molecule slightly so the hidden regions are exposed. 

    • ANtibodies may protect the host by covering sites on the microorganism that are needed for attachment thereby preventing infection. 

    • Most toxins of bacteria are proteins that bind to cell surface molecules and damage cells. 

    • Protective antibodies can bind to the toxins and prevent their interaction with host cells. 

    Active Immunity Vs Passive Immunity

    Natural Immunity

    Natural immunity is the deliberate exposure to a causative agent. 

    Active Natural Immunity

    • A child develops measles and acquires an immunity to subsequent infection. 

    Passive Natural Immunity

    • A foetus receives protection from the mother through the placenta or an infant from the mother's milk. 

    Artificial Immunity

    Articial immunity is another deliberate exposure to a causative agent. 

    Active Artificial immunity

    • Intentional exposure e.g Vaccination

    Passive Artificial Immunity

    • Injection of protective materials taht was developed by another individuals immune system 


    • The principle of vaccination is based on specificit abd memory of adaptive immunity. 

    • MEmory cells allow the immune system to mount a much stronger response on a second encounter with the antigen where the secondary response is faster and more effective than the primary response. 

    • After a pthofen or is toxinf in a way that hey become innocuous without losing antigenicity. 

    • Antibodies and T cells recognise particular parts of antigens, the epitopes and not the whole organism or toxin. 

    • T-lymphocytes and ANtibodies are produces. 


    • A weakened or dead form of a pathogen or subunits from it that aew known to stimulate the immune system to generate an immune response. 

    • Vaccines are typically administered using an injection, some through nasal spray. 


Host-Parasite Relationship

  • Microorganisms engage in relationships with host species.

  • This relationship is referred to as symbiotic.


  • A mutually beneficial relationship.


  • A relationship in which the host is neither harmed nor benefited whilst the coloniser benefits.

  • Many feeding relationships are commensal.


  • Oarasitism is a relationship in which the host is harmed and the parasite benefits.

  • This is the relationship microorganisms engage in when causing human disease.

  • The same microorganism can potentially engae in a parasitic of commensal/mutualistic relationship with the host dependant on the circumstances.

  • Whilst parasitic relationships benefit the parasite causing excessive harm to the host does not necessarily benefit the parasite.

  • It invites the possibility of coextinction.

  • If the parasite causes extinction of the host, it is also at risk of extinction,

  • Most parasites have not evolved to cause severe or debilitating disease but have evolved to conventional parasitism.

Direct & Indirect Pathogenesis.

  • Microorganisms ay directly cause disease or the immune sustem may cause inadvertant damage in attempts to target infecting microorganisms.

  • Direct Pathogenesis

    • In direct pathogenesis the microorganism directly induces harm to the host.

    • E.g Polio causies the lysis of motor neurones and therefore paralysis.

    • One form of direct pathogenesis is the lysis of host cells.

      • HIV mediation lysis of immune cells, which leads to immunodeficiency and ultimately AIDS.

      • Often associated with viruses as they are intracellulaar pathogens,

    • ANother form of direct pathogenesis is the release of exotixins that cause host damage.

      • Exotoxins are proteins released by bacterium

      • E.g Clostridium botulinum, releases a neurotoxin that acts at the nerve muscle junction and inhibits the release of acetylcholine, prevents the signalling events required for muscle stimulation.

  • Indirect Pathogenesis

    • The microorganism indirectly induces harm to the host.

    • HArm occurs as a consequence of immune activation.

    • AS the immune activation is a response to the presence of the microorganism, the microorganism can be considered responsible for the harm just indirectly.

      • E.g symptoms of the common cols are caused by localised inflammation as a response to the virus.

    • LPS stimulates a potent, widespread immune response, which immediately causes fever and inflammation,

    • Pathogenesis dissemination can cause septic shock, not primarily antibody based.

    • Hypersensitivity

      • Essentially hyperactivation of the immune system

      • Type 1- Immediate hypersensitivity, allergen triggers degranuation of mast cells to release histamine,

      • Type 2- Mediated by antibodies tagetins the infectious organism.

      • Type 3- Caused by high levels of immune complezxes, accumulating in tissues and blood vessels.

