14th Feb - Duma tell the Tsar that he no longer has support
18th Feb - Putilov Engineering strike complaining about inflation
23rd Feb - Strike grows to 100,000 plus international women’s day
24th Feb - Strike goes up to 200,000 workers
25th Feb - 300,000 demonstrators, no news printed and no public transport. Police felt sympathetic
26th Feb - Garrisons deserted, shots fired on demonstrators and no papers to print the Tsar’s proclamation
27th Feb - Shops looted, general chaos and mutiny. Tsar orders Duma to dissolve but they set up a committee to take charge
28th Feb - The soviet declares it’s intentions to remove the old government system in the Izestiya newspaper
1st Mar - The Petrograd soviet issue order number one
2nd Mar - Tsar officially abdicates
3rd Mar - The Provisional Committee rename themselves the Provisional Government and start to run the country