Untitled Flashcards Set

  • John Ray (1627-1705)

Coined the words species and genus.

First proposed that interbreeding organisms be called "species"

And similar groups of species be called "genera" (singular = "genus")

Fixity of species

  • Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

First systematic classification of organisms (Genus species, e.g., "Homo sapiens")
Also added "class" and "order"

Species were static and created by divine creator

Also classified homo sapiens, which pissed people off. Implicitly challenged great chain's vertical hierarchy, proposed horizontal relationships (A-B-C)

  • George du Buffon (1707-1788)

first suggested dynamic relationship between organism and environment

First suggested that species were not completely fixed (they degrade)

Believed environment could act on a species and cause it to change.

Believed world was old, (maybe 30,000)

  • Degrade

There are features on animals and on humans that doesn't make sense, like male nipples. Vestigial organs, if God made us perfectly, why are there imperfections?
idea of George du Buffon

  • Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

recognized that populations of organisms evolve and emphasized traits must be heritable

First proposed idea of the origin of species through evolution in "Zoonomia" (poetry book)

Common ancestry and life in the sea

did NOT have a mechanism for evolution

  • Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (1774-1829)

recognized that populations of organisms evolve and emphasized traits must be heritable

first mechanistic theory of change

Theory of evolution by inheritance of acquired characteristics. Drew attention to heritability

Tried to put forth a mechanism, he was wrong. The things you do or pick up in your lifetime would make it to your offspring.

Coined the word biology

  • George Cuvier (1769-1832)

recognized the connection between existing life forms and fossils

Recognized that fossils could be grouped with modern organisms and that older fossils were less like modern organisms than younger fossils.

Rejected the concept of evolution and argued for the "fixity of species"


  • Catastrophism

(catasrophy) God made a whole bunch of species and wasn't satified with them, then would flood them out,
basically suggests God had multiple drafts
idea of George Cuvier

  • Charles Lyell (1797-1875)

stressed gradualism and "deep time."

Challenged Catastrophism

Many fossils showed gradual change over long periods of time, "deep time".

Lyell introduced "uniformitarianism"

  • Uniformitarianism

Basically earth is super super old and change happens at the same rate very very slowly, we just don't know because it happens so slowly we cant tell. Stuff that happens now also happened in the past. Natural processes uniformly effected species.
idea of Charles Lyell

  • Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)

suggested that competition between individuals may be intense.

Populations have the potential to increase at a faster rate than resources. As a result there is intense competition among individuals

Eugenicist - Thinks the poor are over producing and are threatening the rich. Compete for food.

Darwin was aware of his ideas, made him think about natural competition.

  • Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)

Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

Developed reputation as solid naturalist

Traveled all over the world - Galapagos Islands

Naturalist biodiversity theory that didn't depend on God.

Emphasized variation and populations
Emphasized both interconnectedness of life and adaptation
Like others, could not say how variation was transmitted or generated

  • Darwin's trip to the Galapagos Islands

Lots of biological diversity and variation though islands broadly similar in environment

Finches: one mainland form, many island forms.

  • Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

Individuals within a population vary.

Most of this variation can be inherited.

Survival of the Fittest - Struggle for existence/intense competition.

Natural Selection - Due to the variation in traits some individuals are better able to survive and reproduce than others (differential reproductive success)

Species and populations change to be well-adapted to survive in their environment

NONRANDOM elimination.
wants to explain bio diversity through natural circumstances.