      • Type 4-m Cell mediated immunity invariably causes tissue damage.

  • Extreme Parasitism and coextinction

    • In general it os not beneficial for a parasite to cause dearh in the host.

    • In a symbiosis, the microorganism is dependant on a the host organism to some degree.

    • These relationships are often very specialised which creates th eissue of host availability, there is a threat of coextinction.

    • Parasitic microorganisms therefore typically cause limited disease.

    • The exceptions tend to be emerginf parasites where no abalance has evolced, other example have simply evolved to be extreme parasites.

  • Parasitic Castraters

    • Cause severe damage to the host in the form of castration but derive hughe benefits.

    • E.g Green Crabm penetrates the host results in gonad atrophy.

  • Parasitoids

    • Cause severe damage (death) but derive huge benefits.





22/01/2024-Lecture 01

Infectious Disease


Viruses are acellular, They do not fit into any of the 3 domains of life.

It is not clearly understood how they are related to the domains or their members.

  • Each viral unit as a particle.

  • Each viral particle consists of a nucleic acid genome wrapped in a protein coat.

  • The protein coat is referred to as the capsid.

  • In some viruses this capsid is surrounded by a lipid envelope.

  • Compared to the structure and organisation of cellular life, the structure and orgganisation of viruses is clearly minimalistic.

  • Smaller than eukaryotic cells,

Viral structure

  • Viral capsid- madebup of repeating, identical subunits which self assemble into structures.

  • Since viruses require host for their replication, they are under constant pressure to have compact genomes.

  • They have evolved to produce proteins that can self-assemble into structures.

  • Capsid protein can self assemble on their own or with the help of other proteins into structures.

  • Capsid protein form different viruses can self-assemble in different ways thereby determining the overall shape the virus.

  • Based on the capsid shape viruses can be broadly classififed into 3 types; Helical, Icosahedral and Complex.



  • Eukaryotes

Types of Phylum of Fungi


  • LAck Mitochondria

  • Unicellular

  • Replicate via host cell.

  • Produce spores for reproduction


  • Morphologically diverse, yeast to moulds.

  • Ascus-sac with 8 spores.


  • Club Shaped end cells- basidia,

  • Usually 4 spores.


  • Sporangium- Ball of wool like appearance.

  • May be aseptate

  • Chitosan cell wall.

  • Fungi are a kingdom in Eukaryota

    • In between Plantae and animalia/

    • There is a presence of membrane bound organelles

    • They are similar to plants have they have a cell wall.

  • Evolutionary Level

    • Fungal cells are similar to human cells compared to bacterial cells.

    • This has implications in therapeutic interventions.

  • Unicellular

    • Yeasts

  • Multicellular

    • Moulds

  • Dimorphic Fungi

    • Existance in both yeast and mould forms.

    • E.g Candida ALbicans, Is a yeast outside the body and a mould inside the human body.


  • Mycology

    • Study of Fungi

  • Mukes

    • Fungi

  • Mycoses

    • Fungal Diseases

  • Dermato Mycoses

    • Fungal Diseases of the skin


  • Long Branching filamentous structure (Hyphae)

  • Sometimes filamentous structures are separated into cell-like units by septa.

  • Hyphae; Vegetative (mycelium) & Aerial.

  • Multicellular

  • Aerial produces spores

  • Mycelium- root like structures.


  • Unicellular

  • Non filamentous

  • Spherical or Oval

  • Divide by Budding and Fission.

Dimorphic Fungi

  • Fungo can be broadly classifies into yeasts and moulds, dependent upon the growth phenotype.

  • Dimorphic- Some fungi have both the growth forms, a yeast and mould for,.

  • Many dimorphic fungi are pathogenic.

  • In most cases, alteration between the two forms is dependent on temperature.

Fungi Characteristics

  • Fungi are eukaryotic, cellular processes are similar to other eukaryotic organisms.

  • Similar to plant cells. Fungal cells have a cell wall, but the cell wall is made up of chitin,.

  • They reproduce via Budding, fission or spores.

  • Capable of growing at different pH;s.

  • Most fungi require less nitrogen than bacteria.

  • They are more resistant to osmotic pressure than bacteria.

