Communication methods

Serial vs parallel data transmission

Serial data transmission

Parallel data transmission

Bits sent via an interface one bit at a time over a single wire from source to destination

Several bits sent simultaneously over a number of parallel wires.

Very high transfer rates can be achieved (50Mbps - 100Gbps) as not affected by crosstalk [higher net data transfer rate]

Affected by crosstalk as signal frequency increases and over longer distances [lower net data transfer rate]

Reliable over very long distances

Only reliable over short distances - slightly different properties between each wire results in skew

Smaller and less complex connectors → less expensive

Larger, more complex connectors → more expensive

Bit rate

  • Bit rate: the speed at which data is transmitted serially, measured in bits per second

  • Bit rate of channel = baud rate * number of bits per signal

Baud rate

  • Baud rate: the rate at which the signal changes

  • The unit of Baud rate is Bd

  • Baud rate of channel = bit rate / number of bits per signal

For the above example:

  • There are 4 different “voltage levels” on the vertical axis, representing 4 bit patterns (00, 01, 10, 11)

  • This means that each signal can encode 2 bits (2 ^ 2 = 4 total bit patterns)

With 8 different voltage levels or frequencies, each signal can encode 3 bits.

  • This is because 8 = 2^3

  • A Baud rate of 1 MBd (megabaud) = 3 Mbps, or 3,000,000 bits per second

This can be generalised to:

No. of voltage levels = no. of bit patterns

No. of bit patterns or voltage levels = 2 ^ (how many bits each signal can encode)


  • Baseband: only two voltage levels are most commonly used, one to represent zero, and the other to represent one. Bit rate and baud rate are the same.

  • Each signal can only encode 1 bit (2^1 = 2)


  • Bandwidth: the range of frequencies that a transmission medium can carry

    • Direct relationship between bandwidth and bit rate

      • Pipe carrying water: larger width of pipe → more water can be sent along it


  • Latency: the time delay between the moment transmission of the first byte/packet of a communication starts and when it is received

  • Primarily a function of how long it takes information to travel from source to destination

  • When satellites are involved, the distance that information travels can be over 100,000km

    • Think of the delay between a news anchor in the studio talking to a reporter on the ground far away. That most likely uses a satellite link, and it’s why there’s such a pause before they start speaking.


  • Parity: a system of error-checking in which an extra bit is added to a byte of data before transmission to check if an error is likely to have occurred

  • Can be either even or odd.

  • Even parity: the total number of ‘1’ bits in every byte, including the parity bit itself, must be an even number

  • Odd parity: the total number of ‘1’ bits in every byte, including the parity bit itself, must be an odd number

With both even and odd parity, if the total number of ‘1’s is not either even or odd (depending on the system used) at the receiving end, then an error has occurred in transmission and the data must be resent.

However, you cannot be certain that no errors have occurred as multiple bits could be affected, resulting in the correct total number of ‘1’s but different data.

Synchronous vs asynchronous transmission

Synchronous transmission

Asynchronous transmission

Data transferred at regular intervals, timed by a clocking signal

Does not need to be a way of sharing the clock signal; bytes are sent one at a time, each character being preceded by a start bit and followed by a stop bit

Constant and reliable transmission for time-sensitive data (e.g. real-time voice/video)

Economical for relatively small amounts of data

Typically used by parallel communication (e.g. in the CPU)

Typically used by PCs

The role of start and stop bits in asynchronous transmission

Start bit

Stop bit


  • Protocol: a set of rules relating to communication between devices

  • To allow equipment from different manufacturers to be networked, protocols have been devised covering standards for:

    • Physical connections

    • Cabling

    • Mode of transmission

    • Speed

    • Data format

    • Error detection and correction

  • Any pieces of equipment using the same communication protocol can be linked together

More on protocols