  • Fungi can metabolise complex carbohydrates.

  • They are chemoheterotrophs.

    • Derives its energy from chemicals.

  • Most filamentous fungi require oxygen

  • Most yeasts are anaerobic.

Fungal Reproduction

  • Can be sexual and Asexual

  • In asexual reproduction;

    • The mycelium produces genetically identical unicellular haploid spores.

  • In sexual reproduction;

    • Teo different mycelia mate and produce a diploid zygote.

    • The diploid zygote then undergoes meiosis producing haploid spores.

    • Haploid spores germinate into mycelium.

Ascomycota Reproduction

Microsporidia Reproduction



Yeast Reproduction








Parasite - An organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

Parasitoid- An insect whose larvae live as parasites which eventually kill their hosts.

Obligate Parasaite - Only purpose is to exist in the parasitic relationship.

Many organisms have complex life cycles involving one or more host or hoshts.

Human parasitic infections are a huge problem in tropical regions- but not exclusively.

Definitive Hosts- Final host in which the parasite reaches maturity and undergoes sexual reproduction,

Intermediate Hosts- Host in which the parasite undergoes developmental stages.




  • Ticks and Mites

  • Visit the surface of the host to feed.

  • Some may be the vectors for endoparasitic organisms (Malaria and mosquitous)

  • They are macroscopic.

  • Classed as macropatasites.


  • Lice

Endo- Parasites



Other infectious agents


‘Germ Theory’ - Infectious disease is spread by microscopic, living, causative agents.

Environmental sources of microorganisms

  • Soil

  • Cooking Meat (or not cooking lol)

  • Contamination of Water

  • Cough Droplets.

  • We are all inhabited by commensal microorganisms and a balance exists between the microorganisms and the epithelium.

  • This allows for microbial survival and the prevention of induction of inflammation.

  • Benefits of Commensals

    • Aids in maturation of immune system

    • Assist in digestions

    • Role in toxic degradation.

  • When there is an imbalance, the microorganisms can cause tissue damage.

The human microbiome

  • The microbiome works in harmony with various organs in the body and aids in their function.

  • From newborn, the newborns mouth is sterile and is then inoculated from the first feed onwards from mothers food.

  • This transmits the microorganisms to colonisation sites.

  • Acquisition of Oral Microbial flora

    • The moutb is initalluy hihgly selective for microorganisms.

    • On Epithelial Surfaces

      • Only a few oral species colonise,

      • They are Gram Positive and aerobic.

      • Mainly streptococci.

      • Thye are the pioneer species.

      • Within 2-3 months, gram negative anaerobic bacteria begin to appear.

    • It is not accidental.

    • It is a natural acquisition and selection process.

  • Microorganism Host Relationship

    • Symbiosis refers to the relationship between different organisms.

    • Various types of symbiotic relationships exists such as commensalism, mutalism and parasitism.

    • Commensalism.

      • Microorganism benefits, host is neither harmed nor helped.

    • Mutualism or True Symbiosis

      • Both microorganism and host benefits.

      • The host is not harmed and derives a clear benefit.

    • Parasitism

      • Microroganism benefits but the host is harmed.

COnsequences of a parasitic relationship

  • Infection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Exogenous Infections

    • Aquatic

    • Zoonoitc e.g Salmonella

    • Saprophytic e.g Tetanus

  • Endogeneous

    • Infective endocarditis

Microbial symbiosis with human host

  • Normal microbial flora consists of microorganisms that engage in commensal in mutualistic relationship with us. If it was a parasitic relationship, they would be caustyaive agents of disease.

  • We are therefore not activelyu harmed by a microbial flora and derive some degree of benefit from many microbial components.

  • TMany of these organisms can engage in a aprarsitic relationship if given the opportunity.

THe human microbiome

  • The human microbiome is not a composed homogenouslt in all areas of the host.

  • Different physiological sotr are primarily colonised by different microbial species.

  • This is primarily due to different site being chatacterised by different environments that microgransims can specialse to colonise.

  • Colonisation of the intestine can require different specialisation to colonisation of the skin.

Nosocomial Infection- Infection picked up in a hospital.

The Virome

  • This is the viral component to the microbiome

  • A significant amount of our genome is of viral origin,

  • REtroviruses utilse reverse transcription to produce DNA from RNA.

The Mycobiome

  • Fungal composition of the microbiome

  • Composition is fairly well characterisedf but the impact on human health is not as clear,

  • There is not as much research available as to the mycobiome. #

The microbiome and Human Health

  • Synthesis of vitamins

  • Promotion of intestinal angiogenesis .

  • SCFA production of fermentation of fibre.

  • Modulation of CNS,

  • Protection afaint=st pathogens,

  • Immune system development,

  • Promotion of fat storage.

  • Enhances metabolis,

  • Prevention against autoimmunity..

Innate Immunity

Ef bb fv

Specific & Non-SPecific Immune Systems

  • Innate- Non-specific, rapid, aspects are inducible

    • Broad response effective against a range of threats.

  • Adaptive- Specific, targeted, inducible and capable of adapting to threats, (specificity and memory.

The Innate Immune System

  • COnsists of

    • Physcial Barriers

    • Antimicrobial peptides and enzymes

    • The complement system

    • Non-SPecific Cellls

    • Inflammation

  • Exterior Defences

    • They are an effective barrier, very few infectious agents can penetrate intact skin.

      • Mechanical Barriers- Skin, cillia, hair, earwax, sweat.

    • Pathogens gain access through the mucosal epithelia such as gastrointestinal,urogenital, nasipharynx and lung.

      • Physiological barriers- coughing, sneezing, urination, diarrhoea.

    • SOme pathogens infect the body by entering the blood directly.

      • Immune response- Eliminate infectious agents and minimise the damage they cause.

  • Physica Barriers

    • Pathogens can enter the body at different points, each of these points have their own physical barriers, these barriers must be breached in order to initiate an infection.

    • Defence depends on, the breaching of these physical barriers.

    • The innate defence are dependent on where the pathogen resides.

  • Epithelial Barriers

    • Tight junctions are the basis of the epithelial barrier.

    • Epithelium provides a location for other immune factors.

      • Enzymes such as lysozyme

      • Cryptdins and a-defensins

      • B-defensins,

      • Acidic stomach pH,

      • Surfactants.

    • Mucus and Villi

    • Normal Gut flora.

  • First Line of Defence

    • We are born with non-specific defences that do not require prior exposure to a harmful substance or threatnenitn cell, thus called innate immunity,

    • Such as,

      • Granulocytes

      • Mast Cells,

      • Monocytes.

      • Dendritic Cells, Macrophages.

      • NAtural Killer Cells..

  • Physical Barriers- EPithelia

    • Epithelia comprise both the skin and the linings of the bodys passages.

      • Including the Respiratory Tract, Gastrointestinal Tract, Urogenitaltracts.

    • Epithelial Cells are held together by tight junctions, multiprotein junction complexes form a seal to prevent leakage of fluids and entry of pathogens,

    • A pathogen must bind to, or cross an epithelia in order to cause an infection.

  • Immune System cells derive from haematopoietic stem cells.

  • Physical Barriers- EPidermis

    • Epidermis is the skin, consists of multiple layers of cells.

    • The stratum granulosim and spinosum contain lamellar bodies.

    • These organelles contain lipids which form a watertight lipid layer.

  • REspiratory Tract

    • Bronchial Cilliated EPithlial Cells.

  • Gut

    • Mucus secreting goblet cells.

    • Antimicrobial proteins e.g PAtoeth Cells.

    • COmmensal bacteria out compete pathogens.

  • ANtimicrobial peptides.

  • Protection by immune system

    • REcognition of pathogen & REsponse

    • Any pathogen needs recognisinf

    • Mount a reaction to eliminate it.

    • Specific recognition enable a specific response.

    • Non-specidic recognition ebables a non specific response

  • Immune recognition- distinguishign foreign invaders from self-components. Triggers an effector response that eliminates or neutralises the invader.

  • Immunological Memory- Certain exposures induce a rapid and heightened immune reaction upon a later attach called a memory response.

  • Site of the infectoo and type of pathogen determine which immune response is effective.

  • Viruses, bacteria and some protozoa replicate inside host cells, therefore these infectred cells have to be destroyed.

  • Many bacteria a nd parasites live in tissues therefore different immune response is neede.d

  • Phagocytosis

    • Plasma membrane of phagocytic cells, expands around the particulate material which may include whole pathogenic organis,s

    • Phagosomes in macrophages have reactive oxygen species, neutrophils contain lactoferrin.

    • Granules and lysosoymes fuse with phagosome producing phagolysosume where digestive enzymes are secreted into.

  • Receptor Mediated Endocytosis

    • 1)Molecule binds to protein receptor

    • 2) Receptor-molecule moves to clatharin-coated pit.

    • 3) Cell membrane folds inwards.

    • 4) Formation of a coated vesicle/

    • 5) Vesicl e fuses with an endosome

    • 6) REceptors and molecules separate.

  • Soluble molecules in innate immune response.

    • Lysosymes- Hydrolytic enzyme able to cleave bacterial cell wall.

    • Inteferons - A group of proteins produces by virus-infected cells.

    • Cytokines- Chemokines, interleukins,

    • Collectins - Proteins that directly disrupt the vace=terial lipid membranes or by aggravating the bacteria to enhanac e susceptibilyty to phagocytosis.

    • COmpliment- A group of serum proteins in an inactive state. When activated, able to damage the membranes of pathogenic organisms. Activation is a cascade reaction with each component sequentially acting on others.

  • AMP- AntiMicrobial PEptides

    • Hsot defence peptides- usually 10 to 50 residues long.

    • A key com[onent of the innate immune system, they act against resistanc epathogenic organisms.

    • Defensisn- by neutrophils, macrophages and epithelial cells.

    • Cathelicidin, by neutrophils and epithelilals cells.

    • Lactoferrin - in milk and secretions.

  • AMP Mechanisms

    • Teo modes of action - Direct Killing & Immuene modulation.

    • Direct Killing

PAMPS - PAthogen ASsociated Molecular Pattens

  • A successful PAMP induces a widespread non specific response.

  • Must be

    • Easily distinguishable

    • Essential for pathogen survival.

    • PResent on a wide range of pathogens.

  • There is a constant selective pressure on the immune system to respond to these PAMPS.

  • Microbial PAMPS- Lipopolysscccharides, Porins, peptidoglycans, glycodlipids…….

PPRS- Pattern REcognition receptors.

  • p

Thr complement Pathway

Pattern REcognition

Adaptive Immunity

Adaptive Immunity

  • Provided by lymphocytes

  • Adapts to pathogens

  • Long Lasting (memory cells).

Neutrophils & Macrophages

  • Key cells of innate immunity

B & T cells

  • Key cells of adaptive immunity

  • Antibodies, amde by B cells, are important molecules and mediators of the adaptive immunity.

  • T cells need the help of MHC to see antigens.

Lymph and Kymph nodes

  • Lymoh percolates through the tissues, collecting cells and antigens,

  • Cell encounters occur in specialised lymphoid tissue

  • Lymphocyte training,

Antigenic Specificity

  • Can distinguish subtle differences among antigens.

  • ANtibodies can identify a single amino acid difference between two pathogenic proteins,


  • In the recognition of molecules; can recognisea single type of organism and differentiate among this with minor genetic variations.

Immunologic Memory

  • A second encounter with the dame antigen induces a heigthenes state of immune reactivity.

  • Confers immunity.

Self-Non Self recognition

  • Ability to distinguis self from non self and respond only to nonself is essential

Primary Immune response

  • The first encounter with a pathogen.

  • Longer lag time.

  • Less specific response.

Secondary Immune REsponse

  • Faster response.

  • Second and subsequent infections eith the same pahtogen,

  • More specific response.

  • Principle of vaccination.

COmponents of adaptive immunity

  • Cellular- T cells

  • Humoral- B cells

  • Success of acquires immune response depends on the functions of both the cellular and humoeal responses as well as interactions with them.

Immune System Cells

  • All immune system cells are derived from haematiopoitic stem cells.

  • Heamtopoeiss is the formation of blood cells.

  • White blood cells, leukpcutyes, immune system cells.

  • Haematopoeisis shifts during development and occurs throughout life in bone marrow.

Where do lymphocytes come from?

  • Both B cells and T cells start off in the bone marrow.

  • They develop from Haematopoietic Stem Cells by a process ca;;ed Haematopoiesis.

  • HSCs become common lymphocyte progenitors which then differentiate into the different Cells.

  • B cells stay in the bone marrow whilst T cells go to the thymus to mature.

  • Generation of CLonal Diversity- Production of T and B cells with all possible receptors.

  • Clonal Selection - Selection, proliferation and differentiation of individual T and B cell receptors for a specific antigen.

T and B cells

  • T cells can wipe out infected or cancerous cells.

    • Also direct the immune response by helping B lymphocytes to eliminate invading pathogens.

  • B cells have the ability to transform into plasmacytes and are responsible for producing antibodies.

  • Lymphocytes present receptors for antigen recognition with different specificity on their surfaces.

Cell-Mediated Immunity

  • REsistance to pathogens or cancerous cells from the activation of T cells.

  • ACtivated T cells form subsets of effector cells along with memory cells.

    • Effector cells actively engage in immune responses.

    • Memory Cells remember the specific antigen and responding more rapidly and effectively against future infections.

  • T cells are particulary important in protection against viruses and pathogens that are resistant to killing by normal neutrophiles and macrophages.

Types of T cells

  • Cytotoxic T cells (Tc)

    • Attack and kill targets directly such as cells infected by viruses or cancerous cells.

  • Helper T cells (Th)

    • Stimulates the activity of other leukocytes through cell to cell contact or through the secretion of cytokines (assembly of macrophages for pahgocytosis, trigger B cell activation).

  • REgulatory t cells (Tr)

    • Shut down an immune response after the antigens have been destroyed and prevent inapporpriate immune reactions.

  • Memory T cells (™)

    • Respons quickly to a second challenge of the same antigen.

B Cells

  • Stromal cells of the bone marrow.

  • Humoral Immune Response

    ANtibody Mediatied Immunity

    • Mediated by a population of antibodies, that can produce more antibodies rapidlyty to a second challenge with the same antige, 

    • Antibodies circulate in the blood and bind to antigens on infectious agents, resulting in direct activation of the microorganis, or activation of a variety of inflammatory mediators to destroy pathogens. 

    • ANtibodies are primarily responsible for protection against many bacteria and viruses. 


    • Y shaped proteins that are specific to each pathogen 

    • Able to lock onto the surface of an invading cell and mark it for destruction by other immune cells. 

    • Immunoglobulin is a serum glycoprotein produced by plasma cells. 

    • Antibody is one particular set of immunoglobulin which have a specificity to a particular antigen. 

    • Consists of four polypeptides; Two heavy chains and two light chains. 

    • Dual functions; Antigen binding and biological activity mediation. 

    Types of Immunoglobulins

    • IgA

      • Secreted into mucus, saliva, tears and colostrum

      • Tags pathogens for destruction

    • IgD

      • B cell receptor, stimulates release of igM. 

    • IgE

      • Binds to mast cells and basophils. 

      • Allergy and antiparasitic activity. 

    • IgG

      • Bidns to phagocytes. 

      • Main blood antibody for secondary responses. 

      • Crosses placenta. 

    • IgM

      • Fixes complement. 

      • Main antibody of primary responses. 

      • B-cell receptor

      • Immune system memory. 

    Antigen-Antibody Binding

    • When antigens bind to antibodies it changes the shape of the antigen molecule slightly so the hidden regions are exposed. 

    • ANtibodies may protect the host by covering sites on the microorganism that are needed for attachment thereby preventing infection. 

    • Most toxins of bacteria are proteins that bind to cell surface molecules and damage cells. 

    • Protective antibodies can bind to the toxins and prevent their interaction with host cells. 

    Active Immunity Vs Passive Immunity

    Natural Immunity

    Natural immunity is the deliberate exposure to a causative agent. 

    Active Natural Immunity

    • A child develops measles and acquires an immunity to subsequent infection. 

    Passive Natural Immunity

    • A foetus receives protection from the mother through the placenta or an infant from the mother's milk. 

    Artificial Immunity

    Articial immunity is another deliberate exposure to a causative agent. 

    Active Artificial immunity

    • Intentional exposure e.g Vaccination

    Passive Artificial Immunity

    • Injection of protective materials taht was developed by another individuals immune system 


    • The principle of vaccination is based on specificit abd memory of adaptive immunity. 

    • MEmory cells allow the immune system to mount a much stronger response on a second encounter with the antigen where the secondary response is faster and more effective than the primary response. 

    • After a pthofen or is toxinf in a way that hey become innocuous without losing antigenicity. 

    • Antibodies and T cells recognise particular parts of antigens, the epitopes and not the whole organism or toxin. 

    • T-lymphocytes and ANtibodies are produces. 


    • A weakened or dead form of a pathogen or subunits from it that aew known to stimulate the immune system to generate an immune response. 

    • Vaccines are typically administered using an injection, some through nasal spray. 


Host-Parasite Relationship

  • Microorganisms engage in relationships with host species.

  • This relationship is referred to as symbiotic.


  • A mutually beneficial relationship.


  • A relationship in which the host is neither harmed nor benefited whilst the coloniser benefits.

  • Many feeding relationships are commensal.


  • Oarasitism is a relationship in which the host is harmed and the parasite benefits.

  • This is the relationship microorganisms engage in when causing human disease.

  • The same microorganism can potentially engae in a parasitic of commensal/mutualistic relationship with the host dependant on the circumstances.

  • Whilst parasitic relationships benefit the parasite causing excessive harm to the host does not necessarily benefit the parasite.

  • It invites the possibility of coextinction.

  • If the parasite causes extinction of the host, it is also at risk of extinction,

  • Most parasites have not evolved to cause severe or debilitating disease but have evolved to conventional parasitism.

Direct & Indirect Pathogenesis.

  • Microorganisms ay directly cause disease or the immune sustem may cause inadvertant damage in attempts to target infecting microorganisms.

  • Direct Pathogenesis

    • In direct pathogenesis the microorganism directly induces harm to the host.

    • E.g Polio causies the lysis of motor neurones and therefore paralysis.

    • One form of direct pathogenesis is the lysis of host cells.

      • HIV mediation lysis of immune cells, which leads to immunodeficiency and ultimately AIDS.

      • Often associated with viruses as they are intracellulaar pathogens,

    • ANother form of direct pathogenesis is the release of exotixins that cause host damage.

      • Exotoxins are proteins released by bacterium

      • E.g Clostridium botulinum, releases a neurotoxin that acts at the nerve muscle junction and inhibits the release of acetylcholine, prevents the signalling events required for muscle stimulation.

  • Indirect Pathogenesis

    • The microorganism indirectly induces harm to the host.

    • HArm occurs as a consequence of immune activation.

    • AS the immune activation is a response to the presence of the microorganism, the microorganism can be considered responsible for the harm just indirectly.

      • E.g symptoms of the common cols are caused by localised inflammation as a response to the virus.

    • LPS stimulates a potent, widespread immune response, which immediately causes fever and inflammation,

    • Pathogenesis dissemination can cause septic shock, not primarily antibody based.

    • Hypersensitivity

      • Essentially hyperactivation of the immune system

      • Type 1- Immediate hypersensitivity, allergen triggers degranuation of mast cells to release histamine,

      • Type 2- Mediated by antibodies tagetins the infectious organism.

      • Type 3- Caused by high levels of immune complezxes, accumulating in tissues and blood vessels.

      • Type 4-m Cell mediated immunity invariably causes tissue damage.

  • Extreme Parasitism and coextinction

    • In general it os not beneficial for a parasite to cause dearh in the host.

    • In a symbiosis, the microorganism is dependant on a the host organism to some degree.

    • These relationships are often very specialised which creates th eissue of host availability, there is a threat of coextinction.

    • Parasitic microorganisms therefore typically cause limited disease.

    • The exceptions tend to be emerginf parasites where no abalance has evolced, other example have simply evolved to be extreme parasites.

  • Parasitic Castraters

    • Cause severe damage to the host in the form of castration but derive hughe benefits.

    • E.g Green Crabm penetrates the host results in gonad atrophy.

  • Parasitoids

    • Cause severe damage (death) but derive huge benefits.

